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Everything posted by TheRockinRoadie

  1. It lives! Many thanks Stoo for saving me lost of money from not having to buy a Morningstar 😂👍🏻
  2. I used to have one of these - was a brilliant cab. Someone is getting a bargain!
  3. I'm really pleased to say that mine now works - turned out i just had a dud nano! The prototype works and i already have the enclosure built up and wired, so at the weekend i'll move the Nano into this and should be good to go!
  4. Hi Stoo - yeah it let me select the options okay, it just doesn't seem to physically want to talk to the board. As i say, i'll try on the now Windows 10 laptop this evening and fingers crossed it'll work.
  5. Thanks everyone for your replies I've had a busy few weeks but will now re-visit the MIDI controller. I have since rebuilt my Windows 8 PC with Windows 10, so will try downloading the (seemingly endless) CH340G drivers and try again. I've also obtained another lead to check in case the lead is duff. I've just set the enclosure up in the milling machine to drill the holes, and i'll start wiring the switches this afternoon. Turns out my neighbour has a genuine Arduino Nano, so he's offer to loan me his if all else fails, and i'll then order a genuine one for myself. I'll keep you all posted
  6. Hey, its Windows 7 64-bit. Its a copy chip from the link that Stoo provided on the first page of the thread (but I just got one). I honestly have no idea what Baud rate is, haha! Complete newb to programming (but not electronics)! Cheers, L
  7. I've spent all day trying to get my Laptop to speak to my nano board with absolutely no luck at all I've googled everything to the nth degree, and have watched countless Youtube videos, but i just continually get the 'not in sync/programmer not responding' error. 'L' LED blinks three times when i push reset, so i don't think the chip/bootloader is dead. Driver seems okay, just cannot get the program to sync up with the board. Any ideas anyone?
  8. Annoying all the parts are here... except the footswitches which are due mid september 😂 Ill program the Nano and breadboard the circuit this weekend to test in the meantime.
  9. After a few years being inactive on Basschat; ive just come back to have a look through all your awesome pedalboards! I wish i had one to post.... but i now use a HX stomp 🙈🙈
  10. Awesome thanks Stoo! I’m just about to download the software to have a look at your magic programming (no idea what I’m doing there). Id like to allocate two of the switches to be preset up/down, so I can leave Helix footswitch 4/5 as expression pedals. Have all the parts in my amazon basket so getting excited!
  11. Really interested in making one of these... Sorry to ask ask a dumb question, but am I right in thinking it’s powered via the USB? In which case, what’s the best way of powering the unit at a gig, via a USB phone charger? Cheers, Lorry
  12. I own three Ashdown heads, two of which are older models, and I've never had a problem with any of them. My friend owns the exact ABM IV 600 head that was at the bass show, and it sounds incredible. They shipped it the Monday after the show and he's had so many compliments from musicians and sound engineers at gigs on how good it sounds with his barefaced cab, ever since. It's a very flexible amp and everything about it is very practical and sounds awesome. The EQ is just where you want them to be and it's got enough gain on tap to get a bit growly if you need it. Compressor and sub harmonics are all cracking too. I really love sitting and playing with it - even with the eq switched out, the amp sounds brilliant and has a very useable tone. It seems very reliable and has the usual Ashdown build quality. Would buy one in a heartbeat if I had the cash, but I understand that the Ashdown sound isn't for everyone. Definitely worth a trip to try one out, don't think you'll be disappointed!
  13. It's a shame you're in Leeds - I would've had that in a heartbeat!
  14. I'm getting on really well with my SE425's - the sound quality is brilliant, and definitely night and day over a wedge! I'm having trouble getting the buds to fit though - one of the supplies pairs is fine, but I feel like they're further into my ears than they should be... Would it be worth getting a set of custom moulds done, do you think? Or is there anywhere online that I can buy packs of buds to attach? It might just be a case of trying a few more! I've had a look through eBay but haven't purchased anything yet!
  15. I've recently taken the jump over to IEMs as my drummer is always raving about how good they are, and I'm fed up of carrying wedges and power amps about. I've got a really basic wired system set up (I'm already tethered to my amp, so I guess another cable doesn't make a difference, plus I don't like the faff with batteries). I took the plunge on the Shure SE425 IEMs, which is powered by a basic Studiospares headphone amp, which is on my pedalboard. I'm connect them with a home made cable using High quality Van Damme balanced cable and Neutrik gold jacks. I've tried the system with music running through and it sounds incredible - just getting used to having the buds in my ears! I have my first gig with them on the 13th so I look forward to reporting back on how they work in a band situation!!
  16. The CTM 15 is a lovely little amp but I don't think it would be loud enough for gigging. I went whole gig and bought a 100, purely off of trying the 15 and liking it... No regrets.. #poweredByAshdown
  17. I can get reasonably loud on stage with mine before it starts to get too gnarly. We use a PA consisting of peavey subs and up to four Bose 802s, and I never have any problem being heard or cutting through. I can imagine it would struggle a bit if I do any outdoor gigs, but again the PA shouldn't be a problem getting things heard. I only use the 2x10 at the moment, but a 6x10 definitely sounds tempting. I have thought about getting a 1x15 and going in the opposite direction. Definitely find somewhere to try one. As already said, they don't do massive EQ changes - it sounds like an Ashdown (and an awesome one at that)! The deep and Mellow switches do help to craft the sound, so you can get it bright and cutting, but I tend to go for a darker, thumpier sound. Definitely worth a go if you like Ashdown and are after valve tone.
  18. That looks cracking. I've never tried a trace valve amp but it bet it's an awesome piece of kit!
  19. Glad you're getting on well! I'd love to have an 810 but just don't have the room (or the means to move it)! I think even a 4x10 would be a struggle for me. Maybe new car should be top of my new gear list...
  20. Can't believe I'm going m to miss this. Anyone want to buy a kidney?
  21. I'm lucky enough to have an old ABM combo so I can switch between flavours as I please, but my secret guilty pleasure is my mark 1 MAG head which sounds insanely good. I haven't tried a BTA yet through fear of buying one, but I can only seem to find the 400w model and that's waaaay overkill for what I need. I love being able to get the back end growl from the CTM without destroying the venue!!
  22. How're you getting on with the CTM? I really love mine. Merton is a traitor and has bought a BTA 200 but I bet it's amazing
  23. With the B Social, I could replace several of the things that take up so much space in my room. Okay, so I may not use all the features, but being able to plug in to a decent practice amp, and stream Spotify from my phone, without any wires attached, and having the option of a friend jamming along, that price starts to seem very attractive (plus it looks great, and as musicians we all know that really, it's about the look ). I'm very looking forward to trying one at the Bass Show this year, and potentially getting rid of quite a few awkward cables, and plug sockets, and gaining some bedroom space back. I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, but let's not be rude folks. I'm very proud to be an Ashdown user, but that doesn't mean I think all other brands are awful. Everyone should have their own thing otherwise this site would be pointless, with us all owning the same amp, cab and bass. Now that would be a sad occurrence. Well done Ashdown for giving something a go.
  24. [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/nn89pe.jpg[/IMG]
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