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Everything posted by obbm

  1. I can't make up my mind which cab to bring. BF One10 or Berg CN210? Please help me decide.
  2. Herman's Hermits - "She's a Muscular Boy"
  3. Confirmed. If for any reason I can't make it you'll still get my £13.00
  4. As well as my Sadowsky HPJ I shall also be bringing the Sterling by Musicman SB14 which I picked up from the Guitar Doctor in Penzance on Monday following its conversion to fretless. Should also have a BF One10, amp and modified Aclam pedalboard.
  5. Being in the OP's target age range you guys have suddenly made me feel very very old. What would I like to play if I wasn't in a band? It would have to be anything from the mid 50s through to the mid 70s. British. American, Australian, etc. Rock 'N' Roll, Pop, Blues, British R&B, maybe even some Dylan. Some of it may seem naff to some but for those of us who lived through those times that music is the story of our lives.
  6. A big thumbs up for Julian Wallis - The Guitar Doctor - in Penzance and expert on the TV Repair Shop. I recently bought some excellent LaBella black nylon covered strings for my Sadowsky Metro HPJ but could not get it set-up nicely at all. A lot of fret buzz on the D-string which only went away with a very high action. There was also signs of fret wear along the D up to the 5th fret so I decided to take it along to Julian for a check over and fret dress. Dropped it off at midday and went off with Mrs OBBM to have lunch. We went back at 14:30 to find it all done. The problem D-string tuned out to be a rogue and Julian had popped in a secondhand D until I could get a replacement which is coming - thanks Bass Direct. At home I stole one from another bass, lowered the action to my preferred height and now I can't stop playing this bass. Really pleased with his work. He's doing some work on another of my instruments at the moment but more of that another time.
  7. Went with some family to see the "Lost In Music" show/tour at Hall for Cornwall last night. Totally full house. 2 hours plus of disco classics from Chic, E.W.F., Gloria Gaynor, Donna Summer, etc. Band was a tight as the proverbial duck's whatsit and boy did they work hard. 5 singers (2M/3F) plus guitar, bass, drums, keys and a 3-man brass section. Bass player (Des Woodbine) was using a white Jazz and was on the money right through. Everyone using in-ears, not an amp in sight. I was never into the disco scene of the 70s but it was very entertaining to watch the antics if the 50/60 something women who were obviously in their teens during that era. A most enjoyable evening. They have huge number of dates lined up across the country and are performing continuously right through to next year.
  8. Thanks for the mention. I'm still here but happily retired. Initially I used VanDamme, an excellent cable but found that it easily knotted and twisted. Then I moved onto Klotz AC110 which was low capacitance but proved to a bit stiff. In my later years I started using Sommer LLX, low resistance and low capacitance cable and also very flexible. All my current gig cables are these. Needless to say all with Neutrik connectors. To the OP, get yourself a soldering iron, solder, side cutters, Stanley knife, etc. and have a go, it really is very easy to make your own cables.
  9. Sorry they were sold about 20 minutes ago.
  10. Rotosound Roto Bass Nickel on Steel Roundwound Long Scale 45-105 Only ever fitted the E-string, cut to Precision/Jazz, the other strings as new. £8 posted to UK
  11. Set of Dunlop Super Bright Stainless Strings 45-105 Very little use Cut to fit Precision/Jazz £20 posted
  12. Slightly used set of short scale D'Addario Pro Steels EPS170S, 45-100 Strings. Cut to fit Spector 2+2 Headstock, E & G 37.5" ; A & D 40" £10 posted
  13. Set of DR Black Beauties 45-105. Cut for Precision Only used for a couple of hours. £20 posted
  14. I've worn glasses since I was 6 or 7 and for many years have had vari-focals so a definite yes as I'd be blind without them. I do however have a pair of tinted and graduated glasses made by the singer in a former band, whose day job was an optical technician and had his own opticians shops. They are nice under stage lighting but now need updating as my prescription has changed a bit in the last 20 years.
  15. I met him at one of the Bassist Bass Days in Guildford back in the early 2000s. He gave wonderful talk about his career and went to lengths to explain how he managed to get the slap sound on the theme to Minder when he didn't know how to slap. He very kindly signed my copy of 17-watts, which I still have. It's a great read and there are very many similarities between his schoolboy bass playing and mine, even down to humping the family radiogram around to use as a bass amp. I just loved the story about the orchestra, the conductor and the Sailor's Hornpipe. A great loss. May his contribution to music be his epitaph. RIP Mo.
  16. so you're spanking your plankton.
  17. Oh if only we had a drummer. Trying to form a relationship with someone else's recorded drum tracks is an impossibility. ☹️
  18. I think I'm going to cockle a snook at this whole series of posts.
  19. Need to see photos Chris, especially the cable.
  20. I have two Backbeats. The first was a very early one which died, it wouldn't charge. After many emails back and forth I was able to buy a replacement board from their dealer in Netherlands. Before he sent it he asked me whether I wanted "rumble on the aux in" as apparently there is a mod which removes it. I asked him to leave it on. Please don't ask what the mod is because I have no idea.
  21. My set up for our opening for Falmouth Soul Sensation last Saturday. FOH through Bose PA. in the Old Church at St Day. Amazing acoustics
  22. It's a Metro HPJ. I can certainly bring it. I used to also have a UV70 but I traded it last year.
  23. Although it's a long haul from Falmouth I will try and get there this year. No idea what to bring however. By the look of it I think just a good appetite.
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