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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='705908' date='Jan 8 2010, 07:26 PM']still, its not like anyone is going to be ripped off. The reserve was very reasonable given the value of the parts.[/quote] I must disagree. It's a gross misrepresentation. It is NOT a Stingray and someone who doesn't know could well be ripped off thnking they are getting the real deal. Not all potential buyers are as knowledgeable as the BC membership. Anyway where's the battery? The only real parts are probably the neck and the pick-up and they do not add up to a real Ray.
  2. This has been listed before. It's a bitza. Bits from here and bits from there. Genuine pre-EB neck. Body is copy. Pick-up in wrong place. Wrong bridge. Control plate looks home-made. Last time it was up it was reported.
  3. About 2 years ago I bought a pink one of these second-hand off Ebay for £41. It was for my Neice to have a go on the basis that if it was a 5-minute fad then it wasn't going to do much financial damage. Firstly it's a 32-inch scale. When I got it the action was appalling but after a change of strings and a thorough set-up it played reasonably well and sounded very old school. The neck was very thick somewhat like a broom handle. I also had to take a file to the fret ends as they were very sharp and would tear your hands of you were not careful. There is a photo somewhere of Dood playing it at the last National Bass Bash. It has served it's purpose very well (the novelty has worn off) however if I was looking for a project bass I would not get one of these.
  4. If you fancy a trip out into the provinces Jack there are still quite a few in West Surrey. Details [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?v=info&gid=5701269558"]here[/url]
  5. They have different profile necks. The DJ has one more fret than the JO The original DJ had Aero pickups whilst the JO had Lindy Fralins. More modern ones have Lakland pick-ups. Of the two I far preferred the DJ5 with the smaller body and deeper growl.
  6. There is no noise/whistle from my PJB D200, well perhaps a bit of noise with all controls fully up, but that is to be expected.
  7. This NV610 was mine for a while. Amazing sound ..... ..... but the size and weight proved too much.
  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='701166' date='Jan 4 2010, 11:57 PM']Thanks for that clarification, obbm. So in other words, using my two 8 ohm Genz Benz cabinets, I'd get roughly the same kind of output as from my Shuttle 6.0. I was curious, as I've been offered a new LG1000 for a silly price...[/quote] I had one for a while and was singularly unimpressed with it.
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='701129' date='Jan 4 2010, 11:27 PM']Am I correct in saying that the amp is rated as "1000w @ 4ohms", so therefore using two 8ohms speaker cabinets will give your 4ohms anyway? Surely this is the case, otherwise they'd advertise the LG1000 as 1000w at 2ohms, wouldn't they?[/quote] LG1000 has 2 separate 500-watt power amps, each of which will deliver 500-watts into 4-ohms. To use 2 x 8-ohm cabs you could use them both on one channel and get 500-watts into the pair or put one on each channel and get about 300-watts into each. There is no way you can get 1000-watts into 4-ohms.
  10. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='699323' date='Jan 3 2010, 11:16 AM']They do but the problem is not in the signal produced by the amp. The majority of the DI outputs of the amps are at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_level"]line-level[/url]. Mixing desks XLR inputs are at microphone level. Microphone level is up to 60 dB lower than line-level. In other words, mixing desks amplify 60 dB more than required by a line level connection. The problem you are experiencing is a signal level matching issue - it is not related to the amp or the mixing desk. In practical terms, the fact that the amp DI delivers a line level signal instead of a mic level signal is a good thing. If you need a line level signal (e.g. for a recording interface) it is already available. If you need to connect the amp to a mic-level device, you just need a simple attenuator. If the amp was delivering a mic level signal, in order to amplify to line-level you would need a preamplifier - a much more expensive device that inevitably would introduce noise.[/quote] Totally agree. "Professional" mixers are capable of handling mic or line on their channel XLR input. Even my Soundcraft Folio could. I suspect the problem lies in the hands of an inexperienced sound operative who doesn't know how, or is too idle or frightened, to adjust the levels correctly.
  11. [quote name='rumour6' post='698361' date='Jan 1 2010, 08:59 PM']Hi there, as far as I know you can use any Bi-amp head and run the two 2x10s as a 4x10 hi-pass and the 15 as a low pass .[/quote] In this case the 1x15 is 4-ohms and the 4 x 10 would be 2-ohms.
  12. The bass is a 1996 MIJ jazz. Looking at the Hipshot web site it would appear that I need a BT10. Is this correct?
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='696467' date='Dec 30 2009, 04:57 PM']I would love this, how many OHMs is it?[/quote] It's three separate 4-ohm sets of speakers with a common return, which is why you need 3 x power amps or ideally an AH1000 to drive it.
