Cheers QOTD Well we're just finalising all the artwork for the album and then we're going to be gigging as much as possible.
We've got a show or two booked for July (municipal hall, ponty), but we're definitely going to be booking some shows for June as the album will be back from pressing by then. As soon as anything's concrete, i'll let you know kind sir
Fender BXL 15 combo thingy (rattled like nobodies business, still, it did the job at the time)
Trace Elliott GP7 (blew this one up and had it repaired many a time before I retired it - nice sound)
Fender bassman 135 (sold on, regretted!)
Boogie 400+ (sold on to CK, regretted!)
Markbass 450 slim (still my current head)
Trace 1x15 (moved on to Nash I think)
Fender 4x10 (pawned it off to a shop for a compressor and some cash)
Markbass 1x15 (sold to Higgie)
Markbass 4x10 (sold to Higgie)
Berg NV610 (current cab)
Best looking amp - Definitely not the MB. It's gonna have to be the stealthy look of the boogie..
Loudest Amp - Boogie 400+ without as doubt. This amp can demolish anything at a 1000 paces. I could never get above 2 on the master.
Best Live Sound - Bassman 135 I guess. I liked the twang on this one. Bought it from a mate after many years of twisting his arm.
Best Studio Sound - Markbass/NV610 Just recorded my debut with this setup
Most Commented Upon (positive) Live Sound from Punters - Bassman 135. Well the guys in the band dug the tone.
Most Frustrating Set Up to get a sound out of - They all sounded cool imo.
I quite like this. Being a bit fan of Pelican it sounds great. I would say more compression on the bass and guitars to give more control of mix placement.
Perhaps you could try tuning slightly higher than the guitars? Like drop D or something? Use your A string as your open A? Should give you more tautness and brightness in the mix?
Some of my favourite sounds for me have come from 'cheaper' basses. They're just tools at the end of the day.
I just recorded a fair portion of my album with an old jap bass I bought off ebay ages ago, it sounds great in the mix..
When it comes to recording and capturing sounds, you'll find that gear snobbery doesn't really wash in the mix. Most things sounds good as long as they are intoned correctly and played very tight. More often than not, compression and EQ is used during the mix to the extent where it takes on a sound of it's own anyway.
It all depends on the individual. I prefer 2nd or 3rd hand basses that have a story to tell. I've played a variety of brands from cheap to expensive and they all bring something different to the table. IMO of course.
Barber LTD Silver, boxed, mint condition £70 delivered
[i]Excellent clear and sweet overdrive pedal[/i]
Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie w/mid switch, vgc, £70 delivered
[i]Superb bassaggedon style fuzz box[/i]
Cheers guys, based in S.Wales
Aye mine was delivered yesterday as well. Nice looking enclosure and blue LED.
So what's the difference between a cream pie and a cream pie [i]deluxe[/i] then?
Yeah makes sense in waiting for the price to drop a bit. I can see me picking one up at some point as well. Whatever the case though it's a lot cheaper than the classic 300 anyway!
How's the lows on it Al? I know they're centred at 80Hz. I presume this gives a nice tight bottom?