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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='faceman' post='843927' date='May 21 2010, 10:58 AM']Talk about luck! I did a post on the EB forum and fellow has emailed me and offered me a pre-EB bridge for $150 with a brand new mute assembly. He said it's got hollow saddles so it's pre-EB but not through-body stringing, which is what I need! It's used with some scratches and a little rust in some areas but overall very good condition for its age. It has the mute screws but not the mute spring assembly. Said he has an assembly he has one he can add on to it the deal as well. Thoughts? He has said he would throw in a new set of the two large screws that are on either side of the saddles but said I would have to check your bass to see if the original bushings for those two screws are still in the bass. What are these?![/quote] Well done. Very lucky to find the bridge. Here's a picture of the bridge on mine with the two large screws that hold the bridge to the body clearly visible.
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='841528' date='May 18 2010, 10:59 PM']Ill PM you the details.[/quote] Thanks.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='841521' date='May 18 2010, 10:54 PM']Yes, ive already given it to the OP. The thing is my cab had two new drivers when i sold it so i doubt its the same one. And it was a couple of years ago now.[/quote] Reason I ask is that I have a UL212 that I acquired from a BCer last year. I'm wondering if it's your old one.
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='840169' date='May 17 2010, 08:44 PM']Ill go through my PMs and see if i can find the buyer. Im pretty sure he sold it on though.[/quote] Do you know the serial number of yours?
  5. [quote name='davidmpires' post='840771' date='May 18 2010, 12:51 PM']Now up until now I put the songs on my pc and have to use two headphones to hear the bass on one coming from the amp and another one coming from my pc with the song I’m learning. Now I want to be able to use just one, what’s the best way to do it? And cheaper way. I want to be able to mix my bass with my pc so I only need one set of headphones and stop disturbing my OH with the sound of the amp. Any suggestions?[/quote] If your amp has an FX loop then take the FX send and mix it with the PC output and then return the mix to the FX Return and have your headphones just plugged into the amp. You can do this with a simple mixer or even a matrix of restistors.
  6. +1 on the D200. An excellent powered DI box and headphone driver. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the GB Shuttle 6. They were all the rage last year. What happened?
  7. Nothing at all with the hearing aids in. Nothing in the left ear and up to 10KHz in the right ear with them out. Sort of what I expected.
  8. Doesn't look very 1U to me.
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='833421' date='May 10 2010, 06:41 PM']The big magnets that make it so sensitive despite the high excursion also make the impedance peaks at resonance very large - makes life easier for s/s amps but the opposite for transformer coupled amps. When it comes to valve amps and the Barefaced range we recommend the Vintage, the Big One or a stack consisting of two Compacts or a Midget and Compact.[/quote] Thanks Alex. It'd be good with the F1 then.
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='833371' date='May 10 2010, 06:19 PM']If we have some spare then yes indeed.[/quote] Thanks [quote name='alexclaber' post='833371' date='May 10 2010, 06:19 PM']However I don't see it being valve amp friendly ......[/quote] Could you explain why?
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='833264' date='May 10 2010, 05:10 PM']That's why this cab has three handles - one on each side for lifting it in the way you describe plus one on the top for rolling it - and rollerblade style wheels so you can tilt and roll. If a significant proportion of owners didn't like the handles then we'd have a rethink - we ask our customers for feedback and based on what we hear the handles are a non-issue: In fact they all seem to love how easy the cabs are to move![/quote] Points taken Alex. I must try one of these sometime. It might enable me to rationalise my cab collection. I couldn't borrow on for the weekend of July 3/4 could I?
  12. [quote name='JackLondon' post='832882' date='May 10 2010, 10:44 AM']Everyone is suddenly an expert on handles as well.[/quote] Seeing as I started this debate on handles with my personal comments I will clarify where I was coming from. Being 5'6" tall, slightly built and well past my sell-by-date, carrying a cab of this size, regardless of weight, by a single handle is not practical. I have found the best way to move these sized cabs is in a kind of bear-hug and two recessed handles on the side would make this very easy, otherwise there is nothing to grip. They would also make it easier to lift vertically, for example onto a stage or into the car. It is purely a practical and logistical consideration. If fitting these is detrimental to the performance of the cab then that has to be taken into consideration in the cab design by the boffins who know.
