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Everything posted by Myke

  1. Ooooh, serious loveliness there!
  2. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1364255508' post='2024062'] leave it for the daytime at the weekend as it may get warm enough to do it? Good job so far, looking forward to seeing the finishing article. [/quote] That's what I was planning to do. I'm trying not to rush to do it since I've been waiting for so long now! Thank you
  3. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1364249188' post='2023953'] Finishing in the cold can lead to moisture getting trapped under the paint which causes blushing. Misty foggy, flat appearance. You can combat this by getting your work peice warmer than the environment. An oil radiator or similar heater which has no exposed element or dust inducing fan placed directly beneath the hanging guitar will combat this. Also warm the can up in a bowl of warm water first to improve the flow. [/quote] So it's still doable?
  4. I have to ask your opinion, if you please As the weather is horrible and cold, I have a feeling that I won't be able to do anymore until it warms up. My can of lacquer says to be used within 15-25 degrees, and it's not much more than 4 here.. If I still did it would it affect the drying process or anything? It will be in an unheated garage so..? If not I'll have to wait until april/may time before I can do anymore
  5. The body looks lush!
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1364245144' post='2023841'] No Myke, Our hosting provider, a company that hosts thousands of websites, has been targeted by a bunch of social misfits who like disrupting things. No work has been done on BC for several days now. If we are working on the site and need to take it down, you will get the 'BassChat Down For Maintenance' screen. [/quote] That's what I thought Just making sure you know
  7. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1364244336' post='2023813'] The site is becoming very unreliable. What will it be next? [/quote] It has nothing to do with the site?
  8. Doesn't Cloud Flare run the security for Basschat? So they don't get taken down etc?
  9. Damn, that's a pain!
  10. Ah thank you iCastle I actually remember reading that now And also thank you Neepheid, this seems to agree with the other posts in that thread So pretty much, saddles at the front of the bridge. First to 12th fret. Then 12th to the saddles at same distance Awesome! Thank you for the help people
  11. well apparently I was wrong.
  12. Exciting stuff! I'm assuming you're going to run it as a business? Or will it be a private thing? Either way I'm jealous, I'd love my own studio!
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363910927' post='2019596'] Measure the distance between the nut and the 12th fret. The bridge saddles need to be positioned so that the distance between them and the 12th fret matches that first measurement. In other words, the 12th fret needs to be the centre point between the nut and the bridge saddles. [/quote] Ah, okay Thank you very much Would I put the saddles in the middle of the bridge just for ease of measuring and then adjust for intonation afterwards?
  14. Ooh, I'm popular tonight! [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363907176' post='2019525'] All good, but some context - Myke [i]is[/i] from Somerset. [/quote] Says the Londoner! Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-oo!
  15. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1363907944' post='2019548'] IMO It's actually usually a case of they know the theory but don't know that they know ( and are unable to communicate it as such, eg what sounds nice after an e? Aha. B [/quote] I agree with that but what if they have a harmonised line, say, played by 2 guitars and bass? Surely they couldn't do that just by ooh that sounds nice?
  16. Bass Tractor The fact that you're not English, and yet you structure your point a hundred times better than I could, astounds me! Well done!
  17. So stupid question, probably been answered a hundred times already but.. I have a new bridge for my fretless project and as I've filled the holes for the old one and am going to paint over them, how will I work out where to put it? Sorry if this is a face palm moment Cheers
  18. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1363890380' post='2019060'] i use mine as a fanny magnet.... [/quote] I cried!
  19. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363902997' post='2019370'] It's my understand that when you start learning piano, you will be taught scales and other theory that a lot of bass or guitar teachers just ignore. [/quote] This may be just me but when I first started getting lessons 2 years ago, the first thing I learnt was scales and other theory bits. This may be because it was part of a music course tho.. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363902997' post='2019370'] It is literally sexy. [/quote] Why thank you
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363902575' post='2019349'] Is your avatar an Ibanez Ergodyne? [/quote] Nopes it my Yamaha TRB5. Do you like my attempt at fancy photography?
  21. And the second rule of shoddy EBMM is that you don't talk about shoddy EBMM
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363901862' post='2019327'] Putting words in my mouth. That's not what i said at all, and you know it. [/quote] Okay.. Just reread that, may have got the wrong end of the stick. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363901862' post='2019327'] CURSES! [/quote]
  23. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363888329' post='2019019'] Obviously, learning theory comes when you start learning a classical instrument [/quote] So as the electric bass isn't a classical instrument, we don't learn any theory? And before when you said Rock musicians are ignorant about theory, I would like to point you in the direction of Math Rock.. and also Led Zeppelin. I'm sure these people know/knew a hell of a lot of theory. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363863790' post='2018511'] mmmmmmmnah. I think you are wrong [/quote] And I feel the same about you
  24. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1363864081' post='2018516'] im learning now been on it a few months im reading with a bit of a stutter but hopefully ill get there one day [/quote] I'm in exactly the same position as you are
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