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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='JPJ' post='1236765' date='May 19 2011, 11:08 AM']From the number of discussions I've had with fellow bass players in the last year regarding small form factor all valve bass heads, there must be a gap in the market. Surely its not beyond the realms of the possible that Ashdown could do a 100-150w version of the Little B'stard (the B'stard?)? I'd be interested in one (providing the price was more reasonable than their 200w fliptop combo )[/quote] I've come to the same conclusion. Max power for minimum size. That's why the VOX looked interesting. 50-watt, all-valve, under £600. I've been slowly coming to the conclusion that what I need is either an old Hiwatt or build a 50w all-valveguitar amp kit and tweak the EQ values for bass. Firstly I need to get my SC 50PA running to see how much volume it gives.
  2. [quote name='eude' post='1236354' date='May 18 2011, 09:41 PM']Ashdown Little Bastard not in the running?... Eude[/quote] I've not ruled it out however I would like to try it through my cabs first. Anyone in the West Surrey area got one I can try?
  3. [quote name='MythSte' post='1236152' date='May 18 2011, 07:15 PM']If you can find a Trace Elliot Twin valve they come with my whole hearted recommendation. They dont trade hands for a lot of money at the moment [/quote] Thanks. That is a brilliant suggestion. Anybody got one they want to sell?
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1236126' date='May 18 2011, 06:58 PM']Thanks for the credit, but the day I try lecturing Dave about valves you can stick me inside an Ampeg 810 and bury me at sea. [/quote] Thanks Jack. Tis true that all my education was in valves and not semi-conductors. Even the BBC in 1967.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1236039' date='May 18 2011, 05:45 PM']Hmmm, Ashdown 200W Drophead? PS - What are those SL112s like?! Pics please![/quote] I think the Ashdown is in a different price league and anyway I already have a 200-watt Orange. SL112s look just like the web/catalogue pictures and are very light. These are the first Aguilar cabs I've owned so I have nothing to compare against. As far as my defective ears can tell they sound as good as the Epifani 12s I had. So far I've tried them with the AD200B and a GK MB200. Both are good but obviously not they do not sound the same.
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1236040' date='May 18 2011, 05:45 PM']There is a valve swapping thread which might tidy up the Terror. Problem with guitar amps isn't the watts, it is the small transformers that can't pass low end and the power supply. My valve amps are all massive, so can't really help more than that. Maybe get Umph to make you a 2xKT88 thing.[/quote] Been there and done it with the Terror not long after it was released. Tried all the favourite valves but couldn't get near the AD200B sound so I sold it. I know what you mean about transformers and PSUs. When I get around to it I've got a Linear 50, a Sound City PA50 and an SC200 to get working but it's all a matter time so I'm looking for soemthing off-the-shelf. maybe I'll take myself over to Andetons and see if they will let me try a Vox though a bass cab.
  7. I have recently aquired a pair of Aguilar SL112s and they sound great with the Orange AD200B, however the latter is a bit over-the-top for a compact rig. I'm thinking of something less powerful. I know that several BCers have Ashdown LBs which are supposed to be good but which might just be a lttle short on power. I had an Orange BT500 and found it too aggressive, also it's not all valve and sounded nothing like the AD200B. Has anyone tried the new Vox Night Train NT50H with a bass? I know it's a guitar amp but at 50-watts it looks interesting.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1232792' date='May 16 2011, 10:30 AM']Bump. Noone visiting soon?[/quote] You could ask him to send it back to me with Alice's body and I'll forward it on to you.
  9. 2-years - gulp!!! I think he's a little over-stretched at the moment. I sent my PJ5 body in to have new scratchplate made to suit the Nordstrands in February. About 3 weeks ago he promised to send it back on Tuesday, but didn't say which Tuesday. Still waiting.
  10. So how much do you want for it?
  11. Oh dear the wrath of Alice. I know someone who is looking for one. Have emailed him and will let you know when I get an answer. And got an answer back, unfortunately he hasn't got space for it.
