Hey Guys
I've been playing bass for 8-9 years, mainly play classic rock (ACDC, GnR, Led Zep ... etc) I have been known to dabble into other things like Muse, QOTSA and chilli's. Right now I'm playing in a Bristol Band called BlackWolf check us out at; [url="http://www.myspace.com/ukblackwolf"]http://www.myspace.com/ukblackwolf[/url]
I currently use a vintage v950 5 string, with active EQ. I play these things through a Warwick 411 4x10 speaker, with 3 HF horns. And currently a LG350 which I'm going to replace hopefully with an orange bass terror 500w.
Main reasons for joining, to ask and give advice on what could be and has been beneficial to me as a bassist.