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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='bassmanady' post='1167257' date='Mar 18 2011, 03:09 PM']Sad news,my first bass guitar hero gone R.I.P[/quote] +1
  2. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1165109' date='Mar 16 2011, 10:50 PM']It would've been better IMO if there'd just been a steward with some common sense going around telling people to quieten down where needed all day instead of in intervals.[/quote] Interesting point. For several years I was involved with the organisation of a major international broadcast exhibition, IBC, and inorder to keep noise levels down there were strict db limits specified in the exhibitor rules and hese were enforced by a man with a sound level meter. Any exhiibitor, and that meant anyone regardless of the company size or profile, who continually exceeded the limits was warned. Two verbals warnings, then a written warning that if they did it again their power would be switched off. We got to the written warning a few times but then they came into line. It was a similar set-up at the AES (Audio Engineering Society) shows and I belive similar rules apply at Music Messe in Frankfurt.
  3. [quote name='Conan' post='1162237' date='Mar 14 2011, 07:46 PM']Brilliant!!! Mind if I use that in my sig? [/quote] Be my Guest - oh didn't they import bananas? I'll have to create a new dessert and call it the banana slap!
  4. One man's musical desert is another's musical dessert.
  5. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1161239' date='Mar 14 2011, 12:18 AM']Ok peeps as promised this is the first of the video clinics I "taped" yesterday, and please accept my apologies for the sound, but the auditorium was full and the only place I could sit down was in the proximity of the fugging drummer who's noise is almost covering the bass sound. So you've gotta turn the sound right up, ok? This is T.M. Stevens, what a powerful player! Here we go! [/quote] Thanks for the reminder. Great stuff. You must have been sitting just in front of me at the left end of the front row.
  6. [quote name='CrackityJones' post='1161166' date='Mar 13 2011, 10:46 PM']You may find that plugging into the Effects Send on the Ashdown cuts the signal to its power amp so may need a splitter cable. Thanks, getting there. Could you elaborate re splitter...?[/quote] It could be as simple as using a Y-cord to split the signal to the two power amps. The Ashdown Send Output jack has 2 cables wired to it. One goes to the Ashdown Return and the other goes to the Warwick Effects Return.
  7. [quote name='CrackityJones' post='1161075' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:29 PM']Presumably the eq for each is then independent of the other amp.[/quote] Probably not. Effects Send/Return is usually post EQ. The Ashdown will be the pre-amp and all you use in the Warwick is the power amp and speaker. You may find that plugging into the Effects Send on the Ashdown cuts the signal to its power amp so may need a splitter cable. Also you need an instrument cable to connect them, not an unshielded speaker lead.
  8. Whether you like slap or not is not really the real issue. Exhibitors employ artists/musicians/bassists/call them what you will to demo their equipment/entertain the punters. In some strange warped way they think that using slappers will achieve this. It is they who have got it wrong. If they knew that by doing this they were driving paying customers away, then they wouldn't use them. Do what they did in the old days and hire some attractive chatty women (sorry, a bit sexist, but it works). The only way to stop it happening again is to tell them. Maybe BC should lobby the offending exhibitors and tell them what we think. Edit: Those who feel strongly about it should write to the Readers Letters page in BGM. I think I will.
  9. It was good to catch up with a lot of BC friends at the show. Although I'm not in the market for anything at the moment it was great to be able to have a browse around. TM Stevens gave a great thought provoking presentation. Get the young off their X-Boxes and PS3s and into live music. Also I definitely need to start having an improved musical conversation with the drummer. The high level of disorientating slapping in the exhibition hall was really annoying. Agree that the guy on Rotosound was a real PITA, however this seems to be the norm at most music shows and has been for many years. About 10 years ago I was involved in exhibiting at Frankfurt Music Messe. It was the same there with loads of slappers in the guitar/bass halls. It was made worse by the fact that each instrument had it's own hall so in the piano hall, somewhat larger than todays there were loads of people bashing away on grand pianos, and in another were scores of drum kits all being played at the same time. I can thoroughly recommend taking ear-plugs.
