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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='895542' date='Jul 15 2010, 12:43 PM']Old valves were made better though.[/quote] Then buy one and fit it, preferably a Mullard.
  2. In general valve pre-amps go on for years with no trouble. Over the past couple of years I've had several very old all-valve heads pass through my hands with their original pre-amp valves still performing perfectly.
  3. As a casual observer of, and occasional participant in, this thread it strikes me that you are trying to "make a silk purse out of a sows ear" in that the LB is a nice toy but isn't really what you need. Back in the 60s, 30-watt bass amps were barely enough - I know because I had one - and it always driven into distortion just to be loud enough. Since then other instruments have got a lot louder which has just aggravated the problem and why 300/500 watt bass amps are now the norm, regardless of how loud you actually need them to be. If valve sound is what you want then perhaps a 100-watt, or even a 200-watt, all-valve head would have been a more appropriate choice. Good luck with your experiments.
  4. [quote name='cameltoe' post='894984' date='Jul 14 2010, 07:24 PM']This thread is going on and on...... Would another option for added volume be to use another cab? As stated in the showoff thread I started, I bought the matching 2x12 cab to go with the LB. This cab is 4 ohms, apparently, but the amp has both 4 ohm and 8 ohm outputs. Does this mean I can use both the 4 ohm cab I already have, plus hook up an 8 ohm cab and run both for extra volume? Would this put too much stress on the amp? Go gentle with me, I'm new at this [/quote] No, no, no, no, no, no. Not designed for both outputs to be used at once. Once again you will screw up the output valve loading. It's one or the other, 4-ohms worth of speakers on the 4-ohm output or 8-ohms worth of speakers on the 8-ohm output.
  5. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='894533' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:51 AM']I'll be recieving a SUB very soon as I'm no millionaire and minimum wage for unde 21's is diabolical! Anyway I'll be upgrading it with various things, but I'm stock at the bridge replacement, the only thing I can think of (of the top of my head ) is a badass III bridg as it has 3 mounting screws and I won't have to do any drilling/screwing. However I would rather have a musicman bridge with the mute pads on it. So my question is how do I get one of those? I could buy a classic ray or a pre EB ray, and then try and sell it on. I've tried eBay and there is a 1980 something musicman bridge on there except it's missing the mute pads, so that's a no go, is there a way of ordering one from EBMM?[/quote] EBMM do not sell parts as a matter of policy. They only do a service exchange so if you have a dead pick-up you have to return the faulty one. Your best source is Ebay. Missing mute pads are not a problem, you can make them from old mouse mats. You just need to be sure that the springs and grub-screws are there.
  6. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='894007' date='Jul 13 2010, 06:13 PM']Can I apologise in advance for what, I'm sure, is a really stupid question (I can already picture some of you reading this with your head in your hands!)? Right, deep breath, here goes: I'm changing a heavy duty (Bassic bits) speaker lead from Speakon-Jack to Speakon/Speakon. I've got a red and blue wire. If red was wired to the centre of the jack pin and red to the outer where do they go in the Speakon connector? I'm presuming they're wired centre to centre (would that be +/+?) but I'm not too proud to check! Thanks.[/quote] Red to 1+ Blue to 1-
  7. Sold Sam the Squire Vintage Modified Fretless. Very smooth and easy transaction.
  8. [quote name='cameltoe' post='893656' date='Jul 13 2010, 01:01 PM']And if I only want to run 1 cab but have a bit more headroom I need to use a dummy load correct? I was wondering, as the DI is taken from the output transformer, whether you still need that load.[/quote] You will need to ask Ashdown's designer about this however I suspect the answer will be that the amp needs either a speaker or a dummy load. The DI is merely a secondary tranformer tap. In an [i]all-valve[/i] amp the speaker impedance and the output transformer together create the anode load for the output valves. Running the valves without anode loads will destroy them.
  9. Depending on the output level from the DI socket you may need more than just a power amp, maybe a pre-amp as well, or just use a bass head.
  10. [quote name='Alfie' post='889940' date='Jul 8 2010, 10:31 PM']Slight hijack Running an Orange Terror Bass into two 8 ohm cabs, should the switch on the back of the amp be set to 4 ohm or 8 ohm?[/quote] 2 X 8-ohm Cabs = 4-ohms
  11. Simplest solution without resorting to rewiring is to use an additional power amp to drive the second cab until you sort your cabs out.
  12. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='889401' date='Jul 8 2010, 12:01 PM']ooh-errr, Peavey say 4ohms should be minimum load for their Tour series heads. I asked in the Hartke subforum about how to rewire the 410 cab as a 4ohm to get the max push out of the amp and was told it could not be done.[/quote] Laws of Physics I'm afraid. 8-ohm cab which has 4 x 8-ohm speaker can only be rewired to 32-ohms or 2-ohms.
  13. I wonder what it would be like with an AD200B?
  14. Just received a stack-knob set from Nick. It arrived so fast it must have come by Pony Express, not an Old Horse. As always a pleasure to do business.
  15. Last opportunity before I put it in the Ebay shop.
  16. [quote name='craigonbass' post='885283' date='Jul 4 2010, 10:29 AM']Hi Dave Good to see you and Steve yesterday. It certainly was a loveley day for an outdoor event. Hope it went well, sorry we couldn't stay and see your set. Craig [/quote] Thanks Don and Craig. All went well. Despite the fine weather I don't think there was as large a crowd as in previous years and a mixed bag of bands. Our set went went well, in fact we had some nice complements. After Throbbin Hood finished we joined them on stage for four numbers. 5 guitars, 2 basses, 2 drummers. a few moments of mayhem and madness (not the band). It was a long day and maybe I'm not as fully fit as I thought I was because I'm started to suffer towards the end of the evening and am totally exhausted today. Got to do it all again at Broadbridge Heath in 2 weeks time. Misrule (Mark) dropped by for a chat. Nice to see him again.
  17. obbm

