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Everything posted by obbm

  1. I started playing when I was 16 in 1962 and have been at it on and off ever since.
  2. If written info is not forthcoming then use a multimeter to identify the wires for each coil. This should sort out 4 of the 5 wires therefore the fifth is probably an earth. Confirm with the meter. Next step is to connect one pair to a cable and plug it into an amp. Tap the pole pieces with a screwdriver to ascertain which row of pole pieces that coil is under. Logically the other pair is the other row. If you don't have meter then I recommmend getting one.
  3. After 12 years of playing 5s I've gone back to 4s. Somehow they just look and feel right, especially with small hands. There are only about 3 songs that I regularly play that need to go below E and they can be done with a Hipshot
  4. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1334479114' post='1616546'] Right, it doesn't appear on the mobile version of the site. I'll have a look another time. Cheers for that [/quote] OK I'm in SW Surrey. Quite a long way from you unfortunately.
  5. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1333233984' post='1599148'] Very interested, but where are you in the uk please? [/quote] It's in my signature.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1334251480' post='1613317'] I curse you OBBM, I rather liked the look of that Matamp cab [/quote] Too heavy for my aging frame. I'm out.
  7. Instrument cables are designed to carry signals of millivolts and milliamps. Because the signal is so small the cable is co-axial i.e.a central conductor with a surrounding grounded sceen around the outside to prevent unwanted intrusion of inerference. The conductor sizes are small. Speaker cables are designed to carry signals of volts and amps. The conductor sizes are large to handle the hefty signals but there is minimal chance of interference so the cable can be simple twin-core. Connect a guitar to to an amp with speaker cable and you will get a load of microphony and feedback due to the lack of screening. Connect a speaker to a bass amp with instrument cable and you run the risk of cable melt-down and the resultant decimation of the amp output stage.
  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1333531408' post='1602849'] What you don't want to do is to use a stereo-to-mono cable because they will just short the outputs together. [/quote] A proper stereo to mono cable should have mixing resistors. 22K is a good value, one in series with each of the stereo ouputs.
  9. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1333214679' post='1598854'] I like the look of this - better than my 'open stand' but measured mine & it's only about 60 cm long (yes it holds 5) is this really 940mm long? If so it won't fit my space Cheerz, John [/quote] 940mm long is correct.
  10. Warwick Rockcase for 5 instruments. Case size: 940mm x 490mm x 140mm Very little use. Good condition apart from small tear underneath. Basses not included. Quite bulky so collection/meet preferred. £30 o.n.o. or maybe trade/swap w.h.y?
  11. Definitely the pedal board. All I can suggest is to disconnect all the pedals and then reconnect them one at a time into the chain until the problem occurs. Then you have the culprit.
  12. Excellent. Might see you at Swanfest.
  13. Although you're in my area I'm a bit too old for punk and anyway I'm already gigging in Aldershot on the 14th Aopril. It might be worth your while popping along to the Jams at the Unicorn in Aldershot on a Monday or the Lion Brewery in Ash on a Thursday to see who's available.
  14. It happens here as well. Last week a BCer was talkng about route notes. Aren't they something bus or rally drivers have?
  15. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1331812019' post='1579196'] Cool. Time to jump on the curly lead bandwagon obbm [/quote] I looked into the possibility about 3 or 4 years ago. Firstly they have to be one standard fixed length as the ends need to be straight for the connectors and secondly I would have to invest in a huge quantity in order to get a sensible buying price that it wasn't financially viable for me. .
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331634806' post='1576114'] Lots of love on BassChat for our own Dave (obbm) and his truly excellent high-quality instrument and speaker cables (among other things). I notice (rather belatedly) that his website 'basic-bits' has now become 'rock-wire': [url="http://www.rock-wire.uk.com/"]http://www.rock-wire.uk.com/[/url] Is this a 'Snickers' and 'Marathon' moment, Dave? Or possibly 'Sri Lanka' and 'Ceylon'? Or even 'Iceland' and 'Bejams'..? *babbles incoherently* Anyway I thought I'd give it a plug, I'm always up for promoting quality products at the right price! And if you happen to be in the market for some new cables, I (and lots of others on here) can certainly recommend obbm with no hesitation. Top quality, great value and brilliant service and comms. No-brainer! (Can I have that tenner now please, Dave?) Mark [/quote] Thanks for the plug Mark. Bassic-bits has always been the trading name, especially on Ebay, but has never been the company name. Last year I decided that at some point in the future I might want to fully retire and sell the business so I needed to separate the company name from my own name and Rock-Wire seemed more appropriate. It's a good name on which to build a brand. I run both bassic-bits.co.uk and rock-wire.uk.com web sites concurrently with exactly the same information and prices. Bassic-bits will stay as the Ebay trading name but eventually, all cables will carry the Rock-Wire brand name however I suppose that here they will always be known as obbm's cables.
  17. [quote name='RandomProddy' timestamp='1331565150' post='1574890'] Where did you find a TU-50 from?!?! can't find one for love nor money - have an SE-50 and she needs a buddy [/quote] From a fellow forum member. They are very rare.
  18. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1331499588' post='1573871'] That really is "mini" Thats a really nice job there How much does it weigh ? [/quote] Just put it on the bathroom scales and it's 14.7Kg Not featherweight but easily manageable because of its size. It fits nicely between the two cabs in the car boot.
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