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  1. Happy Christmas and New Year everyone! Nord & Pierreganseman, you got your basses yet? Be great to see some pictures! In fact it would be great if everyone with a SEi could post pics of their basses...who says you can have too much of a good thing??
  2. Ooh...really nice! Are they Nordy pickups going in that one or something else? I've also got a 5 string headless at the early stages of being made at the moment, to have Nordy P & MM pickups and Alder body core (Wenge/Bubinga neck with Amboyna Burl facings). Any idea on when your bass is going to be ready?
  3. Sounds really nice, especially with the matching pickup covers and John East preamp. What pickups & neck/body woods did you go for? Has Martin given a idea of when it might be ready? Martin is also building me a 5 string, but the order was placed only a few months ago!
  4. Nord, fancy sharing a little about that Jazz you got coming (specs, stage of completion, any pics etc.)?
  5. Hey Stu, what did you get? Be great to hear some details about it...
  6. Many thanks everyone for your very kind comments. Martin's work really is amongst the best in the world and is the benchmark I use for evaluating every other luthier, comparing favourably with the biggest names such as Ken Lawrence, Jens Ritter, Roger Sadowsky, Jerzy Drozd to name but a few (I've tried just about all of them over the years!). The SEi 8 was simply the best fretless bass I've ever played, so I'm really sad to see it go but also pleased it will see future use. The other bass in the picture is the one and only SEi 9 string, completely different to the SEi 8 but in many ways even more of an amazing instrument to play and is staying with me...at least for the moment as one can never say never after all. Anyway the SEi 8 is now sold to a gent in Japan...sniff!
  7. Well, never say never... Never expected to sell this unique one off fretless bass, but I did not see old age coming that makes 35" scale length basses too painful to play. The one and only 8 string bass Martin has ever made, currently strung low F# through F, but many different options possible. Key specifications:[list] [*]Flamed maple and purpleheart thru neck [*]35” ebony fingerboard (36 frets) [*]Alder wings [*]Thuya burl facings [*]Villex Pickups [*]Glockenklang 3 band circuit [*]Graphtech Ghost piezo circuitry [*]Purple fret position LED markers on side of neck (blue at the octaves) [*]Approx 11.5lbs [/list] Ultra slim neck profile makes this bass easy to play, even for myself who has the smallest hands ever (never found any man with smaller hands!). Quite simply the best fretless I’ve ever played in 20+ years of searching. Huge low fundamentals (Villex speciality), the all critical fretless mids to die for (Glockenklang circuitry ideal for this) and ideal action and sustain. This is genuinely a sad sale for me, it has been a favourite go to bass for a long time. ...Obviously the fretless one in the SEi basses photo! The bass is currently at The Bass Gallery ([url="http://thebassgallery.com/fretless-8-string.html"]http://thebassgaller...s-8-string.html[/url]), who are handling all aspects of the sale for me. So why not give them a call or drop by and give it a try (don’t say I didn’t warn you!!) Many thanks and let me know if you have any queries!
  8. Bump time again...offers??
  9. +1 for SEi basses. Tried every other luithier I can get my hands, but these basses remain the best for me.
  10. Time for a bump!
  11. Really looking for cash I'm afraid, unless possibly if you have an Octamizer...
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