  10. Totally. Just got home and my ears are ringing still.
  11. [quote name='mart' post='1157897' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:05 PM']If you want to try out some amps?[/quote] Oh silly me! I forgot that a noisy exhibition has the most ideal listening conditions for auditioning amplifiers.
  12. [quote name='mr.noisy' post='1157742' date='Mar 11 2011, 10:18 AM']Does anyone know if you can bring your own instrument?[/quote] Why would you want to do that? It's an exhibition.
  13. My understanding is that the OP wants to unplug the Warwick speaker from the amp and use it as a second speaker cabinet along with his SWR cab. In theory this should work fine as long as the impedances remain at or above 4-ohms. What we don't know is eother the impedance of the SWR cab or the impedance of the driver in the Warwick combo. If they are both 8-ohms then it will technically work. What it will sound like is a different issue.
  14. I'll be there on Saturday visiting Phil at BassGear and Paul Geary at Overwater plus having a general nose around. Stop me and say Hi. I'll wear my obbm badge.
  15. The very first production batch of the straight SILENT jacks had their sliding collars made with the wrong tolerances which caused them to seize or jam. The later ones can be identified by the rubber body. I've also seen a couple of the right-angle ones fall apart. In every case they were replaced by Neutrik without question. It is possible that some sellers may still have a few of the early ones in stock. On a different tack, Neutrik make the following statement on their web site: "Please note that the signal isn't muted with active electric bass guitars which have a tip-ring-sleeve tap to activate the power supply." I'm not sure that this is true for all active basses as I have no problem with my SR5, so it's really a case of try it and see.
  16. At one point I considered trying to build a remote controlled VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) that would sit in the effects loop. That way if anyone turned up themselves up, then I could remotely turn them down again.
  17. Before going any further I would want to see the wiring schematic of said amplifier. I suspect that getting one is a bit like "blood/stone".
  18. [quote name='mart' post='1140917' date='Feb 25 2011, 10:27 AM']There was a similar question yesterday, but that was a general question about running heads without cabs. My question was more specifically about whether headphones change this: on an amp where the headphone socket cuts the speaker output, is a load necessary [i]when using headphones[/i]?[/quote] It's an all-valve amp and therefore should have a speaker load attached at all times. Page 4 of the user Manual - Warning states "before the unit is switched on, the loudspeaker should be connected as describedin the handbook....." Even if plugging in headphones does disable the speaker output, the reflected load of the speker through the output transformer will have an effect on the output valve. The manual is very unclear so I would pick up the phone and ask Blackstar directly.
  19. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1140642' date='Feb 24 2011, 11:22 PM'][/quote] This particular quote does not cover away from home because whoever filled it in opted for [i]none[/i] of it to be covered away from the home location. I use Musicguard and have 50% insured away from home.
  20. [quote name='mart' post='1139896' date='Feb 24 2011, 01:07 PM']I've just bought myself a tiny valve head.[/quote] It would be really helpful if you could tell us the make and model of this tiny valve head.
  21. Valve power amps must always have a load. Solid-state power amps can work perfectly well without a load, i.e. with [i]nothing[/i] connected to the speaker sockets. As for whether the pre-amp is valve or solid-state - it doesn't matter.
  22. Against my better judgement I end up doing both at the local jams. The songs are ones that I've played and sung for years and tend to be 12-bar based. Firstly the bass parts are fairly straightforward walking lines or just roots. I can pretty much play them automatically allowing my brain to concentrate on the lyrics. Trying to learn some new numbers at the moment and you're right, it isn't easy. How Phil Lynott, Macca or Sting do/did it beats me. The more difficult thing is controlling the band, some of whom I may have never played with before, playing bass and singing. Sometimes it just crashes and burns but mostly it's a great feeling when it all works out.
  23. [quote name='Martin E' post='1130065' date='Feb 16 2011, 07:00 PM']We're playing at a surprise 60th birthday party soon and have been asked to play............ a couple of Shadows numbers![/quote] Get your fingers into Nivram. Great Jet Harris walking bass line.
  24. Just fitted an J-Retro01 into my Pink 62RI. Ideal for the Jam environment where you have no time to adjust the amp settings. For those interested here are a couple of things Johns made earlier.
  25. Can I ask why you didn't just replace the faulty speaker.
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