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Everything posted by JeSuisSkeleton

  1. Yep, definitely. By functions I mean anything from weddings to parties to pubs. Paid gigs are what I'm after!
  2. Hi all! So I'm moving to Huddersfield next week and I'm looking to join a band that has regular wedding and other function gigs. I've been playing 11 years, background in pop/rock and experience in everything from jazz to pop to experimental. I'm a reasonable reader so can use charts/scores if necessary. No experience of BVs but willing to give it a bash. I have some decent gear (PM for info), I drive and I'm quite nice really! Have some video action! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF1hXqx0iTI[/media] Cheers, Phil.
  3. Hello lovely people, I did a quick search on this but didn't find much. I'm hopefully making the move from London up to Huddersfield in September, if I get into Huddersfield uni to do a Masters. I'd like to get a bit of teaching on the go when I'm there, to cover some rent etc. I've not done any teaching before though so a little unsure where to start. I have friends who teach privately and others who are employed by local authorities in schools. Which is the best way to go? I've had a look on the Kirklees Council site and can't find any info about their music service, just a couple of independent music schools and teachers. I could teach beginners - intermediate bass, beginner guitar and production (Logic, Max/MSP). Any advice would be great! Bit of an added challenge of researching an area I don't know! Thanks.
  4. Don't know if this is useful to you, but I'll be moving to Brighton in early September. Here's an improv band I play bass in: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF1hXqx0iTI[/media] I'm also an experimental guitarist: http://www.philmaguire.co.uk
  5. Do it! I'm a massive SR500 fan. I like playing mine more than any other bass I've tried.
  6. Great bass! I love my SR500. Would love a 5 string version if I wasn't broke. Have a bump, bargain bass for sure.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll give it a go with a dowel and some wood glue. Along with the card/paper, I have used matchsticks and glue before, but the hole just got bigger and bigger! Hopefully your suggestions will be a more permanent fix
  8. One of the holes for the strap pegs has been too big on my SR500 for years. I could always bodge it by stuffing some paper/card and glue into the hole, then screwing the peg back in. Now though, the hole is too big for that. Anyone got any ideas how to fix it?
  9. I second the Ibanez vote! SR basses are great. Also look for BTB basses. Some of them are pretty cheap second hand (BTB406QM in particular. I have one of these and it's great).
  10. I really like John Frusciante's solos, especially on Stadium Arcadium. This is one of my favourites (2:47) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_mcplFhU6c Less is more!
  11. Here's my rig. I have a couple of other basses but I'm using this as my main go to setup. I have a couple of stompboxes too but rarely use them.
  12. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1351108431' post='1847543'] Epiphone EBO and EB3. I have never played an old Gibson variant but these Epi`s are truly horrid. [/quote] Don't know which it was. Wasn't aware they made Korean ones! It was rotten though.
  13. Bought Tim's modified Yamaha cab. Arrived quickly and sounds great. Pleasure to deal with; he sent me a ton of photos of the cab before I committed to buying it. Lovely guy, all good! Top recommendation here.
  14. Burns Bison. Borrowed one once when my bass died. Worst instrument I've ever played. Looks like balls, plays like sh*te and sounds rubbish.
  15. I'm 23 years old, based in south east London (SE16), and available for more or less anything, primarily in London but elsewhere in the south east is definitely doable. I'm a pop/rock bassist by trade, have around 7 years of live experience. I have all necessary gear and I am reliable. I don't have a car but I do have a licence so can help out with driving if needed. Looking for anything that is paid - pop, rock, folk, reggae, indie, experimental etc. either originals or covers, or both. The only thing I'm not available for is jazz. Not my forté by any stretch of the imagination so you'd be better off looking elsewhere; I don't want to waste your time! contact: philstephenmaguire at googlemail .com if you're interested. Thanks!
  16. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1350847051' post='1844255'] Why doesn't the counting method help you for reading dotted rhythms? For example,for a basic dotted quaver/semiquaver rhythm you will be playing 1(e+)a,2(e+)a..etc. Just take it steady while you are reading and learning them. [/quote] Hard to say really, but I see something like this: http://rpmedia.ask.com/ts?u=/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Beamed_notes.svg/105px-Beamed_notes.svg.png and can't see where the beat falls, or where any of the notes fit. Obviously that image has no context but any group of three notes that combines quavers, semiquavers, dots and whatnot I always read as triplets, and get stuck with that.
  17. So I recently took up bass again after taking a break. I've landed a gig as reserve bassist for an improv night every couple of weeks. It pays a little which is all good, but I'm playing with some incredible musicians, and at the moment I'm having to blag a fair bit to get through the gigs. It's contemporary stuff, rooted in jazz/fusion, funk, 12-tone... so I need a pretty full bag of tricks. There's also some written stuff thrown into each gig. Apart from anything, the blagging mentality is causing more stress than it should in the days leading up to each gig, so I'm thinking I need to pull my finger out and sort a proper practice routine so that I can feel a part of the band, rather than some amateur who's dead weight they have to drag through the gig. Also I figure it can't hurt to have a general routine for when I get some work with other folk. I've never had a solid practice routine. I'm too easily distracted to do the hour or more every day, so I'm thinking that 20 mins a day would be doable, and a lot better than nothing. So basically, I'm thinking that I need to work on the following areas: Reading - Rhythms mostly. Once it gets to dotted things, I get lost in the counting and the notes go fuzzy. Pitches I'm passable until it gets to two or more ledger lines Dexterity - The free improv sections almost always have a section where everyone is playing fast and/or intricate lines Those two are the main areas that I'm letting myself down with. I'm thinking for the dexterity (I don't mean shredding here, just flexibility to play fast or tricky things when I have to, if that makes sense), I could work on that with some modes to kill two birds with one stone. Something like going over modes across a couple of octaves in 3rds/6ths or something. I'm open to ideas here! Beyond the basic ideas, I'm a bit stuck for how to actually go about this. For the reading I suppose I could just get any old score and try and play through it, but I always get stuck on dotted rhythms, and the classic 1e+ a 2e etc. or sub-dividing the bars doesn't do any good. Like I said above, it just goes fuzzy so I don't know how to get around this. I hope all this makes sense! In short I need to find a way of getting around rhythm reading issues, and improving dexterity. I'm also pretty broke so the more resources that can be found online the better - I don't have the cash to buy a load of books at the moment. Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  18. I might be interested... I'm in Bermondsey so very close to Waterloo.
  19. I'm looking for a lightweight/compact cab for my Little Mark 250, would you say these are a good choice?
  20. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark today. Bought his Little Mark 250 for a great price, got an in-depth demo and plenty of time to play around with it (that P-Bass, yum!). Gave me a case for the amp for free and some great cab advice too! Top stuff. Would recommend to anyone. Lovely guy and a breeze to do business with.
  21. Another possibility is this cab: http://www.thomann.de/gb/ebs_cl_110_cabinet.htm Thomann seems to be the cheapest so I'll probably end up buying from there. Had a look around the classifieds and not really found anything that takes my fancy. That being said I know nothing about which cabs go with which heads... I'm after a pretty versatile set-up, something that can get a variety of tones, but mostly pop/rock, fairly modern sounds.
  22. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1341481325' post='1719625'] I'll admit, as a bass player- that just looks like a strat to me. I was expecting 12 pickups and loads knobs or something [/quote] It was originally white 'vintage' (cheap) hardware. Stock pickups, single-ply pickguard, and horrible vintage tuners that didn't hold the strings in well at all. I had the pickups, pickguard and tuners replaced. Essentially it is still just a Strat, but it's the Strat I always wanted it to be, so I'm happy with it
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