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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='981589' date='Oct 8 2010, 02:07 PM']If that Pleasure Board is the thingy you stand on when playing, I'd LURVE to have a go on it. [/quote] It is indeed. Just the thing for your room.
  2. [quote name='walbassist' post='981440' date='Oct 8 2010, 11:48 AM']If I can negotiate a day pass I'll give you a lift Dave, and I will add to the PJB love with my PJB M-300 and a 6B cab, plus my Veillette basses.[/quote] Thanks for the offer Gareth but I'll now be taking the Merc as I 'd also like to take the TecAmp Pleasure Board to enhance the headphones.
  3. [quote name='ikay' post='980182' date='Oct 7 2010, 08:25 AM']Surely must be someone out there who could make good use of this..?[/quote] Ian, I had a pm via the EB Forum 2 days ago from a Zacbass who was looking for an RW neck. He thought that I might still have the one from my SR5.
  4. Like the band name and the set list Nikki but sadly I live just a bit too far away and am far too old. I was a teenager when those songs were first released. Good luck with your search though.
  5. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='971405' date='Sep 29 2010, 09:05 AM']Please let me know if you want anything added to the list![/quote] Hi Nick, you can put me down for Godin A5 fretless, Shuker PJ5, PJB Cub, PJB-D200, Lakland PJ Duck Dunn and Sony headphones. I should be able to get it all in the Smart.
  6. Re-acquainting myself with Meatloaf after hearing Dead Ringer on the radio yesterday. I'd forgotten how good the bass line was.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='966700' date='Sep 24 2010, 02:00 PM']Bass cabs sound better on the ground/stage. If you have to have your sound nearer to your ears, get a second cab.[/quote] +1
  8. If you fund a gift totally from your Paypal balance - no charge. If you fund a gift from a credit card then you pay the fees. If you have a bank account linked to your Paypal account by Direct Debit and fund the gift from your bank account then no fees, however instead of doing that why not use bank transfer, which with faster Payments is almost instantaneous, no fees either and the money is in your own bank account.
  9. Electro Harmonix "English Muffn" is worth a look. It has a Fender tone stack. I changed to capacitors in mine to bass values.
  10. [quote name='Colledge' post='959884' date='Sep 17 2010, 08:21 PM']imo a hybrid head would do all of the tube warmth and give more clean headroom. the main reason all tube heads are so sought after when compared to hybrid heads is because its so hard to emulate the sound of an tube power section. the orange terror bass has the same preamp section as the ad200b but with a digital power amp or 500 or 1000w which might be a better option if you want clean sound but with the tube vibe / warmth.[/quote] Have to disagree with you there. Earlier this year I had both as I was looking for a lightweight replacement for the AD200B. Sadly the BT did not measure up to the job. It was far too aggressive and even with some valve swaps did not sound like the AD200B. The BT500 went and the AD200B stayed. I am now taking weight lifting classes.
  11. [quote name='barteroo2002' post='959675' date='Sep 17 2010, 05:06 PM']Cheers for the input guys - it appears that there isn't a straight forward answer - except maybe "it'll do 200watts clean"!? It'd be nice for some owners to chip in. I don't want super 'digital' clean, I want tubeyness, but just not 'Overdrive'. 'A bit of dirt, but not too much else.' Anyway, cheers for the input, but please, keep it coming...[/quote] It'll do loud and clean but not sure about [i]very loud[/i] and clean. Then again I've never had a problem with mine not being loud enough and clean. Try one.
  12. It's a valve amp so you need to select the correct impedance tap for the output transformer on the rear panel and use the correct impedance speaker. In this case 4-ohms or 8-ohms. No other impedance will work safely and especially not 2-ohms. Connect your two cabs to the two speaker sockets and you can wave goodbye to the output transformer and look forward to a hefty repair bill. You will be unable to use both 4-ohm cabs unless you use a serial cable to make the two cabs become 8-ohms. This is not the same as daisy chaining the cabs. In theory it should not distort at all when driving the 1x15, it all depends how much gain you crank in at the front end. Distortion with valve amps is much more agreeable than with solid-state amps. If you plan to run the amp flat out then you will probably get distortion. The only way to sensibly answer your question is for you to connect the amp to your speaker and try it.
