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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='931506' date='Aug 20 2010, 11:36 PM']Oh I see, [i]"said the blind man"[/i] he is a member who sells them or makes these cables, aaaaiighht? Thanks[/quote] As I said in my post there are many different variants of Speakon cables. The type you get in music shops are aimed at the PA market and typically use 1.00-sq.mm or 1.5-sq.mm cable, which is not enough. For bass you need 4-sq.mm, keeping the length to a minimum. I use a very flexible Klotz cable with 224 strands per conductor which gives a very low resistance. Most users go for 1-metre, or 1.5m for a large cabinet with connections at the bottom, however Clarky went for 0.5m. I recommend you have a read of my feedback threads for users opinions. If you want more info then pm me.
  2. Back to the original post, there are Speakon cables and Speakon cables. All the comments about jack versus Speakon are valid however no-one has said anything about the wire in between. A Speakon to Speakon wired with 1.5-sq.mm. cable will be inferior to a jack to jack wired with 4-sq.mm. The resistance of the cable has a direct effect on the damping factor of the rig, i.e the amps ability to control the speaker close to it's resonant frequency. The higher the damping factor, the better the control. The contact resistance of the connectors is a part of this so the larger contact area of the Speakon helps. FYI. Jacks were designed for low voltage/current telephony in the 1920s. Speakons have been designed for the high voltage/current of modern power amplifiers.
  3. [quote name='algmusic' post='930025' date='Aug 19 2010, 04:44 PM']Right, Bought my first valve amp, (Terror bass). I bought it second hand here and I've been told its was bought in December. It's great and I love it. It's a tube pre/with power amp. Q1: How long do the tubes last Q2: Should I carry spares? Where can I get them (live in Greenwich, but in the city a lot) Q3: Are they easy to change or do I take it to a shop Q4: any other tube advice to help them last long etc. I usually gig about 1-3 a week and I always carry a my sansamp as backup. I always put it on standby for about 5-15mins before and after the gig at least.[/quote] Q1. Years and years and years. Q2. Unlikely to ever need a spare. Watford valves sell them. Q3. Remove amp cover, twist and remove valve screen, pull out valve, plug in new valve, replace screen, refit cover. Done. very quick and easy. No adjustment necessary. Q4. Don't worry about it. Tube pre-amps are bullet proof, it's the higher power amps that need TLC.
  4. Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen - Truck Stop At The End Of The World.
  5. [quote name='crez5150' post='927973' date='Aug 17 2010, 08:25 PM']Not sure if this is still a relevant thread but I am now looking after LD Products in the UK. Please PM me with any questions you have. Jay[/quote] Thanks Jay, but the requirement has gone away. Have "S" taken them over or have you got a new challenge in life?
  6. If both items of equipmmnt have input fuses then they are protected. The fuse in the plug is only there to protect the cable. As long as the cable is rated for the total load and the plug fuse is correctly rated for the cable then everything should be fine.
  7. obbm


    I met Si a few times at Bashes, communicated by email and was I able to help him out on a number of occassions. I am just stunned by this tragic news. Always a great sense of humour, he will be sadly missed. Deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to his friends and relations
  8. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='924816' date='Aug 14 2010, 12:27 PM']I'm surprised that they haven't issued a Fatwa on Rob Green for making replacement Graphite necks and imposed sanctions against East, Bartolini, MEC, Seymour Duncan, et al for having the temerity to manufacture electronics/pick-ups... BTW, If I made Wah pedals, I would most certainly name one of mine "FatWah" and maybe "AutoFatWah" [/quote] Surely it would hve to be a "PhatWah".
  9. [quote name='gafbass02' post='924594' date='Aug 14 2010, 01:42 AM']I had a massive fall out with BP a few years ago.[/quote] +1 ... and I don't think I've posted there since. I argued that they were missing a trick by not using the Forum to gauge genuine customer feedback but unfortunately the management has an attitude of "don't confuse us with the facts our minds are made up". I suggested that they should try and understand why their customers would want to modify their basses. Went down like the proverbial lead balloon. Also I am still the owner of a heavily modded SR5 - the ultimate sin. Last year I was seriously considering a Sterling 5 but in the end decided to place my order with ACG for a truly custom bass which I know will be a better instrument.
