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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1094911' date='Jan 19 2011, 11:01 AM']What you could do is re-wire the internal speakers so that they are in series. This would give an 8 ohm load. Then add another speaker socket (wired in parallel with the amp output) into which you could then plug an external 8 ohm speaker, giving an overall load of 4 ohms to the amp.[/quote] How do you work that out then?
  2. The B210 manual states : "Speaker Specs: (2) 10", 100w, 8 ohm , 2" voice coil dia., 30oz. magnet." So it's already down to the minimum impedance. I recommend Plan B (not the singer) and change it for something more pokey.
  3. If the head/power amp only has a single power stage then using 2 cables is fine but quite unnecessary if you use correct sized cables. It certainly won't anable you to extract more power from the amp. That is a function of the speaker impedance. Where you have to be careful is if you are using a separate dual channel /stereo power amp or a head with 2 power amps. In that case you should in NO WAY connect both speaker outputs to a single cabinet. It will be magic smoke time for sure and an expensive repair bill. In this case you should use the bridged output into the correct impedance speaker. This is typically double the impedance that you can connect to the individual channels. If you are unsure what type of amp you have then don't do it.
  4. I assume your talking about a solid-state stereo amp in which case it's fine to run without a load. Valve amps on the other hand must have a load matched to the output transformer setting.
  5. For the past 7 years I've been very happy with a Nordstrand in my Status necked SR5.
  6. Thanks Jack. Lots of memories there. When I first started work in 1964 I used to commute into Waterloo Station, get the tube to Tottenham Court Road and then go and peer into Selmer's shop before continuing on to Islington. I really fancied a Verithin bass but unfortunately I could never afford one. The house band bass player at one of our local jams still plays a Futurama, in preference to his really nice jazz.. Everyone agrees that it sounds sh*t.
  7. We seem to have 2 parallel threads on this same bass. Can't we combine them? FYI The SR5 was intoduced in about 1988. Dual Humbucker SR5 was intoduced at NAMM July 2005. Details of models and serial numbers [url="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/TOWN8019/mycustompage0029.htm"]here[/url] . Pictures and serial number would certainly be very helpful.
  8. [quote name='risingson' post='1085965' date='Jan 11 2011, 07:50 PM']I've seen some horrible attempts to fit a second neck humbucker to a Stingray 4 posted somewhere on the internet (something about Stingrays having a cavity that easily allows this modification, but I'm skeptical). The dual humbucker Stingrays I'm almost positive were not around in the 90's though.[/quote] The SR5 was intoduced in about 1988. Dual Humbucker SR5 was intoduced at NAMM July 2005. Details of models and serial numbers [url="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/TOWN8019/mycustompage0029.htm"]here[/url]. Pictures and serial number would certainly be very helpful.
  9. Six years ago I toured with a guitarist who put on a new set of strings every night. He'd been doing it for years, since the 60s, and it had become a pre-gig ritual. He managed just fine with his fingers.
  10. Six years ago I toured with a guitarist who put on a new set of strings every night. He'd been doing it for years, since the 60s, and it had become a pre-gig ritual. He managed just fine with his fingers.
  11. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1082784' date='Jan 8 2011, 11:59 PM']Is it the first ACG bass with the fibre optic LEDs?[/quote] To the best of my knowledge, yes.
  12. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1082770' date='Jan 8 2011, 11:50 PM']And another rare ACG in this thread - mine is the first Harlot Singlecut! There have been a couple more made since, it's a design that works excellently as a singlecut.[/quote] There are a few other headless Harlots, but not to his spec and this is certainly the only one with fibre-optics so far.
  13. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1082753' date='Jan 8 2011, 11:37 PM']Is that an ebony top?[/quote] Yes.
  14. My headless ACG Harlot is certainly rare as it's the only one like it.
  15. Another quick check would be to do the "forbidden" and connect the Markbass cab to the Ashdown with a short instrument lead just to verify that the outputs work. Is the Speakon a 2-pole or 4-pole? If the latter is it wired correctly?
  16. I had Status fit a graphite neck to my SR5 back in Jan 2005. I sold the original neck for £200 without tuners, etc. later that year. Since then I have done more gigs with this bass than any other I've owned and would never want to go back to the original neck.
