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Everything posted by Myke

  1. Amazing! Absolutely love it!
  2. I'm at the stage where I don't want to imitate someone elses sound but I don't quite have 'me' nailed down yet. Actually just thinking.. how does someone know when they've found their sound? Is it the one you go back to, like your very own default? [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1366500508' post='2053351'] I've always sounded like me. Geddy Lee has always copied my playing though, even before I played bass he was stealing the lines from inside my head. Bastard. [/quote]
  3. So I've attached the neck, put the strap buttons on and the headstock is done I bought a scratchplate and it didn't fit so that's going back, I just ordered another one, may or may not fit, unsure atm. But it's getting there I've just glued the nut back on so that's what's with the clamp [attachment=133044:WP_20130420_001.jpg]
  4. Afterwards. That way I could go inline with the grain easier and get the radius correct. And thank you
  5. D'Angelo - Cruisin'
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1366104915' post='2048263'] Thanks Myke! We should set up an 'Orange Bass Owners Club', or something I vote McNach for President as he gave me the idea in the first place. [/quote] Sounds like a plan! I just realised that doesn't have any strap buttons on
  7. Damn this looks so much like my bass! Lovely though!
  8. Thank you I think that photo is lighter than the actual orange though, but not by much
  9. Myke


  10. 3 days and 2 hours practice.. I was 13 and the gig was shocking! But I got the bug
  11. I've had a busy week So the bass is now orange and both it and the neck have been lacquered! Primer! [attachment=132590:DSC00099.JPG] Orange with the lacquer! [attachment=132591:DSC00103.JPG] I will get more pictures of it together soon with a better camera!
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1365712112' post='2043456'] One of my bands plays 'Summer of '69' they think they're really rocking when they play it. To me it sounds weak. Just doesn't have that edge. It's the musician's curse. [/quote] Does it ever have that edge
  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1365625977' post='2042124'] I've seen too many corporate and wedding bands to believe that playing any style of music is possible. You can fake it for your average listener but you'd be sussed instantly by anyone really in to that particular genre. [/quote] I'm unsure if you mean that this is a bad thing or not?
  14. [quote name='Rubbersoul' timestamp='1365454685' post='2039951'] Seriously considering doing this to an old damaged Westone Concord. Are there any differences for a varnished maple fretboard? [/quote] I did it to a bass with a maple neck. Did the same thing and filled it with Rosewood veneer. Look in my signature for link
  15. This is amazing! I've loved it for years, as said, it helped me learn it too
  16. Myke


    [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1365430156' post='2039452'] Bowing skills, vibrato, listening / intonation skills all transferable. In some ways it is actually easier going from bass to cello because your bow arm is too strong whereas cellists I know who try playing bass haven't got the "strength" quite right to produce a nice tone. I'd agree certainly about getting a double bass for gigging, to pick up cello work (eg shows) your playing skills need to be very good on the cello but you can always take up the cello after the DB. [/quote] Ah That's cool I think that's the way I'm heading unless a cheap second hand cello appears.
  17. Finished it, PM sent to Wooks Really good book
  18. Myke


    [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1365426440' post='2039361'] I'm learning to sight read, so I've been raiding my bro-in-law's music as he's a cello teacher. The only problem I keep finding is the cello goes lower than the bass, so I keep getting GAS for a 5 string. - That, or I need to re-write it in MuseScore and transpose it to a higher key. BTW, my B-in-L just bought a cello; £68K. It was a bargain, so he says. [/quote] Yeah, I did the same thing, went to the charity shop found some cello books and been blasting them out. Luckily for me I have a 5 string which is incredibly helpful I was learning Bach cello suite 1 and there is a bit where it goes up to a high G I was playing it down low to start off with and thought it sounded a bit muddy so I thought I'd go up and start on the 10th fret on the A string and play the whole thing up there. Going to that G consists of playing the highest note on my bass and jumping on the same string down to B. Evil I tell you! £65k No way!!!
  19. Myke


    [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1365408859' post='2039003'] Yes, I started on cello a very, very long time ago then swapped to double bass. After I "retired" (shoulder problems) playing full time I then ended up teaching lower strings, so cello and double bass, for about 15 years and these days just enjoy playing cello with a little bit of teaching. I have to admit, I love playing the cello as it is such a lyrical instrument and once you get your head around the strings in 4ths and 5ths bit, it is quite easy to swap between bass and cello. Buying a cello is a lot cheaper than buying a double bass however, a half decent cello or double bass will cost a lot more than a half decent bass guitar. Even better though, go straight for an electric cello and have all the fun of effects etc. Took me a bit of practice but I became obsessed by Canon Rock (a rock arrangement of Pachelbel's Canon) last year and this was the result. Not perfect but loved doing it. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQlJjQwShiY[/media] [/quote] That was a really good video! I was only going for the DB first because in the long run I think it would help me out getting gigs more than a cello would and tbh I'm less likely to quit playing DB than I am playing cello. Are any of the skills transferable though? Mainly bowing technique on both instruments?
  20. Myke


    Does anybody here play cello? I've been listening to some classical music and trying to learn some cello pieces on bass and I'm hooked! I can't stop looking at them for sale and thinking 'If I had money' and then think no first I want a double bass. But anyway.. I just want to know how many people play cello and how hard it is really Cheers
  21. Just gorgeous! I love the slightly transparent purple and that fretboard!
  22. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1365332898' post='2038065'] I do agree with everyone who has said standard notation is the easiest way and it's just a matter of learning how to do, however, as I've said before, I'm [i]far too slow[/i] at reading it and (writing it) and have to resort to the pictures and shorthand above. By the time I've sketched all that out I've got it in my head anyway and only need to refer back to it if I haven't played it for a while. [/quote] Why don't you do what you do with the tab and stuff and then in your own time (If you have any spare) write it in notation? Means you get best of both worlds
  23. Where abouts is this now?
  24. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1365326780' post='2037966'] I like to use birchwood casey tru oil (gun stock oil) it is very easy to apply and brings out the best in the wood. It is also easy to repair should you need to do so in the future [/quote] Will this make it darker? And would you still have to lacquer over the top?
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