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Everything posted by obbm

  1. Don't forget that you can use small amp like BH250 or the GK MB200 with or without speakers so you have spare amp and DI options.
  2. Actually it's the other way round. NL2 Plugs fit NL2 and NL4 sockets. NL4 plugs only fit NL4 sockets.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1435337609' post='2807910'] Interparcel's insurance only goes up to £1000. If you want more you'll have to deal directly with someone like UPS or Fedex which will be a lot more. [/quote] This is getting silly. Package is 8cm too long for UPS Fedex limit the declared value to $1000 for guitars over 20 years old.
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1435337060' post='2807903'] I select my couriers via Interparcel.com. Most quotes come with £50 or £100 cover, which you can then add to, typically at a rate of 2% of the insured value. [/quote] Interparcel have just told me £1000 maximum.
  5. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1435336096' post='2807885'] Don't know if it helps but Status Graphite ship their new basses with UK Mail. They are worth a lot more than £1000. [/quote] Just tried them and the parcel is too big.
  6. I've been trying to find a Courier to take my preEB Stingray to Denmark however I keep coming up against limitations to the insurance cover. ParcelFarce say £100 max and others are saying £1000 which is not enough. Anyone found a Courier who will give cover above £1000?
  7. Speedworth, the Stock Car Racing company, used to play this as the cars started their parade lap. RIP Tongham Stadium.
  8. Lyrics and pronunciation are wonderful. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOist14-_bU[/media]
  9. Stingray pre-amp of late 1980s vintage. Comprises board and tone pots. Plenty of information about wiring at [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0019.htm"]http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0019.htm[/url] £65 posted to the UK.
  10. Control plate for Stack-Knob Jazz plus a set of black and chrome knobs for CTS pots. £25 posted to the UK.
  11. obbm

    Wanted Forum

    [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1435228967' post='2806683'] Let us know what you want done, we are at your service. [/quote] Whilst I can fully understand the reasoning behind not allowing public responses to Wanted Posts it seems ludicrous to stop the originators deleting their own posts. For example, in my case, I've changed my mind. I would have thought that the Mods have more than enough to do without having to undertake such a simple administrative task. It's just plain daft or is it something to do with control.
  12. obbm

    Wanted Forum

    Why can't I delete my wanted postings?
  13. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1435215844' post='2806502'] Do these have raised poles? [/quote] Yes, they poke out the top of the shell by just under 1mm.
  14. Hipshot BT10 Chrome Detuner for Japan Fender. Very little use. Original packaging £45 posted to UK.
  15. <p>[quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1434823184' post='2803124'] Aaaahhh beaten to the Battle of Britain theme by Rich, favorite film ever and also inspiring soundtrack that just fits! [/quote] This reminded me of another Spitfire themed movie "The First Of The Few" and Williams Walton's Spitfire Prelude and Fugue. [url="https://youtu.be/p0XBD4o4XRU"]https://youtu.be/p0XBD4o4XRU[/url] BTW How do you embed a YouTube video?
  16. Richard Rodney Bennett's superb score for "Murder On The Orient Express" especially as the train pulls out of Istanbul and gathers speed. Pure musical poetry
  17. Actually it's always played well and sounded good which is why I bought it in the first place. The questioning of originality would never have occurred had I not taken the neck off to check as I was changing the strings. I should probably have done it sooner, but hey, we're never too old to learn. I've not used Rotosound strings for years however it was Billy Sheehan, I think, at the Bass Guitar Show, who commented that the majority of hit records had been made with Fender Precisions strung with Rotosound strings. I thought I'd give them a try and I'm not disappointed.
  18. Recently purchased a set of Rotosounds from Daniel. A no fuss transaction. Top man.
  19. Thanks guys. I can relax and just enjoy its great tone with a new set of Rotosounds.
  20. A couple of years ago I bought an advertised 1973 Precision with an refinished neck from a well known purveyor of bass equipment. I thought it was time to check and document it so today I've had the neck off and had a look at the stamps and pots. So what date do the Fender experts reckon this is? Neck has the name David stamped on the heel. I paid good money for this on the basis that it was a 1973. I think I've been conned.
  21. So it's one of these then:
  22. [quote name='bongo61' timestamp='1433580399' post='2792203'] Any pictures of date stamps or pots ? [/quote] Not immediately to hand but I'll take it apart on Monday and get some shots.
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