  10. This is a good place to start. [url="http://www.fender.com/support/diagrams/pdf_temp1/basses/0190209C/SD0190209CPg2.pdf"]http://www.fender.com/support/diagrams/pdf...0190209CPg2.pdf[/url] The concentric pots should be: centre spindle/bottom pot/250K outer spindle/upper pot/500K
  11. [quote name='umph' post='920559' date='Aug 10 2010, 12:28 PM']Changing pots wont effect the tone unless you go for higher or lower impedence[/quote] Pots have no inductance or capacitance only resistance, so no impedance, but you knew that didn't you.
  12. [quote name='fryer' post='918678' date='Aug 8 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi, I would like some help with choosing an Amp. I have a Epifani UL 310, which is fine with my Shuttle 6 for practice. The 310 could provide 750w at its 5.3 ohms. I need more power so was thinking of geting another UL 310. But what could I use to power 2 cabs at 5.3 ohms each ? Richard[/quote] I used to use a QSC PLX1602 in 1200-watt bridged mode to drive my UL310, then a UL502 and now its an MB F1. Any amp that has a decent power output into 4-ohms will be fine. The UL310 tends to open up the harder you drive it. As for two of them, been there done that, not necessary. Why would you want to do it apart from image. UL310 is loud. Any dual power amp head with one cab on each power stage. I used an Epi UL-902 and even tried an Ashdown LG1000. Alternatively any head that will work reliably into 2-ohms will be fine.
  13. Glad it worked out for you in the end Colin.
  14. Ordinary balanced cable is unsuitable for stereo as the two conductors can introduce cross-talk to each other. Ideally you need a cable with two separately screened circuits. I have such a cable that I use for stereo leads for Chapman Sticks, headphone extensions, etc. If you are interested then pm me with the length.
  15. [quote name='Ant' post='918401' date='Aug 7 2010, 10:39 PM']I can't seem to find a stereo trs cable with right angled jacks, can anyone point me in right direction[/quote] What length?
  16. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='914556' date='Aug 4 2010, 08:07 AM']This one appears to have a dot-marker there[/quote] I see no dot at Fret 21. and neither does my pre-EB.
  17. Recently bought an Electro Harmonix POG from Daryl. Well packed and quickly posted. Very simple and straightforward transaction. Excellent comms and he also gave me some useful tips about where and how to use it. Thanks.
  18. Probably "Move It" sometime during 1962 or 1963 played on a self-made bass through the family radiogram at a school dance. I was 16. Definitely pre-Beatles and very rebellious for those days.
  19. [quote name='antti' post='907837' date='Jul 28 2010, 08:50 AM']If the customs fee (tax) is equal it should be something like 3-4 % of the whole price. Then they will charge VAT, which, I believe, is 15% at the moment in England. They will charge that from the price of the bass + shipping. So, if you buy this bass you can calculate something like this: Bass - 650 Shipping+ins. - 150 Tax - 32 VAT - 124,8 Total price 956,8 This may not be accurate. Depends on the price of shipping but it won't be too far from this. [/quote] VAT is 17.5% now going up to 20% next year.
  20. Let the Wiki be your guide. Ther are many members who have trodden this path. [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:buying:importing_gear"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:buying:importing_gear[/url]
  21. Thanks for the suggestions. After much Googling I have concluded that black leather dye seems to the colourant of choice and I found a bottle of the recommended make on Ebay. Hopefully here tomorrow.
  22. I've just finishing some remedial work on my CC DB - new bridge/new strings/resurface the finegerboard - and what a difference it makes. I now need to finish the fingerboard off properly as it is rosewood that was originally pained. Any recommendations for what I should use.
  23. 43 years ago I sold my then only bass. It was a decision that I have lived to regret all my life. If you have to sell then keep at least one bass.
  24. [quote name='cameltoe' post='895627' date='Jul 15 2010, 02:17 PM']I'm hoping the Orange Terror bass will have 'that sound', and I already know it's got the headroom. Looks cool too.[/quote] Hmm. I put a TB500 against my AD200B and was so disappointed that I sold the TB again.
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