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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1368652598' post='2079932'] Won't you need a bass and an amp too Dave? [/quote] Doh!! Air guitar and virtual amp of course.
  2. I will be gigging my recently acquired CN212 tomorrow night - that is all.
  3. obbm

    GK MB Series

    [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1366280237' post='2050393'] My concern with the 800 was the possible difference in sound the power section may introduce, and my concern with the fusions was that the tubes may actually damage what I find appealing about the 200. [/quote] Use the MB200 as a pre-amp and take the line out into a good quality power amp. I'm sure you could borrow one to try it and see if it does what you need.
  4. Having used used IEC outlet strips in my former Professional life in TV studio racks, etc., I started to use one in my rig however it soon became clear that they lacked flexibility as every bit of my kit required an IEC plug whereas everyone else used 13A plugs. I couldn't plug equipment into them and they couldn't plug into me. The solution was, and still is, to use a 1U 13A outlet strip across the rear of the rack. There are quite a few makes of these available now. Love them or hate them the ubiquitous 13A plug rules in the UK.
  5. I would have serious concerns about a rack power distributor with male outlets.
  6. I have had quite a few cases of the right-angled version disintegrating after about a year or so of constant hard use. There seems to be an inherent weakness where the jack fits into the body and any constant upward pressure eventually causes it to fail. I am making a collection of dead ones that I've replaced under warranty and will return them to Neutrik. OT The very first batch of these were made with insufficient tolerance such that the sliding sleeve got stuck very easily. I guess that there could still a few of these in circulation. The later ones moved much more freely but have other problems as I have mentioned. Not one of their best products and I usually try to steer folk away from them unless they are determined to have one.
  7. Very interesting Dan. I'm pleased to see that they have corrected the design error of the MB500 and the Fusion where each channel has an independent output volume control. This is a real PITA when using it live. I suppose I'll have to consider selling the Fusion and getting one of these.
  8. Truly an excellent tribute. Well done guys.
  9. This looks like someone trying to make a business out of it. Another version of pay-to-play? I wonder what they are going to charge? There are already plenty of existing jams and open mic nights in this area. A drummer friend has started a web site giving information about the jams in the Surrey and Hants area. He also a Facebook page. [url="https://www.facebook.com/bigjamnights"]https://www.facebook.com/bigjamnights[/url] [url="http://bigjamnights.wordpress.com/"]http://bigjamnights.wordpress.com/[/url] Individual musicians and, in some most cases, complete bands are welcome to come and perform at no cost. If you are on you own the organiser will team you up with other musicians to form a band to play 3 or 4 songs. The usual problem is trying to find something that everyone knows. The house band provide the backline and usually get paid by the Landlord.
  10. Did yet another deal with Nick when I took my spare Schroeder 21012 over to him. I'm sure it won't be the last. As always the perfect gent to deal with. Hope the new kitchen going ahead satisfactorily.
  11. I have also had that email but not to the email address I currently use for BC. It is however an old email address that a lot of BC members have used and occasionally still use. I suspect the problem lies elsewhere.
  12. Have fun and break a leg (not literally of course) I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the AE212.
  13. Bought a pre-amp from Jack. Flawless transaction. As always the perfect gent.
  14. [quote name='2pods' timestamp='1362347958' post='1998840'] Getting notified when on BC, but not getting any emails for them. [/quote] Same here, and has been for several years.
  15. It's never worried me. How many times have you ever run your head flat out? NV610 is probably 5.3-ohms anyway, they only label it 4-ohms for those who don't understand.
  16. Boss TU-2 tuner has 2 outputs as long as you don't want to mute or just get a Y-cord (one jack socket to two plugs)
  17. The Crimea in Aldershot, one of our regular venues. Great Landlord, average crowd. New drummer has found his feet (and hands). New numbers all worked well. Roll on the next gig on the 22nd
  18. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1362314701' post='1998204'] Pretty good good despite what could've been an inauspicious start (band members getting stressed over PA probs and stage size, all understandable) but everyone pulled themselves together and we had probably our best gig! I had a slightly embarrassing moment when singing Road To Nowhere though. Because of the stage issues I could only see the words out of the corner of my eye and started to panic a bit which resulted in continually playing C instead of C#, oops! I did wonder why the keyboard player was prodding me in the back, I thought it was because I sang the same line twice Think we got stiffed on the money though, hmm Never mind, we did get paid and it was an absolute blast, great audience with some very nice feedback from another bass player for yours truly, always pleasant to hear, especially from a complete stranger. [/quote] Where were you playing last night?
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1362040758' post='1994756'] If anyone in a band really hates a song, to my view the band shouldn`t play it - unless said hating person joined the band after the song was already in the set-list. [/quote] Interesting point. I joined a band last year on the basis of the their Set List. Since then we have added quite a few new songs, all of which are fine however I detect a move on the part of the singer and guitarist to move in a musical direction that does not appeal to me. I've already said no to a song which I detest so it'll be interesting to see how things develop.
  20. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1361958558' post='1993510'] I haven't had any email notifications for about 18 months. I do get notifications at the top of the page when I log on so it's not too bad [/quote] Same here.
  21. These days Paul Geary, [url="http://www.paulgeary.com/"]http://www.paulgeary.com/[/url], undertakes bass duties for Nik, live and in the studio. There are some live gig videos on his web site.
  22. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' timestamp='1361740431' post='1990190'] Personally I think each of the amps are targeting the same market, ie similar in price and power. But I can see how you would think the amps are for beginners and I would probably say you are right! [/quote] They might think they are targeting a beginners market but thinking outside the box makes the MB200 is very flexible and cost-effective tool. It can fulfill a number of different functions as already mentioned plus it makes a very good DI box.
  23. MB200 is an excellent amp. I've used mine with a Schroeder cab for Jam House Band with loud drummers and it was fine. It also gets used for rehearsals and to drive the monitors when we're gigging.
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