    obbm's feedback

    [quote name='bassmeg' post='884331' date='Jul 2 2010, 08:43 PM']well sometimes these things take a while, and now i have the best setup ever, Aria SB900-SWR750-BergNV610. Thats it, awrsome sound. Sorry for the feedback delay! I couldnt imagine a better cab.[/quote] You are making me regret selling it. No, only joking. I'm really glad that it's working well for you. Awesome sound. I have my eye on a Berg 2x12 next.
  18. obbm

    obbm's feedback

    [quote name='bassmeg' post='884307' date='Jul 2 2010, 08:26 PM']I now own the best cab in the world due to this man. Cheers Dave[/quote] Has it really taken you a year to find that out?
  19. This will be my first real gig since major prostate surgery last summer - yes almost a year without gigging. How have I survived? Loxwood Beer Festival is an annual event with 9 bands from 2:00pm until 11:pm. Plenty of real ale and great food plus loads to do for the children. Usually a large crowd and as the weather is looking good it should be a great day. We're on at 7:00pm but we will be there all day running the stage and PA and we just might creep back on stage for the finale with Throbbin' Hood. Loxwood is between Guildford and Hosham, just inside Sussex. [url="http://www.loxwoodbeerfestival.com/"]http://www.loxwoodbeerfestival.com/[/url]
  20. [quote name='Stacker' post='881687' date='Jun 30 2010, 10:34 AM']With respect, where did you get this information from? I can't find anything on(or even knew of) the second 250K pot in a the original stack circuit. And just to clarify: the detented washer [u][b]was[/b][/u] used in the 1960 model.[/quote] I found it on the web somewhere a couple of years ago which is why I did it. Maybe even Talkbass. It doesn't worry me whether it's original or not, I'm afraid I don't get hung up on things like that. It just works very well which is good enough for me
  21. [quote name='BassBod' post='881653' date='Jun 30 2010, 09:56 AM']Customised pots...now that's just a bit clever! I would ask how, but I'm sure I couldn't manage that, and there are far better qualified people who will be asking you the same thing. I'll leave it to them. But still very clever.[/quote] If you ever want this done, get the bits and send them to me. i'm quite happy to do it for you.
  22. All the information I have managed to obtain points to the original stack-knob pots being 250K/250K which you can't buy any more. I bought a pair of CTS 250K/500K and a pair of CTS 250K pots and performed surgery to create 250K/250K. They work very well and the tone controls have a much better range than with 500K.
  23. [quote name='Simon.' post='880699' date='Jun 29 2010, 10:09 AM']Obbm - if you could wait until September, I'll have a cash injection and very probably take this off your hands! Can't believe this great looking bass hasn't sold yet...[/quote] I'm in no rush to sell, which is why I haven't bumped it recently. Basses like this will evetually sell in their own good time, one just has to be patient. Keep me posted.
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