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Everything posted by Basszilla

  1. Yeah I used to have an amber solid flamed euro as well which I sold on; it was a beautiful bass indeed. My current spector is my main axe - the euro lx. I just preferred the tone between the two, seemed to be a bit more woody with a firmer bottom end.
  2. Awesome rig tayste! Fair play, it's come along real well!!! Loving the mesa/EA combo, I bet it sounds hideously good!
  3. no worries Russ Well there's been a few pm's today but nothing firm yet. It's a great cab at a great price so snap it up!
  4. I know TaySte digs them to hell and back. I'd be interested myself if this worked with actives. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4932"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4932[/url]
  5. In short : Yes. It's sometimes referred to as a cheap man's EDIT : fuzz factory (lol) "Japanese manufacturer Zoom released a self-oscillating/feedback loop-derived fuzz design called the Ultra-Fuzz, which some have likened to be a 'poor-mans' Fuzz Factory"
  6. I'm offering a further price reduction on this great cab as I really need to generate some money ASAP. [b]£250[/b] will secure the cab. Delivery costs will be a small amount being as it's so light! It's in excellent condition, ungigged. Used for rehersals and recording only. It's very light to carry with a deep tone. Great as a standalone cab or paired up with another cab... it looks like exactly like this [url="http://www.audio-electric-shop.de/shop/catalog/images/Markbass-Traveler151.jpg"]http://www.audio-electric-shop.de/shop/cat...Traveler151.jpg[/url] * 1st Generation model, black on yellow, carpet covered * 400 watts, 8 ohms * speakon/regular sockets * rear ported * Variable horn/compression driver * side recessed handles [b]£250[/b] for this beast. I'm based in S.Wales fyi. Tim
  7. Zoom ultra fuzz bro. Mammoth on a budget and also works with active or passive.
  8. Pedalz for me all the way!
  9. Keep it natural ;-) Can't beat a good ol' wooden plinker.
  10. Basszilla

    Hi all

    Welcome.... Well you're in the right place for bass monks, that's fo' sho'
  11. Hmmmm. Been tempted by one of these badboys for a while now. You'lll have to do a full review G when you've given it a good thrashing!
  12. On a side note I'd definitely suggest having a mess around with the filters. I've only got the VLE on my gen 1 but I find it really tames harsh frequencies. Try setting the VLE at about 1/3rd and see if that makes a difference. It softens the harshness out a treat IME.
  13. Flea's awesome! He's an excellent bassist/songwriter/groover, gotta give him the credit. I was learning BSSM tunes years ago and he's an inspirational player. Hell if he wasn't playing enough live, people would complain.
  14. EMGs are excellent pickups imo but they do have a sound which some descibe as 'cold' and 'sterile'. The particular sound of my EMG equipped bass (spector) suits my needs for the music I generally play. EMGs are superb slapper pups, they are aggressive, and detailed which is why they are also seen in the metal scene so much. My advice would be to save some $ and get a passive jbass, be it fender or whatever takes your fancy. More and more I'm taking to using my passive basses as they really 'sound' like a bass should imo.
  15. I wouldn't say they were underrated as such but I quite like both bass players from Alice In Chains. Mike Inez and Mike Starr. Actually they're sh*t hot. That's a band I like to frequently revisit from the 'grunge' era. Caught Jerry Cantrell's show in Newport TJs the other year and fair play they were awesome.
  16. I used to own this amp and sold it to Kiwi. It's a superb amp, bump for Stu. This is the one amp I should've held on to. If I had the readies I would buy it back in a flash. Someone's gonna get a monster bargain here.
  17. Not really into flangers tbh. I'm covered pedal wise atm I guess.
  18. Unboxed UF-01 in perfect working order.
  19. I use both active and passive basses for both recording and live work. It all depends what the song needs really and how you want the bass to sound within the song. I'm with Alun in that I never practice through an amp in the house and prefer to move my playing position to get what I want out of the bass be it with fingers or pick. As a result I find there's not much of a difference between my active and passive sounds. I usually run my active flat or with just a touch of bass boost. I never touch the treble pot, preferring to add a minute touch of low mids at my amp. In general I try to keep everything as close to flat as possible between my guitars and amp as I mostly use my pedals to shape my sound and very rarely play with a totally clean signal.
  20. Awesome sound!
  21. My Monte Allums kit arrived this morning. I'm modding a CS-3 for my guitarist at some point this week. I will be trying it out on bass as well to see what it's like post mod!
  22. Yawn It works perfectly for me this way as I said. I'm happy. Don't spoil it now.
  23. Obv this is the only way I can get my fx in an order which is right for me bro. There's no rulebook! If it works, it works.
  24. Hehe, I know you don't. Cheers though bro. I'm just a gain junky I guess. The Cat in the feedback loop is awesome though!
  25. Here's my board then. It's a bit tight but managed to get everything on there except my tuner, I don't mind that though. Multicomp > Cream pie > LTD Silver > Bluebeard > UF-01 > VBF2 with a 18v Cat in the loop. I haven't had a chance to give it a good kicking yet in a band setting, so I'm looking forward to that. I'll probably end up moving it about a bit at some point. [attachment=1259:DSC00404.JPG] EDIT : Bit of a large pic that, have to learn how to resize ;-) On a sidenote - does anyone know if the standard diago supply is cool with the multicomp? I guess there's no reason why it shouldn't be.
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