  13. [quote name='Alien' post='831606' date='May 8 2010, 05:32 PM']Not necessarily the case. Most amps have the cut out on the FX [b]return[/b] jack, so that anything plugged into the return removes the preamp from the equation. A lot of the time, the FX send can be used as an additional line level output, in parallel with the loop. A[/quote] Good call Andy. I was going to say something about the return but didn't want to confuse. Stick a blank jack in the FX return socket to be sure.
  14. [quote name='witterth' post='831512' date='May 8 2010, 03:28 PM']You know... the other thing that occured to me was, as MB1 so elloquently put it, "bang!!" will it matter that the smx head is not powering speakers? is it enough just to turn stage output (green knob) to nought ? if its (smx)being used as a pre amp, I wont be "hurting it" will I? you know, pushing out power with nowhere to go type of thing (do you get me techies??) Gig tonight...any one know? if obbm/dood/ghost not around!! thanks for being patient with me!![/quote] It is quite acceptable and safe to leave a solid-state amp without any load i.e. speakers, anyway by inserting a jack into the Effects Send output ( to take the signal to the AH) you will be disconnecting any signal going to the power amp.
  15. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='828367' date='May 5 2010, 12:54 PM']Interested in an ACG? Did I already ask this before?![/quote] I'm sorry but the only ACG I'm interested in is the one Alan is making for me. BTW you haven't asked beforeso thanks for the suggestion.
  16. Could be interested in trade for 4-string Status S2 Fretless (headless) or MM Sterling Fretless.
  17. [quote name='machinehead' post='827359' date='May 4 2010, 12:55 PM']Isn't the width of the new 2 x 12 cab 19.5 inches and a standard rack is 19 inches? Doesn't this match perfectly? I'm asking this because I'm not sure.[/quote] 19-inch is the width of the equipment that fits into a rack or rack case. The case itself is usually at least an inch or more wider. Good to hear that the handles are very robust.
  18. Nice review Gareth. Definitely a useful box of tricks. It's a shame they didn't put an external speaker socket so you can us e it as a head with a larger cab. Now where is my drill.
  19. Performance aside, looking at the picture it would appear to have screw-on strap type handles. At that weight I would prefer something a bit more substantial and recessed as they will get knocked-off or ripped off very quickly. Also why do cabs have to be made narrower than a typical rack case or valve head? This would go well with an Orange AD200 but the head will overhang the cab by a couple of inches either side. Looks daft.
  20. I must say that looks very interesting. I'd like to try one.
  21. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='826685' date='May 3 2010, 06:25 PM']Hope i'm not saying anything stupid, but if you want all the preamp gadgets on the SMX working you can't connect the FX send to the other amp because you loose the compression (and probably the noise reduction if existing) seccion wich come after the FX section and the FX loop itself. In my idea the best way to do that link is to connect all the preamp seccion from the DI out in post eq mode to the fx input on the power amp! That way you have all the preamp section comming out the SMX and entering in the nearest point of the power amp section... Simply use a XLR<--->1/4 mono Jack to do it! Wait till someone supports my idea before trying it though, i may be wrong Cheers[/quote] SMX has 2 FX sends. FX1 is before the compressor, FX2 is after the compressor and just before the power stage.
  22. [quote name='witterth' post='826157' date='May 3 2010, 07:39 AM']thanks for that dood! I know you know what your'e on about!! But just to double check though, has any one got any Trace manual(s) (old&new) just to be sure I'm that unsure I'd need pictures! btw, cable doesnt have to be a stereo jack or owt like that does it? (dood/obbm?) thanks for the help/advice BTW W[/quote] PM me your email and I'll send you some manuals later. Cable just ordinary mono instrument lead.
  23. Need to check the schematics but the obvious thing to do is connect the FX 2 Send of the SMX to the FX return of the AH500 using a short instrument lead. or even a long one just to test it. The FX send/return is typically located between the pre-amp out and the power amp in.
  24. Weekly bump. Consider trades for basses/amps/w.h.y. but not effects - don't use them.
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