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Everything posted by obbm

  1. Good quality cover for Schroeder 1212L cabinet. I guess it'll also fit a 1210.
  2. Welcome. Where in mid-Cornwall are you?
  3. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1424817643' post='2700916'] Obbm could you wing past my stand there is a cable I need made up specifically for a bass in the works. Cheers Alan [/quote] Of course Alan. Always enjoy a chat.
  4. [b][u]Saturday[/u][/b] The Greek Timmo [b][u]Sunday[/u][/b] Bobthedog obbm
  5. Get a lead with 4mm Banana plugs on one end and a Speakon on the other.
  6. I use one of these cabs with a TH500 for rehearsals. Sounds good and always plenty loud enough but haven't used it for a gig.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423954175' post='2690950'] Another good reason for using HH cabs..! [/quote] Nah. Never get it in the Dog and Duck.
  8. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1423947360' post='2690829'] Has anyone ripped the guts out of a ray5 and replaced the pickup & preamp with something else? Like a set of Nordy Big Singles and modern higher output preamp? To make a JazzRay? I love the playability of my Ray5, but tonally my Sandberg TM5 leaves it for dead. What have you lot done? (Obviously I'll put this on the EBMM forum as well at some point! ) [/quote] Quite the opposite. When I bought my SR5 it had a Bartolini pre-amp and a Aguilar OBP-3 pre-amp. I didn't like the tone and have restored it to a stock EB pre-amp but a Nordstrand MM5.3 pick-up.
  9. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1423951278' post='2690896'] The Aguilar DB 359 ist a rackmountable all valve amp: [url="http://www.musiker-board.de/threads/amp-aguilar-db359-r%C3%B6hrenamp.483004/"]Klick[/url] Good sounding "one-tone"-wonder with a depth of 45 cm and a weight of 22 kg... [/quote] Alas 19-inch rack mount plus rack case = overhang either side of any 12-inch Berg cabinet = misery.
  10. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1423913956' post='2690285'] I wonder how this would get on for bass guitar? [url="http://www.carvinworld.com/products/TS100"]http://www.carvinwor.../products/TS100[/url] [/quote] Looks interesting but no details of frequency response. Also bridged runs into 8-ohms only so could be problem with single 4-ohm cabs. It's 26lbs without a pre-amp or a rack case against the Prodigy's 29lb. all up.
  11. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1423729547' post='2688284'] Only problem with that amp is the DI signal could be too hot sometimes. [/quote] That's easily fixed by a competent sound man (mixers do have gain controls and faders) or judicious use of an in-line attenuator. Far better to have it too hot than too low where it can introduce noise and interference.
  12. All the popular Bergantino 1x12 and 2x12 cabs are 18.5" wide.
  13. Putting the overall height thing to one side for a moment the one thing that bugs me is the width of many valve amps. Many cabs are now even narrower than a 19-inch rack case so most valve amps overhang both sides. Very ugly.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423682511' post='2687952'] No. In the G-K MB500 Fusion they're on their sides. As they are in the Ampeg SVP 1U preamp. [/quote] Pre-amp valves are fine on their sides but the power valves seem to need to be vertically oriented otherwise the electrons get confused. IIRC the AC30 had them upside down
  15. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1423681170' post='2687919'] I think you can now get DI boxes which work off a speaker output, though I've never used one. [/quote] Yes after I'd written that I remembered that plus that a few amps take their DI out from an extra winding on the output transformer. Personally a 5-watt amp wouldn't work for me as it wouldn't be loud enough. I prefer to feel the air move.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423679338' post='2687894'] That, in essence, is what the FOH PA does. All that's needed is the low-power valve power amp. There are 5w amps out there; no good with a DI out to FOH..? [/quote] The only way that would work is if you mic up the cab. The DI from most valve amps comes out before the power stage, and it's the valve power stage that gives the valve amp its uniqueness.
  17. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1423664535' post='2687630'] I'm hoping for a spate of last-minute announcements! [/quote] It must be a chicken/egg situation. Lack of exhibitors reduces advanced ticket sales.. Lack of ticket sales puts off exhibitors.
  18. The physical size of the transformers, and yes you need transformers, and the height of the power bottles pretty much dictate things. 2U is a tall order. Marshall did manage to shoehorn 2 x 100-watt power amps into a 3u x 19-inch. It's the 9200 and its heavy. If one wanted a project then you could strip out one power amp and build a pre-amp the in there. That would get you a 3U x 100-watt amp Dood. I think I'll just stick with my Mesa Boogie Prodigy.
  19. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1423571826' post='2686412'] I think obbm is the guy to answer that. If your two signals are out of phase that would certainly weaken the signal [/quote] If there is a phase difference between the two signals then there can either be a reduction in level or in the worst case a total cancellation of the fundamental. All you can do is try it and see what happens. Have to stop now. I'm sure some others will be along soon to advise.
  20. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1423571275' post='2686393'] But wouldn't these pedals do it? [/quote] Of course they would but you said smaller and cheaper. A passive mixer can be made using 2 resistors, 3 jack plugs and some cable. You don't get cheaper than that, and a minimal footprint.
  21. From what you are saying you just want to sum two signal together. This is just like adding left and right to make a mono. You can do thsi very simply with a couple of resistors as long as the two signals are of similar amplitude. If not then you need to add a level (gain/attentuator) in each path which turns it into a very simple mixer.
  22. What do you want to add together and into what? You probably need a mixer.
  23. [quote name='WhiteNGold' timestamp='1423252210' post='2682908'] Sims is £516 I imagine Status would be around £6000 for new neck and LEDs XD [/quote] Not £6000 but more than £600.
  24. [quote name='WhiteNGold' timestamp='1423251792' post='2682903'] I'm interested to know if the fretboard needs to be removed to install them...my PDN Stingray has a lacquered neck & fretboard join so that worries me... [/quote] This was a complete new carbon-fibre neck and the LEDs were installed during manufacture. Probably not what you are after but an alternative approach to what you want. I guess you need to talk to Sims.
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