  14. [quote name='The Burpster' post='695739' date='Dec 29 2009, 05:15 PM']I bl88dy well hope so - I just bought it! [/quote] I don't think you'll be disappointed. I like mine.
  15. Just had a mailshot from Soundslive offering 15% off Orange again. That brings the Bass Terror down to £381.65 plus postage. Discount code is "ORA15".
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='692783' date='Dec 24 2009, 08:59 AM']I know 6 ohms is close enough to 8 to be happy, but since its actually 5.3 or so, is the 4 ohm tap more appropriate?[/quote] I asked this very question of Orangeback in March. Mr Elmsley's reply was: [quote]Use the 4 ohm. Its not ideal though! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device[/quote]
  17. I finally got round to trying mine yesterday with an Epifani UL112. It's very loud and nicely growly with the SR5. Can't wait until the weather warms up and I can try it with the UL310 and the UL212.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='687045' date='Dec 17 2009, 09:29 AM']Does the Bass Terror actually come with a manual? There's nowt on the (utterly crap) Orange website.[/quote] Nope. Nothing.
  19. [quote name='Pow_22' post='686550' date='Dec 16 2009, 05:16 PM']Just noticed TE do a few AH amps (300 and 500) both of which are in the 12 band series, would these power the cab or is the ah1000 the ONLY head?[/quote] AH1000 only I'm afraid. They were desined together. TheAH1000 has 3 power amps, 1 x 500-watt for the 15-inch and 2 x 250-watt for the 2x10s. No other Trace amp has 3 power amps. Just for the record the Speakon on the BFC is wired 1+ to the 15-inch +ve 1- to all -ve 2+ to the RH 2x10 +ve 2- to the LH 2x10 +ve
  20. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='686526' date='Dec 16 2009, 05:00 PM']You could consider getting an Ashdown Little Giant 1000 and powering 1x2x10 and the 15! G.[/quote] Another good possibility however you'd need a custom speaker cable.
  21. [quote name='Pow_22' post='686398' date='Dec 16 2009, 03:17 PM']Anyone know how much these cabs are actually worth, guessing not much seeing as only one head can power the thing. I got it off ebay for £150, a bit tatty in places on the carpet covering but seems solid enough.[/quote] To someone with an AH1000 probably £250. If you prepared to spend some money on re-engineering it I guess it could be quite a good cab. I rewired mine temporarily. Connected the two 2x10s in parallel (makes 2-ohms) and then put them in series with the 15 to make 6-ohms. Sounded good. I already mentioned changing the 15 to 8-ohms, then wire the two 2x10s in series (8-ohms) and then connect them in parallel with the 15 to get 4-ohms. Whatever you do requires major internal rewiring due to the common return for all 3 speaker systems.
  22. [quote name='Pow_22' post='686334' date='Dec 16 2009, 02:06 PM']Ahh ok, so effectively unless i shell out for the AH1000 or the power amps i have no chance of powering all the sepakers in the cab?. Maybe it wasnt such a bargain after all, might be time to look for a new cab[/quote] Now you know why I sold mine.
  23. [quote name='Pow_22' post='686328' date='Dec 16 2009, 02:00 PM']so effectively it could all be down the lead i was given with the cab i.e this lead is for the matching TE bass head and as im using an Ashdown i need a different lead? Sorry for being thick![/quote] Nothing to do with the lead. read my post above.
  24. BFC is in fact 3 cabs in 1. 2 x 2x10s+ tweeter and a single 1x15-inch. Each is 4-ohms and has to be driven separately. The connection panel should have the wiring details for the 4-pole Speakon. 3-poles are used for each set of speakers, the 4th is the common return. I had one for a while and tried a number of different ways to drive it but ideally you need 3 power amps or an AH1000. Rewiring is not an option as there is no way you can get 4 or 8 ohms from 3 x 4-ohms. I thought about changing the 15-inch speaker for an 8-ohm version but the manufacturer had gone out of business and there was no other direct replacement.
  25. I had an LG1000 for a while. It sounded OK but I didn't like the fiddly slider EQ controls. A couple of months ago I bought a Phil Jones D200 instead for £249 from The Bass Centre (delivered next day). It has active and passive inputs, a 5-band EQ on proper knobs a limiter and a decent headphone output. Sounds really nice and clean. Output is rated at 150-watts. Small and light and comes with its own gigbag. To date I've only used it for practice with headphones. I take the FX send into a mixer, add the PC output and then back in through the FX return. When the weather warms up or the house is empty I'll try it through some of my cabs. Well worth considering. I think there was a review in BGM a few issues ago. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/bass-cabs/phil-jones-bass-d200-head.html"]http://www.basscentre.com/bass-cabs/phil-j...-d200-head.html[/url]
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