  17. [quote name='wayne58' post='1076217' date='Jan 3 2011, 12:45 PM']Happy new year Dave and thanks for posting the vid. I haven't got the best memory in the world, but I'm not bad on faces, and I recognise the sax player from the 'Blues Boys', who played our northern Colne blues festival several times. I saw them in the bar at the Municipal hall, and he also played some tasty guitar on a home made looking flying V. Cameron[/quote] Yes that's Keith. I've not seen him for several years but sax and flying V is his bag.
  18. For those that weren't around here when this forum was Bassworld I used to play for a blues/rock band called Old Blue Moses, hence my username Old Blue Bass Man, which was shortened by everyone to obbm. The band and I had a very public and acrimonious parting of the ways in 2004 after I discovered that I'd been regularly short-changed. Eventually I discovered it, queried why I was £10 short and was promptly fired. About 3-years later they imploded. Just to while away so time this afternoon I thought I'd see if there was anything of them on YouTube. Bingo, a video of the House of the Rising Sun, however all is not as it seems. The soundtrack comes from a demo album we recorded whilst I was in the band. I always felt that the whole thing was totally sanitised during mixing as it lost lost all the urgency and energy of the live performances. Some of the video was recorded before I left and some, mostly the monchrome bits, after with the new bass player. Looking closely and I can see I'm there playing my old red Stingray 5. There's even a flash of my Ashdown amp. A bit cheeky really. What memories, what memories.
  19. [quote name='Max Normal' post='1075378' date='Jan 2 2011, 03:27 PM']Just thought, presumably the output from the pickups will be alternating as the strings pass in and out of the magnetic field of their pole pieces, meaning that I can't use a diode in the circuit. Is this right?[/quote] In the words of Captain Mannering "I wondered when you would spot that". Yes pick-up output (audio) is AC so your diodes will provide nice half-wave rectification. Fuzzy.
  20. [quote name='bluesman' post='1074046' date='Dec 31 2010, 10:23 PM']im really into this music.....listening to the coolest bass grooves that flow from artists such as aretha franklin, donny hathaway, curtis mayfield, the meters ect.....laying down these grooves the likes of jerry jemmott, tommy cogbill, willie weeks, george porter, chuck rainey, james jamerson, tommy mclure....does anyone share the same passion?? too me this is proper bass playing...i know that there are players who take the bass to new levels every day....but to me my bass heroes are why i wanted to pick up the bass....does the bass lose its role at times? or am i just an old stick in the mud? i listen to some modern players and i cant help but think theyve lost the plot....please dont crucify me its just my view....even the so called great jaco often leaves me cold...if you havnt heard some of the above guys check them out they too me really are the biz....cheers bob.[/quote] Yes I like this music however for thoose that were there, like me, was Soul Music, not R&B. 60's R&B was the Stones, the Yardbirds, The Pretty Things, The Downliners Sect, etc, etc.
  21. [url="http://music.andertons.co.uk/search?&w=*&af=promotion:christmascrackersale&utm_source=AMC+List&utm_campaign=65e74911cb-101224crackersale&utm_medium=email"]Andertons[/url]
  22. Bought a Boss Tuner from John. Well packed, promptly despatched. Excellent deal. Thanks.
  23. [quote name='fryer' post='1065426' date='Dec 21 2010, 09:54 AM']ok, so I've got the terror 500. How should I connect my two speaker cabs ? If I use one of the amplifier speaker outputs to the first cabs input socket, and then use a second lead to connect from the link socket of the first cab to the input socket of the second cab, they are wired in parallel, giving a total 4 ohm load. Or should I use both speaker outlets, one to each cabinet ? What's the difference ? And which switch position, 4 or 8 ohms, do I use for each method ?[/quote] As I understand it you have two speaker cabs, each of 8-ohms. Use one cab and the switch should be set to 8-ohms, use both cabs and the switch should be set to 4-ohms. Using good quality speaker cable it should make no difference whether you connect each cab directly to the amp or daisy-chain them. There is a school of thought, however, that recommends running each can directly from the amp so that in the very unlikely event that a cab blows then you still continue with the other. In both cases the switch should be set to 4-ohms.
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