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Everything posted by TheRockinRoadie

  1. And as mentioned before, the teddies aren't mine!!
  2. August 2011 updates! Some of you may have noticed my thread about looking for something to get me in the same ballpark as Phil Lynotts tone on 'Waiting for an Alibi' and 'Dancing in the Moonlight'. After having alot of fun with an original Mu-tron III that I borrowed from a friend, I ordered an MXR Phase 90! Having a good laugh with it so far. Its more or less what I was after, so that was a good use of my spare £65. After a weekend with my other half, I've striped the board down, given it a good hoover, cleaned all the patch cables (apparently Pete Cornish reckons it helps to 'free the tone'?) and reassembled after testing! I'm supprised I didn't put a picture up of my board in the state its been since getting the Muff. I put the amp footswitch on so I didn't keep having to get that in and out of a separate box - so here's the before... ...and after... I'm really getting on well with the board now. Still trying to sell my old Digitech Bass Driver, and the Demon wah lives in my cupboard incase I decide to use it in the future. Mixing the Muff with the Phase 90 makes an insane sound, but obviously I'll never find a use for it! My band are auditioning for Vocalists this coming Sunday, so that will give me a good chance to put it through its paces! The only thing I need for this board is an In/Out box with a bypass switch. Only the Boss pedals are high enough to clear the edge of the board, hence I have had to leave a gap after the Phase 90 to put the amp cable in. On my guitar board, I have a simple box that has two jacks and two sockets, which I use to keep everything tidy. I might knock something similar up to use with this board, providing I can find room for it! If anyone has any ideas then please let me know! Thanks for reading, The Rockin' Roadie
  3. Hi all! I've bought myself a standard block logo Phase 90, and its great! Just the ticket for what I wanted. With the speed set at 12:00, you get a good tone for both songs. I can see this pedal also getting a lot of use during recording sessions on guitar. I'll add it to my pedalboard today and hopefully upload the changes later! Thanks to everyone who posted comments! Lorry
  4. Okay thanks for the recommendations. I'll try and get to a shop to try some things out! On another note, I've just borrowed an original Mu-Tron III from a Pro friend of mine - Its awesome! Very tempermental, but the sound is nearly spot on for what I am after really. =D
  5. I'd love to come to the next one, as I missed the last one! I'll keep an eye on this now! Lorry
  6. [quote name='Mog' post='1326311' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:30 PM']AFAIK its a phase 90 on Alibi. Theres a reason why the 90 is more sought after than the others. It sounds right the way it is. Personally I reckon its superior to mods with excessive options.[/quote] Okay thanks - Looks like a Phase 90 it is then! Which version is better for bass, the newer 'block logo' or the reissue 'script logo'? Are they both true bypass or buffered bypass? Ironically, I have been given an original Script logo Phase 90 by a friend, it looks like every other vintage orange box with one knob, except for there are no insides! The circuit was destroyed when someone left a battery in it, while it was in storage for a long time. Eventually I'll get round to building a booster in it.
  7. I've been looking for a while now, just about given up. The cambridge music scene itself sucks anyway, hence I do Pub Covers!
  8. I've been looking at the EBS UniChorus anyway, as chorus is one of the main effects that I use regularly, so I might hold out on a flanger until I find one of those second hand then. A friend of mine said Phase 90, but it seems like a lot to spend on a one trick pedal?
  9. I've never had a problem with my Pitchblack, and would recommend it over the Boss and Ashdown anyday!
  10. Hi all, I'm currently looking to buy another stompbox (or two!). At my local jam nights, I find myself playing lots of Thin Lizzy tunes, who are one of my favourite bands anyway. For a while now I've been trying to find out what Phil uses to get the effected sounds he uses on tracks like Dancing in the Moonlight and Waiting for an Alibi, but I haven't really got anywhere, other than it might be a combination or flanger and phaser. I've been looking at the new EHX Neo Mistress, but have yet to find anyone using it, as its a fairly recent release. I've also been after a Small Stone for a while, so it might be another excuse to get that. I'm not after the exact tone - I just need a point in the right direction to get a rough ballpark sound. I'm quite into the 70s classic rock sound, so I would use it on other tunes as well. I'm looking to spend around £60-100. If I can get away with only buying one pedal, that would be great! Any help would be much appreciated. I've already got the black P-bass and the Marshall (Gear in my signature). Many thanks in Advance, Lorry
  11. Thanks 'tonyclaret' - I was about to post the same question myself! Debating wether to buy this or a Nano Small Stone. Looking to find something capable of doing Phil L's tone on 'Waiting for an Alibi' and 'Dancing in the Moonlight'
