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Everything posted by obbm

  1. If anyone needs any cables, I can bring them to the Bash and you can save on Paypal fees and postage.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1031376' date='Nov 21 2010, 01:37 PM']I'm guessing you mean Speakon (Neutrik) sockets, rather than XLR.[/quote] The majority of the earlier Trace equipment used Jacks and XLRs for the speaker connections.
  3. [quote name='stonecoldbass' post='1031121' date='Nov 21 2010, 05:30 AM']I'm guessing by 'Baccaruda' you mean Barracuda... [/quote] I'm sorry but I can't pronounce Baccaruda.
  4. For no apparent reason the expression "Plymouth Baccaruda" popped into my head this week. I remember it was an ad and a song from years ago. Had to find it and share it with you
  5. The black tip of the coil selector switch is a push fit. Just pull it off, then when you are ready push it on. If you wreck it or lose it I have a few spares.
  6. [quote name='icastle' post='1024222' date='Nov 15 2010, 03:00 AM']Klotz is the typical good quality OFC cable. Van Damme is also OFC but is silver plated and therefore has less resistance.[/quote] According to their published specifications, both cables have the same sized inner conductors and the same resistance per Km. The main difference is the capacitance between core and shield where Vandamme quote < 98 pf/m and Klotz quote 70 pF/m. BTW Vandamme core has 3 silver plated conductors and 4 bare copper. The screens for both are bare copper.
  7. [quote name='longtimefred' post='1022525' date='Nov 13 2010, 03:22 PM']Hey hey! I am in desperate need of a wiring diagram for the 3 way switch for my 1989 stingray 5. If anyone has one hey could post on here or if anyone has a decent photo of one that will do as the one I got from ernie ball is rubbish!! Desperate to get my bass fixed so I can sell it!! Thanks Will[/quote] Have you asked EBMM Customer Service? They are usually very helpful.
  8. [quote name='DHA' post='1022378' date='Nov 13 2010, 01:37 PM']My DI's use an op-amp design so are active.[/quote] OK. What I should have said is that they don't have the level of voltage amplification you'd expect from a pre-amp.
  9. I have a pdf file of the tab which I downloaded from bryanadams.org a couple of years ago and to my ears it is the same as the record. I've just had a search and i can no longer find it. If you would like a copy then pm me.
  10. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1021178' date='Nov 12 2010, 11:29 AM']OK thanks - is the Folio mixer a 'notepad'?[/quote] Yes. I've just added some links to my previous post. There are 2 versions. The Notepad and the Powerpad which has 2 x 30-watt power amps included. I use the latter without any speaker connected but the mixer sections are the same.
  11. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1021157' date='Nov 12 2010, 11:12 AM']Ahhh right - the Phil Jones Buddy and Cub look like a bit of overkill just for headphone practice...is there anything else I could look at? So am I right in thinking I'm going to have to get a bass preamp and then a mixer to mix the MP3 from the Tascam and the bass preamp? Edited to add I've got a DHA DI box knocking about...could I use that?[/quote] DI boxes are passive so not a lot of use in this situation. A small mixer like the Spirit Folio Notepad or a small Samson is all you actaully need. The mixer channel should be very clean and they all have headphone amps. All you need to do is plug-in your MP3 source and you're away. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Spirit-Folio-6-Channel-audio-mixer-/120644256812?pt=UK_Mixers&hash=item1c16f5442c"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Spirit-Folio-6-Chann...=item1c16f5442c[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Soundcraft-SPIRIT-FOLIO-Notepad-audio-mixer-/120644859270?pt=UK_Mixers&hash=item1c16fe7586"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Soundcraft-SPIRIT-FO...=item1c16fe7586[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPIRIT-FOLIO-NOTEPAD-MIXER-SOUNDCRAFT-/260690694310?pt=UK_Mixers&hash=item3cb26050a6"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SPIRIT-FOLIO-NOTEPAD...=item3cb26050a6[/url]
  12. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='1021125' date='Nov 12 2010, 10:46 AM']Thanks for the replies. The Phil Jones looks interesting, but is the output stage going to be a bit of a compromise? I want to play along to MP3s and would prefer to keep the Tascam bass trainer. Suppose the question is will the sound be good enough plugging the bass into the Tascam and then taking the output of everything into a headphone amp? With something like a Little Dot, am I going to plug it into the Tascam with decent headphones and instantly tell a difference? The main mtoivation for this being that all my basses sound very similar through the Tascam...[/quote] I suspect that the weak link is the bass pre-amp in the Tascam. You need to get it out of the direct lien from the bass to the headphones and just use it to play MP3s, etc.
