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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='741363' date='Feb 10 2010, 07:38 PM']I think the Music Man StingRay 5 and the Sterling use a circuit that compensate the volume variations between single-coil, parallel and series.[/quote] They do:
  2. [quote name='benthos' post='741207' date='Feb 10 2010, 05:12 PM']Hi, Interesting, and thanks for the reply. So I take it you don't miss the sound of the original neck, or is it the case that the sonic difference was too small to be a factor compared to the benefits of stability etc.?[/quote] To be quite honest I can no longer remember what it was like originally however it is still sounds like an SR5. This bass has had many changes. The pick-up is now a Nordstrand and this spec is the one that works for me. Best thing to do is try one and see if it works for you.
  3. [quote name='benthos' post='741035' date='Feb 10 2010, 02:22 PM']Hi All, Are there any opinions/experiences out there putting a graphite neck on a Stingray? Does this enhance the sound and stability of the instrument or is this largely a cosmetic upgrade? Ideally I'd like to hear the difference between the original and graphite neck, so if anyone knows where I might find some audio clips that would be perfect.[/quote] I've had mine for over 5 years now. Done many, many gigs with it and it is my favourite gigging bass. Superb neck, crystal clear tone and very punchy, right throough the band. Rarely needs tuning. Mine has side LEDs which almost doubled the cost. I have never regretted doing the mod and will never sell it. Sorry I don't have any recordings.
  4. The international standard is shown at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19-inch_rack"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19-inch_rack[/url]. Those SWR mounting holes certainly do not comply and look like a hangover from the old US standard. What is the actual spacing between them and from the top and bottom of the bracket? I suggest you find a case with sliding, completely adjustable fixings.
  5. Having had a look at Boschma it would seem that their rack strip does not comply with the international standards as it doesn't have the intermediate holes. Then again from what you say the amp wants to use the intermediate holes which is a US thing and goes against accepted custom and practice. As already stated you either make new holes in the rack strip, make new holes in the amp ears or get a new case. Historically there were 2 standards, EIAJ (Japan/USA) and DIN/BSS for Europe. Now there is one but not everyone complies. I had an Ashdown LG1000 a year ago and the holes in the rack brackets were non-compliant. I told them but they ignord me as usual.
  6. I understand the problem. Whats the amp?
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='739302' date='Feb 8 2010, 07:33 PM']Mark Knopfler toured and recorded as Dire Straits with only 2 of the originals and no one bothered to complain, Tower of Power toured for years without Francis Rocco Prestia, Pink Floyd have been as just good for more than 25 years without Roger Waters, Genesis survived the loss of Peter Gabriel, Queen are out there successfully gigging without Freddie, the Blockheads don't have Ian Dury and Little Feat don't have Lowell George so why should The Who need anyone other than their singer and songwriter? All these guys are out there making good live music. Thank God for that! What an irritating thread this is turning into!!!![/quote] Agree with your last comment Chris. I enjoyed it. There are quite a few members here who are contemporarys of Roger and Pete and, in some cases, older. According to most of you who posted criticism it seems that anyone in their later years of life should pack up gigging. In your dreams sunshine. Long may they continue, I know I shall. As for bands without all their original members how about The Rolling Stones, Bad Company, The Yardbird, and Doctor Feelgood have none of the originals.
  8. Welcome. Got a Fender. Got a Squire. Usually play an MM. Variety is the spice of life. You'll enjoy it here, cheers Dave (64)
  9. 1946 was a poor year for basses.
  10. [quote name='ped' post='736565' date='Feb 5 2010, 07:14 PM']Well, there's not THAT many... and I guess people like them as a rough guide or a starting point from which to learn a particular song...[/quote] In that case Google is your friend.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='733805' date='Feb 3 2010, 10:01 AM']Dave, ive just got another Duck Dunn and am thinking of putting a Jazz pup in at the neck. It came with a Lakland pup but ive put a Fralin in it as this is the way it should be IMHO. Can i ask what pup you have at the neck?[/quote] I bought a Lindy Fralin split coil set of P and J from Angela Instruments however the bridge J split coil is available on its own. [url="http://angela.com/lindyfralinsplitcoilbridgepositionpickupforfenderjazzbass.aspx"]http://angela.com/lindyfralinsplitcoilbrid...erjazzbass.aspx[/url] They have similar outputs and as they are both split coil there is no hum or interference. To complement them I built a pair of stack knob 250K/250K pots so each pick-up has its own volume/tone control and they both fit into the two existing holes in the scratch plate. The capacitor values are the same as the original '61 stack Knob jazz.