  12. I'm Lorry and live just outside of cambs. I've been playing in classic rock covers bands for the last 5 or 6 years. I've been very unsettled since leaving a band last July - The band reformed, but after a year we are still looking for replacement members. Meanwhile, I have been doing some session slots with a couple of bands in the Peterborough/Cambs area, just to keep me busy. I'm starting to get fed up, and feel I need a new project and a fresh start. Ideally I would like a band that is gigging as much as possible! Normally, I play covers, but I dont mind playing originals if the band is right. As well as a bassist, I work as an engineer/techie/projects co-ordinator and carry out tech work/repairs on guitars, amps, pedals, PA etc as a hobby - which would be a benefit to interested bands! I also play abit of guitar, and have a gig-ready guitar rig. I am currently setting up a recording/rehearsal facility locally. Age is not an issue for me, I have worked with people from the ages of 16 to over 50, but preferably you would be over 18 otherwise gigging would be an issue! My equipment list (for bass) is in my signature - I also have my own active monitors, etc. I have my own transport, but don't really want to travel for more than 30mins for rehearsals. I'm interested in Classic Rock, Blues and Punk. I'm really not into metal, anything screamy, and definately not into the cambridge indie scene. My influences are bands like: ACDC Thin Lizzy Led Zeppelin Guns n' Roses/Velvet Revolver Whitesnake Airbourne Aerosmith Bon Jovi Gary Moore Joe Bonamassa Green Day Blink-182 The Ramones The Jam (You get the idea) I'm up for giving most things a go. If you would like a chat, please dont hesitate to send me a PM, and we can talk more. Many thanks for reading this, All the best, Lorry - 'The Rockin' Roadie'
  13. I'll keep bumping until I'm gigging! Cheers, L
  14. Okay thanks everyone, I'll keep an eye out for an EBS, and I'll also see if I can find somewhere local with a Neo Clone in stock! Cheers, L
  15. Still looking - Any dep work availible?
  16. Hello all, Firstly, apologies for another 'what chorus' thread! My trusty EHX Clone Theory has served me well, but as you'll probably know, it is quite noisey. I love the sounds I can get out of it, and the only thing I dont use is the vibrato effect. Basically, the only effect I really use is Chorus, so I'm thinking that it's probably worth upgrading to something more 'upmarket' (ie less noisey)! I've been looking at the new Neo Clone - Will this sound the same as my Clone, but without the noise? Has anyone got any other recommendations that might be worth exploring? I'm willing to spend up to the £100 mark, as hopefully i'll make half of that back selling the Clone. I would prefer true bypass, but don't mind buffered. Any suggestions will be warmly recieved! Thanks, Lorry
  17. My head and 115 appear to be particle board. I'd never recommend anything* from the MB series - Marshall let me down bigtime! * except the MB30 - thats a great amp!
  18. I had three of these amps die on me in a fortnight. I wasn't a happy bunny, and Marshall not even caring made it worse. Buying the MB4210 is probably one of the worst decisions I ever made!
  19. I;ve had quite a few models in the MB range, and all have had problems. Very mixed oppinions about them, but I would avoid them if i were you. On the other hand I thought the new Rumble combos were great!
  20. I was really dissapointed when i tried a Thunderbird. I think they look FANTASTIC - but just hated the way it played and sounded. Might be something I'd order to hang on the wall in my studio...
  21. [quote name='gsgbass' post='1239470' date='May 21 2011, 04:59 PM'][/quote] This reminds me of my old rig! Nice bass - I used to own the Epiphone version but sold it recently! L
  22. Still looking for options...
  23. I hope you hae more luck selling yours than I did - Mine took a whole year! Biggest regret of my music career was selling that amp!
  24. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1218941' date='May 3 2011, 06:18 PM']Not disputing what you say, but what do you mean by "didn't care at all"? I've never had anything but fantastic service from Marshall; & their tech dept were massively helpful; even to the point of once arranging a courier for me, to pick up a 70's tranny head to go back for a service. One thing I was told by them is that Marshall dealers are only authorised to [i]sell[/i] Marshall, only their MK factory if authorised to fix them, not something that many dealerships broadcast too widely.[/quote] Firstly, I will say that I have used Marshall products for a while, and I think they produce some fantastic amps. They are renown for their customer service - which is why I was so supprised! I know that dealer's arent allowed to repair marshalls, and they arranged to pick up my cabinet from the dealer to have it's board replaced. I spoke to marshall and explained that they had cost me a fortune in petrol backwards and forwards, the amp was a christmas present, and that I couldn't gig because they kept sending me faulty products, but all they said was we will make the cabinet a priority. I was hoping they would compensate me in some way - bearing in mind I paid for 3 faulty products, it would have been nice to have recieved discount from them... I felt really let down - One dodgy amp I can understand, but 3 and a cabinet?
  25. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1214234' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:37 PM']When you say blew up, what happened? I have heard they over heat. I've taken mine apart but all looks good to me. Sounds good though [/quote] Went to one shop, the amp had a dodgy pot and kept cutting out, so i returned it next day. Went to another shop that i go to alot, that amp had the same problem, they ordered a brand new one in for me, and that didnt work full stop. i bought the head and 1x15, and the 1x15 lasted a week before the connector inside broke, messed up the impedance and blew the speaker. Marshal didnt care at all, and thats what pissed me off the most!
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