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Everything posted by Basszilla

  1. Hi all I've just uploaded my latest track to my bandcamp page. It is a grunge track that I wrote and recorded this week whilst holed up with covid. Anyone who dips in for a listen I appreciate you!! https://instantdismissal.bandcamp.com/track/colorblind Cheers Tim
  2. Sealed cab with multiple 10" drivers ideally 6+
  3. Hi all Here is my latest song home if anyone wants to check it out. Best listened to on headphones 🎸😊 www.soundcloud.com/timjwilliams/home Cheers, Tim
  4. Edit : double post
  5. + freshly strung with new d'addario pro steel 105-45
  6. Very true Lee. They are without doubt incredibly beautiful instruments visually and sonically. Anyone who has yet to try one definitely should. The thing is they are a joy to play, the body just sits right and they never fall out of tune. And best of all they always cut through the mix with a hefty amount of authority. I'm no longer gigging for various reasons so most of my gear is up for sale. I have some pedals that I'll be looking to move on soon as well, a catalinbread sft and a zoom ultra fuzz.
  7. Thanks Andy, and yes they are just brilliant basses. A reluctant sale really especially as I've owned this one for so long. Lots of memories attached 😊
  8. Bump. This needs to go now as I am looking to free up space in my living room and replace it with some nice front end studio hardware which is generally silly money. It is an awesome rig, imo the best valve tone money can buy. Put any bass through this and play and it becomes this big, thick and warm sound almost 3d. I've owned many of the big valve amps over the years and this has been the best. Just a huge warm sound that immediately sits right with a band. Also to add this is a mark 1 GT200 which are discontinued and superior to the mark 2s in my opinion. A mark 2 would cost just shy of Β£2k so this is an absolute steal. Again this has been serviced and looked after tremendously all its life.
  9. New year's bump
  10. Thanks for the feedback @neepheid
  11. Basszilla

    610 Cabs

    Always had 610s myself with a valve amp chugging away merrily on top. You can't beat it. Had a berg nv610 for years and then eventually switched over to a matamp 610 to match my gt200
  12. Immense playing!
  13. Hi all Here is my latest song 'A thousand tears'. I played everything and mixed and mastered it. I hope you enjoy 😊 Listen to 1000 Tears by INSTANT DISMISSAL on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/hMmjC
  14. Thank you JG1 - that genuinely means a great deal to me. Thanks for listening and commenting πŸ™‚ Cheers Tim
  15. Listen to Tourniquet by INSTANT DISMISSAL on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/k9W9R
  16. Bump for this fantastic all valve system 🎸
  17. Bump to say back on the market after a full service, mot and health check.
  18. New song up SUNBED D***HEAD www.soundcloud.com/timjwilliams
  19. Hey man I dug this! It's great listening in to BCers SoundClouds and hearing their creations. I thought it has a nice balance to it idea wise. I've got a few ideas brewing in a similar vein. Just need the time to sit down and record them! You should keep writing tracks and see where it takes you. This whole Corona coaster has been a damning but productive time in some ways! I've been on a punk/hardcore trip this last month, whacking songs together quickly while they're still hot! Keep going with it!! Be nice to hear some more. Tim
  20. New song up ITV about TV addicts
  21. New song up County Lines
  22. Really enjoyed that! Nice UKHC sort of vibe to it. Chunky as f**k You certainly did your mate proud! I know what that's like, one of my best mates left this earth last August. It sucks. Cracking tune!
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