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Everything posted by Basszilla

  1. Hi guys I'm looking to get a computer based recording set up for recording my 4 piece band, so I thought I'd turn to the trusty BC members for advice. I have plenty of recording experience, just not on a PC (I don't know much about them truth be told). The problem i'm facing is, making sure I buy the right components to get the job done and general newb setup questions. I need the set up to be semi mobile as I don't have a dedicated room for recording. (but I don't ming lugging equipment either) I've bought some monitors (MAudioAV40) and will be adding bits over the next couple of months as and when I can afford them. * I've yet to get a PC but will likely go laptop for portability (any recommendations as to minimum spec etc to run without hitch) I've been looking on PC-Specialist.co.uk * I need a good soundcard and USB interface (any recommendations?) * A front end with 8 mic pres (for drum tracking, any recommendations?) * Would I need at least a 16 track USB mixer or can I skip this and mix on screen as long as I have a 8 channel preamp? I will likely be using adobe audition purely on recommendation by my brother. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Tim
  2. DR high beam for me, I used rotos for years. I play pretty hard with a plectrum and they survive literally months of abuse on my spector.
  3. Im after stuff to the tune of £600, I have an excellent epiphone valve standard combo which I can let go with it as well to up the value my side. USA P Stingray Modded Jap PB? Ibanez Blazer with cash my way Cash either way, I would ideally let it go in a direct trade for a USA PB. The guitar is really really good. My guitarist tried it during rehersal up against a number of guitars including a high end custom conklin and the sound is a lot better.
  4. Guys As the new owner of this explorer, i'm going to offer it up for trade for a bass. It's in pristine condition. I'm just not a guitar player! Whatcha got?
  5. Gorgeous! I miss that ripper The natural one looks really nice as well fair play!
  6. That is strange. I use a d-dropped euro spector through mine and it handles it fine
  7. Sandford & Sonny Bluebeard or a Blackout Effectors Musket are my go to fuzzboxes I've had a tump load over the years but these are the two I keep coming back to for 'that' sound I've also been happy with the zoom uf-01 which offers a nice gated fuzz. My musket is up for sale btw if anyone's interested.
  8. AFAIK to my cloth ears the 'drive' knob just ups the preamp drive levels. Once your drive is set, the 'depth' knob adds a ton of bass and volume as you move it left. Furthest right gives the thinnest sound. As you click through to the left you get extra lows and volume. Furthest to the left produces the loudest and bassiest setting. All of the controls interact, but I tend to stay in the middle and cut a little bass to find the spot i'm happiest at. The amp has a very 'open' and 'wide' sound IMO. I love it In all honestly though, I wish I knew exactly what the frequency centres are on the tone controls and where they interact etc. Anyone?
  9. I pretty much think that as well Fin - I'm always in the middle of the depth with full drive. Treble at 1 o'clock and bass at 11 o'clock with presence at about 2 o'clock. I play with a plec. What about your settings?
  10. I didn't say it would damage it by playing hard. I was talking about my individual approach to me playing my bass, which isn't one of cotton wool lines and gently stroking the strings.
  11. Having gone down to one single bass (spector euro 4lx) I love my bass but I don't mind it getting old and battered. It's there to be played and play it I will...hard! Dig in and enjoy that's what I say
  12. For me I was lucky to get my spector when I had the spare cash back in 2003. Landed on my feet with that one. I've had a few other basses which were all good in their own rights, but I have never felt at home as I do with my euro 4lx so I ended up selling them all. I'd got fed up of messing around with other axes, as it's mucho expensive and you just end up running around chasing your tail.. The journey's half the fun though!!!
  13. I've had a gt200 for a couple of years almost. In the past i've owned a mesa boogie 400+, an orangeAD200B and a fender bassman 135, and i've played on an SVT a few times. They are all vastly different both in tone and operation. They all sound gorgeous in my opinion. The orange gets closest to the matamp in sound, but still is quite different. The orange has a linear gain knob, whilst the stock GT200 has a 'click' gain knob. The matamp breaks up nicely and will deliver the 200watts clean before getting into breakup zone. It's a really loud amp. And heavy. I've hammered my amp for two years and it's going strong, no issues whatsoever. The only minus I can think of is that I can't afford a GT400 haha not that i'll ever need that kind of headroom, and that Huddersfield is a long long drive from where I live!!! Beautiful part of the country though! Matamp for me are the be-all and end-all, superior tone, build quality, excellent customer service and quite simply, they rock.
  14. A1+ basschatter, an absolute gent with a really nice bass Smooth transaction, and excellent comms. Definitely buy/sell with confidence.
  15. [quote name='thatgrantboy' post='1088445' date='Jan 13 2011, 06:59 PM']Haha tidy! If indeed you are, I'm 5 minutes up the road in Abercynon![/quote] Yeah I'm in Trallwn just down the road. Small world!!
  16. Thanks Yes it is truly a monster cab. Best I've used, and i've had a few! Get on it people! I can arrange courier if that's easier for interested parties.
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