  12. [quote name='observer' post='733740' date='Feb 3 2010, 08:49 AM']Look a bit strange to me. What's this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270524795739&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url][/quote] It's a 312P guitar speaker cabinet. It has three 12" Celestian Vintage 30 drivers on inwardly mounted baffles to create extremely efficient sound dispersion. 16-ohm, 240-watts.
  13. Welcome to Basschat. NJ has a great musical heritage. Home of Bruce, Southside, etc. Lucky you.
  14. When I started into music there was only the Precision and it was the photo of Jet Harris's P on the cover of The Shadows first album that made a deep impression. The P shape is the archetypal bass shape. When I eventually could afford one though I found that the neck was too wide for my small hands so I changed to a Jazz. Just love that growl. The solution has been a Precision body, Jazz neck with PJ pick-ups. Deep growl and ticks all the boxes. Oh but it's not a Fender, its a Lakland.
  15. Eternal optimist? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/musicman-stingray-5-string-bass_W0QQitemZ110486883724"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/musicman-stingray-5-string-bass[/url]
  16. [quote name='richrips' post='727551' date='Jan 28 2010, 01:30 PM']i don't know if anyone would know, but is there, or is there likely to be a difference in the preamp section for the 1000 and 350? I saw the link above recently on here and wondered if it applied to both models, as maplin sell all the necessary.....[/quote] pPre-amp is exactly the same in both models. I have the schematic if anyone needs it
  17. This whole problem raises another issue. Presumably this product must have a "CE Mark" to be legally sold in Europe. Maybe PJB just put the stickers on and hope that no-one ever checks/asks if it has been correctly tested and certified. If it's generating that amount of audible noise, just how much RF interference is it putting out. I used to have terrible troubles with my Epifani UL502 wiping out radio reception whenever it was on. Is it a case of US manufacturers thumbing their noses to the law?
  18. When I needed a black one for my SR5 I asked EBMM and they sent me a whole packet. If black is what you need then PM me your name and address and I'll pop one in the post.
  19. Why not use the power amp section of a Markbass F1? 1U, almost 1/2 rack width and quite shallow.
  20. [quote name='d-basser' post='722785' date='Jan 24 2010, 01:35 AM']Next query: Do the valves have to match? Is it a case of two 12AX7 or two 12AT7 or could you use one of each? And if so what would happen?[/quote] No need for them to be matched so they can be different. It's best to try different types to see what works best however it is the first one, the one nearest the input socket, that makes the most difference as it provides the initial gain and drive. Now I have the covers off mine I'll have a look at the circuit design.
  21. A couple of comments. The Orange bass Terror can be tamed by changing the valves to make it less aggressive, however it still has that Orange tone. The Ashdown LG1000 is not 1000-watts into 4-ohms. It has 2 x 500-watt in 4-ohm power amps which are not bridgeable, so it 500-watts into 4-ohms + 500-watts into 4-ohms. No problem with using just one power amp and leaving the other unconnected. One BCer took the approach of an EBS Microbass 2 and a very small lightweight power amp made for him by BC member "Alien". I saw it at one of the SE Bashes and it seemed very com pact although not quite as small as a Shuttle 6.
  22. Just tried a 5751, 12AY7 and a 12AU7. They all have lower gain than the unbranded stock 12AX7 so make a considerable difference. Only able to use headphones so next test will be with speakers. I think I shall probably use a 5751 in the V1 position and when tested with speakers may change V2 to a better quality valve. If gain is not a problem then it might be worth trying a 12AY7 or even a 12AU7. I have a very nice CBS 12AU7, bought from Ebay. They were made for use in CBS studio equipment. There are some useful vave gain comparison charts on the Net. [url="http://thetubestore.com/gainfactor.html"]http://thetubestore.com/gainfactor.html[/url] [url="http://www.300guitars.com/articles/preamp-tube-gain-factors-and-substitution-chart/"]http://www.300guitars.com/articles/preamp-...titution-chart/[/url] [url="http://www.diyguitarist.com/GuitarAmps/SD-Convertible/patgf1.htm"]http://www.diyguitarist.com/GuitarAmps/SD-...ible/patgf1.htm[/url]
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