  13. I've tried a number of set-ups that all work well. it depeneds if you want to mix in an external source such as CD or PC. Currently I use a Soundcraft Spirit Folio mixer and Sony MDR-XB700 headphones. These headphones are the totally enclosed type, have huge magnets, and give excellent bass reproduction with no overload. Althought I haven't used mine for home practice yet, a PJB Cub would also be good as it has an external input, a very clean power amp and cuts the speaker when on headphones. Before these I used a PJB D200 amp. This has a more sophisticated EQ than the Cub, excellent headphone output but no external input so I used a separate small mixer to mix the PC with the FX send and put it back into the FX Return. Works perfectly well with no speaker attached.
  14. Harry Joyce was an amp builder extraordinaire. He built all the early Hiwatts to military standards. [url="http://www.harry-joyce.com/hjmilspc.htm"]http://www.harry-joyce.com/hjmilspc.htm[/url]
  15. Ian, I am hoping to have my new headless 5 in time for the Bash.
  16. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='1005137' date='Oct 29 2010, 01:21 PM']I might be able to make it - but it is a bit of a trek - would it be OK if I turned up without any gear. TBH most of mines rubbish anyway so I couldnt see why anyone would be interested in it ![/quote] It is not mandatory to turn up with gear. You would be very welcome to come and chat.
  17. They are both fine causes. Could I propose we donate 50% to each.
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='992681' date='Oct 18 2010, 08:01 PM']Here's an update on what we have been donated already for [b]The Raffle[/b]: 1. USA pair of Fender Jazz 5 string pick ups and a 5 string Jazz scratchplate (silverfoxnik) 2. Reflex red dot Jazz pickups (bassmanady) 3. Boss pocket series FA-1 FET amplifier (bassmanady) 4. Boss BE-5B bass multiple FX pedal (bassmanady) 5. Tech 21 XXL Warp (Born 2B Mild / Bass Gear) Has anyone else got anything they would like to donate? There must be other stuff out there - the more the merrier... And please remember that all profits will be donated to a Charity in memory of Old Git (Si).[/quote] In one of my PM's I said "BTW I'll donate a 5m Klotz AC110 instrument cable with Silent jacks for the raffle."
  19. I thought the OLP Stingray 5 clone was about 15mm. Much narrower than the genuine article.
  20. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='987169' date='Oct 13 2010, 05:24 PM']Surely the only thing that matters here is the phase/polarity of the speaker wiring? Use the old 9V battery trick & ferkle the wiring so they are all going in & out at the same time & phase. G.[/quote] Not really. If you have 2 amps with different numbers of gain stages but with the same input signal, then the outputs will out-of-phase going to the speakers. You can bodge it by changing the speaker wiring but you need to see the signals on a scope to be certain of exactly how far they are out-of-phase.
  21. It would depend on the number of amplification stages in each amp. Each gain stage will give a phase reversal, whereas a cathode follower stage will not, plus there will be a phase shift due to RC networks. As already mentioned a scope is a good starting point.
  22. Rolls and Rane both make 1U mic/line mixers. Search on Ebay for "1U Mixer". It throws up quite a few options.
  23. Multi-channel mic pre-amps tend to be several completely separate and independent channels each with an input and an output. They are often used in recording to feed a multi-track rcording devices. At some point the signal have to go through a mixer in order to combine them. [quote]I thought a multi-channel preamp would have a level/gain control on each input and one master output. So I could balance the levels on each mic and then feed that to the EQ.[/quote] You've just described a mixer.
  24. [quote name='spinynorman' post='984110' date='Oct 11 2010, 09:47 AM']Just hoping to bounce my mad uninformed ideas of the experts ... We play rock in pubs, PA only takes vocals and currently consists of a Yamaha EMX512, 2 Mackie C300z passives and a Mackie SRM350 active being used as a monitor. Problem is there's only a 7 band eq on the EMX and it's not enough for every situation we encounter. I've looked at using an external eq with the EMX and it's going to be a lash-up, so don't fancy it. Also if we're going to have 1 rack component we might as well go rack entirely, but I'm trying to avoid having some huge rack setup we can't store or transport easily. Ideally I'd want to fit 2 x 2U rack cases. The PA's only handling 2 mics (lead vocal & BV) and an occasional acoustic guitar, so the mixing requirements are simple, and we don't have anyone running the sound for us. So I can't see the point of a mixer as such. My theory is - 4 channel mic preamp into a 2 x 31 EQ. Take 1 channel from the EQ to the active monitor, take the other channel to a power amp to run the FOH speakers. Would this work? If it would, any recommendations on components. Got my eye on a dbx 213 for the EQ, other than that haven't looked.[/quote] How are you going to mix the outputs of the 4 mic pre-amps?
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