  12. When I bought my SR5 it had a Bartolini, which I disliked so I got a Seymour Duncan, which I also disliked, so I got an Alnico Nordstrand which was fine. After several years of hunting I eventually found an EBMM but when I fitted it I didn't like that compared to the Nordstrand, so the Nordy has now been in there for 7 years now. The closest after-market pre-amp to the original 2-band is the one made by John East, however when you fit it you will lose the coil-switching function which is a integral part of the EBMM SR5 3-band pre-amp, so you will have to decide whether to have it in series or parallel all the time. It is possible to wire it to include coil-switching however it does mean partially rewiring the pick-up to spearate out and put wires to the ends of all of the coils. There is no guarantee that by fitting a 2-band you will get the sound you are looking for as the coil impedances of the 5-string pick-ups are different to the 4-string and this effects the frequency response.
  13. [quote name='CPBassman' post='1216205' date='Apr 30 2011, 11:18 PM']help here too, Ive just bought an Orange Bass Terror with the SP 212 isobaric cab. Wonderfull so far so I really fancy getting another matching cab to make a mini 4 x 12 stack. Whats the best connection? is is amp to cab to cab or amp to cab / amp to cab as there are two speakon outputs on the head. There is also a switch between 4 and 8 ohm. Im a bassist not a physics expert......... HELP. I may appear stupid here but Im really stuck lol Cheers Col[/quote] According to the specification the SP212 is 8-ohms so if you connect two of them to the BT500 you will have a total load of 4-ohms so set the switch accordingly. How you connect them is immaterial as it will not effect the total load. If you use good quality large cross-section cables then it makes no difference whether you connect the cabs separately or daisy-chain them. There is a school of thought that says connect each cab directly to the head as in the very unlikely event of a cable failure then the other cab will keep on working. Whichever way you do it you will still need 2 cables so make sure you use good ones.
  14. [quote name='Sparky Mark' post='1209909' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:37 AM']I havent seen a new cab that doesn't have parallel inputs for daisy chaining. Just don't buy cabs with one input.[/quote] A lot of cabs seem to have a single Speakon and a pair of jacks - most inconvenient.
  15. [quote name='fryer' post='1210819' date='Apr 25 2011, 01:19 PM']What - not use the Peavey ? It's the Beechstock festival, near High Wycombe. Not sure about the DI - still trying to find out. If we are using that, do I just take the DI from the Firebass ?[/quote] Fist outside gigs I did I took a full Trace stack - waste of time and effort. More recntly I've done outside gigs with a single UL310 and or a pair of 1x12s, now it's a 2x12 and an Orange AD200B and never a problem. As has been said, let the PA do the work. All you need is on-stage monitoring so why lug 2 large cabs about. You'll be knackered before you start playing and that will spoil the experience. If there is a proper PA, the sound crew might take the DI from the back of the Firebass or simply pop a DI box between your bass and the amp.
  16. Firebass into the Epifani UL410 should be fine. Where is it? Are they going to DI you?
  17. [quote name='DaBu' post='1208028' date='Apr 22 2011, 10:31 AM']Send me an offer to my inbox. Cheers[/quote] Under Forum rules you have to quote a sale price.
  18. It would be a miracle if I found one seeing as I was born 5 years before the bass guitar was invented.
  19. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1204148' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:05 PM']Wish I could help, but I've not used any of the MB extension cabs. It's worth remembering though that they are designed as extension cabs for the MB combos, not as standalone cabs.[/quote] So how would you describe the deign and performance differences between an extension cab and a stand-alone cab?
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1203792' date='Apr 18 2011, 04:52 PM']I had a pair and sold them on here. I found them not very impressive at any useful volume. I gigged in trio with piano and sax and it just didn't deliver any bottom end or real warmth, never mind competing with even a quiet drummer. I think a lot of people like the portability of these cabs but, to my ear, the actual sound of them never fails to disappoint and, consequently, they represent a compromise too far.[/quote] Thanks for the comments. I had a feeling that all was not what it seemed.
  21. I was wondering if anyone had any experience/comments about the GK 112MBX 1x12 speaker cabinet. It would appear to be similar to the 150 combo.
  22. She may have a nice bass to learn on but she's not playing it live. Bass duties are currently being covered by Paul Geary - (bassic-bits endorsee)
  23. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1200981' date='Apr 15 2011, 05:23 PM']Nice one. Now, does OBBM do endorsements??? [/quote] Actually yes I do, but just the one. [url="http://www.paulgeary.com/"]Paul Geary[/url] BTW congrats dood.
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