  13. Another ready-made platform is [url="http://bandzoogle.com/"]Bandzoogle[/url]
  14. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='958118' date='Sep 16 2010, 10:42 AM']Well yes. But no at the same time. You want the other end of the switch to be hooked up to ground so you don't get a load of buzzing when you "kill" the sound. It's just like wiring up a pot: Input in the middle, output on one side and ground on the other.[/quote] Not quite. Jack to the middle, pick-up to one side, ground to the other. Your way you leave the cable open-circuit and ground the pickup.
  15. Disconnecting the pick-up from the amplifier will leave a long unterminated lead connected to the amplifier which will act like an aerial collecting noise and interference. An improved method would be to connect the switch across the output jack of the bass so that in silent mode (switch on) both conductors on the instrument cable are connected together so grounding the input to the amplifier resulting in silence.
  16. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='954523' date='Sep 13 2010, 11:25 AM']Is that the one with ebony top and ash body? Laaaarvely. But not going for Alan's asymmetric profile? Interesting. I think it says something about EBMM's pricing (and also how reasonable Alan's is!) when you commission a custom build because you can't justify the outlay on the Sterling.[/quote] This one: Now waiting for the new custom hardware and the sycamore fretboard.
  17. I've been playing Stingray 5s for the past 12 years. I have dabbled with other makes but have found that the scale length, string spacing and neck profile really works for me. Even better with the Status Carbon-Fibre neck. The ex-OHM Shuker PJ5 has the same string spacing and a very similar profile to the SR5 and also feels just right. Last year I was considering a Sterling 5HS but really could not justify the outlay so I opted for a custom ACG headless Harlot 5HS with the same string spacing and similar neck profile. It's now on the radar, as in Alan has started showing pictures, so hopefully it will be with me before the SE Bash.
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='954018' date='Sep 12 2010, 08:50 PM']After a bit of discussion with obbm, I have realised that this is actually the 4th SE Bash, so I have amended the thread title accordingly..Just a little technicality but these things still matter [/quote] Cheers Nick Not sure what I will bring yet. It might be my new PJB Cub if PJB and Bass Direct can get their fingers out. It's already 6 weeks late. It might be my new ACG Headless 5, if it's finished by then. It might be the Shuker PJ5. It might be an Orange AD200B with Epifani UL212. It might be PJB D200 with headphones - nice one for Jack's room. Otherwise it'll be the same old stuff, SR5 with Status neck, Lakland Duck Dunn PJ4, Godin fretless 5, etc. perhaps a few cables, who knows. Maybe nothing, it'll just be nice to see everyone again especially as I was incapacitated last year.
  19. When I asked them about my DJ4 Lakland told me "The HE6C 1/2" is the correct D-tuner for your bass." I could find no-one who stocked them in the UK so I bought directly from Hipshot's web site.
  20. I very much doubt that there is anything wrong with the original valves as at that age, they are hardly worn. The only way to try for a different sound is to experiment and that can get expensive. As a first step I would just look at replacing V1, the input valve as that is where all the work is done. The Fender Tone Stack is completely passive and allows bass and treble boost and mid cut. Flat Response is with Bass and Treble at about 9 O'Clock and Mid at 3 O'Clock. If you are lacking in treble then maybe you should also look elsewhere for the problem.
  21. obbm

    Im Back

    Hi Mike Welcome back.
  22. If you order a Carbon-Fibre replacement neck for a P, J, Ray or Ray 5 from Status you can specify front, side or both LEDs. Quite expensive though. Recently heard that Simms had put their prices up to go-away values.
  23. Having had my Status Ray 5 for the past 6 years I can thoroughly recommend this conbination. It never goes out of tune, has no dead spots, ultra-smooth neck, loads of sustain and rings out like a piano. It is my go anywhere, do anything bass and is always my first choice. Considering what it cost to buy a neck and have Rob Green fit it, I would think that's a very fair deal.
  24. Ashdown Freebass beltpack transmitter uses a 4-pin mini-XLR connector. This same cable can also used on Shure wireless systems.
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='931070' date='Aug 20 2010, 04:10 PM']I hate good guitarist who try to play the bass like a guitar thinking they are better than a 'mere bassist'. Cannot stand it...no feel, or rhythm.[/quote] Had one of those at the Jam in Aldershot last Monday. House band guitarist monopolised the bass for quite a while when there were real bass players waiting to have a play, but that's probably another thread.
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