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Everything posted by obbm

  1. PJB Compact 4. That is all.
  2. Those are guitar cabs designed to complement the Super Tramp Head. Circa 1999/2000.
  3. I now realise that I should never have let that Precision go.
  4. We have several proper Jam Sessions around here every week. Certainly not all 12-bar or blues based. It's a case of attending regularly, getting to know other musos strengths, weaknesses and what songs they know, and bringing something to the party.
  5. If you want to send it to me Simon I'll fix it for you.
  6. I now have a stock of these Hicon Banjo jacks. They are considerably superior to some of the cheap banjo jacks and are very easy to solder . £1.30 each plus postage (which depends on quantity)
  7. [quote name='Bearfist' timestamp='1447417314' post='2907497'] Very happy with this, think I'm finally settled. Although now I have this Glockenklang that goes down to 2.7 Ohms I see a third HD112 in my future.... [attachment=204948:IMG_2263.JPG] [/quote] So that's where the cables went.
  8. [quote name='lateralus462' timestamp='1446548956' post='2900148'] Is this still available? [/quote] Yes it is.
  9. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1446473465' post='2899592'] what's wrong with the pink jazz?? [/quote] As far as I'm concerned, nothing, but some others think differently.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1446469982' post='2899528'] We've had guys set up and just start playing. They don't tell you the song or the key. If they do that I just stand there and look at them until they stop and tell me what we are playing! [/quote] +1
  11. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1446470383' post='2899535'] Blues Allergy [/quote] Great name for a band
  12. I used to do this quite regularly. As already said it's a case of providing bass amp, cab, cables and perhaps a tuner. The norm around here is for everyone to bring their instruments but there have been occasions when someone has asked if they can use my bass. Well I'm a bit particular about who uses my basses so I used to take along my pink Jazz just in case. House band opens proceedings with two or three numbers and then everyone changes. At one local Jam there is an MC who hkeeps details of who's there, he puts together bands and generally keeps things moving along. This stops anyone hogging the limelight. There have been occassions when I've been the only bass player so I got to play all evening but usually there are at least a couple of others. It's good training as you have to listen and think on your feet.
  13. I've just been asked to make a cable for a Takstar WGV-601 wireless system ( [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/TAKSTAR-WGV-601-GUITAR-WIRELESS-SYSTEM/dp/B006AZDN3A"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/TAKSTAR-WGV-601-GUITAR-WIRELESS-SYSTEM/dp/B006AZDN3A[/url]) which seems to be sold by Amazon for about £50, and on Ebay from the Far East. The spec says that it operates in the 220MHz-270MHz band. Surely this is not legal in the UK?
  14. Very pleased that you have got yourself on track and that you are back here. We missed you.
  15. [b]Mesa Boogie V1 Bottle Rocket Valve Overdrive pedal[/b] Single channel overdrive using 2 x 12AX7 valves Gain, Master, Bass and Treble controls True Bypass Runs on 12-volt AC and comes complete with UK spec PSU. £185 posted to UK.
  16. Just as a visual comparison here are 4 types of cable. Top left is 4-sq.mm. speaker cable Bottom left is 2.5-sq.mm. speaker cable Top right is Klotz AC110 instrument cable Bottom right is Vandamme Classic instrument cable. I wouldn't/couldn't run a 100-watt light bulb of either of the instrument cables so why would anyone think they could run a 500-watt amplifier with them. The 2.5-sq.mm. speaker cable is great for guitars and adequate for bass however the 4-sq.mm. which is designed for sub-woofers, has a considerably lower resistance which helps keep the amplifier's damping factor high and allows to amp tighter control of the drivers.
  17. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1445427062' post='2891336'] Does this apply to extension speakers from combos as well? I suspect I've been using a short instrument lead to connect the ext cab from my Trace combo for I don't know how many years with no issues though I'm not absolutely certain it's not a speaker lead. [/quote] Yes it does. The power stage of a combo is the same as the power stage of a head or a stand-alone power amp. They should all use twin-core cable of an appropriate cross-sectional area conductor. You might just find that by using the right sort of cable improves your tone.
  18. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1445423420' post='2891305'] I'd heard this too. But just wondering why, and what would happen if you used an instrument lead? [/quote] Like all things electrical there is the right sized cable for the job. Instrument leads are designed to carry small signals, i.e. miilivolts and milliamps. Power amps output large signals, i.e. tens of volts and several amps and need appropriate sized cables. By using an instrument lead to connect an amp to a speaker cabinet you potentially run the risk of overloading the conductors, burning out the cable and short-circuiting the amplifiers output stage which results in silence, blue smoke, a smell of burning insulation and a hefty repair bill.
  19. Has anyone got one of these? If so, any comments.
  20. Phil Jones Compact 4 Speaker Cab.[list] [*]Speakers: 4×5″ “Piranha” [*]Power: 400W [*]Impedance: 8 Ohm [*]Frequency: 35 Hz – 15KHz [*]Dimensions( W x D x H): 14″x12.5″x13.5″ [*]Net Weight: 29 lbs [*]Connection: NL4 [*]Slip on cover included [/list] I bought 2 of these but in reality only need one. Very loud - check SE Bass Bash cab shootout. Been used twice. In original shipping box complete with documentation and accessories. £250 collected from GU10, meet up or carriage at cost.
  21. Will just bought some knobs and a control plate. Couldn't have been easier. Always nice to sell to a fellow countryman. cheers Dave
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1443351216' post='2873989'] The Xenyx 1002 has a 2-track input using phono sockets. With levels adjusted from the source (volume out from the laptop..?), no adaptor would be required. Just sayin'. [/quote] Indeed unlike some mixers this has a "2-track to Mix" to allow the 2-track input to be used an additional source, so just 3.5mm stereo to 2 x phono is all you need Louis.
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