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Everything posted by Myke

  1. SOLD
  2. Ooh! That top!
  3. Looking good and fun to read too
  4. Bump
  5. I know all the modes of the major scale and the blues, some of the bebop scales and some others.. No where near all of them I think they're seriously improved me as a player. I understand what chord tones make up a chord from a scale. They've helped me to unlock parts of the fretboard I wasn't using before. So much so that I know love learning new ones! I've recently started to get into improvisation and they have been a god send If you don't want to learn them don't. Just don't say it will ruin your creativity etc. Because (In my experience) this is completely untrue. You never know it might bring out new ideas that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.
  6. [quote name='bandeira' timestamp='1396476191' post='2414232'] let me know if you are coming towards Oxfordshire or even London by any change... I could be interested... [/quote] Unfortunately I doubt I will be but I am able to post
  7. Gigging is the excuse to buy new gear! Without that I don't want to imagine what would happen!
  8. Bump
  9. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1396425206' post='2413302'] I'm not sure I could get used to having no dots on the neck! [/quote] It's really no problem (for me). I thought that too but I found if I do look down at the neck I see the side dots more than I would have seen the front dots. Also another one for the TRB. I've not played the new ones but the one I have is lovely!
  10. I like that!!
  11. Bump!
  12. BUMP!
  13. [quote name='bandeira' timestamp='1395575543' post='2403792'] Did you buy the bass then and you are selling it already? [/quote] What do you mean? When did I buy it? The sale fell through so it's back up for sale.
  14. Myke

    NDBD :)

    Looks nice! Loving the shoes aswell!
  15. Myke

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1395413769' post='2402205'] For an added bit of interest on your mute pedal, why not give it a flashing LED? Makes it a lot more obvious that the killswitch is engaged, as it were I did this for a mute switch I built some time ago and it work really well. I used the circuit and calculations on this pic -- it's a tiny circuit and easy to make up on a little scrap of vero, I mounted mine on the legs of the LED itself. R3 can be lower in value than 1k if you prefer a brighter LED. [attachment=158270:LED flasher.jpg] [/quote] I found this one with just a on LED which I thought would be cool. Depending on how easy I find it, I might just do that too [URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/MikeWatkinsBass/media/mute_zpsda043e1d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a487/MikeWatkinsBass/mute_zpsda043e1d.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  16. Myke

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1395400016' post='2401986'] Hi Myke, What I would suggest if you are totally new to DIY is to get a simple kit such as this: [url="http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Bazz_Fuzz/p847124_6346768.aspx"]http://shop.pedalpar...24_6346768.aspx[/url] Buy it with a pre drilled enclosure and read the instructions thoroughly. What you need to start with is some confidence builders and soldering practice. The Bass Fuss circuit is perfect. Once you have got that one built try some other kits, try drilling your own enclosures, adding mods etc. Here is loads of very useful information for the novice builder: [url="http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/"]http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/[/url] When you feel more comfortable with soldering try some veroboard layouts: [url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk[/url] and buy your bits here: [url="http://doctortweek.co.uk"]http://doctortweek.co.uk[/url] Best of all the DIY community are all so happy to share information, get reading here: [url="http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/"]http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/[/url] [url="http://www.freestompboxes.org"]http://www.freestompboxes.org[/url] I warn you though its a slippery slope, once you start you'll soon be hunting for vintage transistors or trying to build the ultimate Klon! Check out this guy, he started off building a few simple fuzz boxes and is now hailed as a DIY king (He's a bass player too) And notably he's the guy playing the 'Ginger' in the previous post above: [url="http://johnkvintageguitars.homestead.com/Overdrive-Pedals.html"]http://johnkvintageg...ive-Pedals.html[/url] Good luck! [/quote] Thank you very much for that My first pedal is going to be a mute pedal. Essentially a killswitch so I can mute my amp and unplug my bass. The next will probably be that Bazz Fuzz and then from there I don't know But small steps! Well maybe I do know.. Reverb Compression Octave Delay Oh dear.. What have I started..
  17. Just bought a Hartke LH500 from Jamie. Packed very well! Buy with confidence! Thanks again
  18. Myke

    2X18 feedback

    I just bought a Genz Benz Focus 210 from Will. It was packed very well! He even got me a birthday card which was a pleasant surprise! Would buy or sell anything to Will again! Thank you again
  19. Myke


  20. Link doesn't work
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