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Everything posted by Old_Ben

  1. I used to have the Micro-BR not the 80 model, but it's younger brother, t'was very handy for on the go recording and basic practising, but don't expect 'Pro' Results, you'll have to have a good few hours playing around with it reading the manual to get used to it, the interface wasn't the most user friendly, don't know if they have improved it on the later model
  2. Pretty typical for me
  3. Welcome to the world of making noises listening back to them and realising you can do a better take... 3 hours later realising you haven't progressed the recording on in the slightest but have started playing around with all the different effects making sci-fi noises.
  4. If anyone would care to enter themselves for an attempt next year; http://www.eurovision.tv/page/how-can-i-take-part
  5. It is very samey, but they do that thing really well, will be interesting to see how they can change it up on a second album
  6. Maybe relevant, maybe not, but I'll just leave this here... http://youtu.be/1cKqjP5eY_A
  7. Their facebook site has good use of the bass community with the fan questions posed to all, then it's flooded with adverts for shops + expensive power cables. I think they should focus more on content than keeping advertisers happy, seems to dilute the content and makes it more likely I'm going to block them the next time I see a sweetwater bass picture...
  8. Muse - Origin of Symmetry, Possibly one of 3-4 albums I can listen to and enjoy every song for a different reason, and nothing feels 'filler' Plus the bass playing is outstanding, if anyone can play newborn for 6 minutes without cramping up, they should be given a standing ovation.
  9. 1) If you have shared hotel rooms always agree on a time to be up and moving; allowing for food + stopping for toilet breaks. 2) with regard to toilet breaks on the road, don't get sucked in to buying things at motorway services, it's twice as expensive as stopping at a big supermarket; which a quick google will be nearby the motorway on your way out / in a city. 3) Be on time with the day sheets for the tour, don't be early for 2 reasons; the headline band may still be loading in and you'll get in their way, and also you'll probably be waiting around for an hour for your set up and soundcheck even if your 30 minutes late! 4) have at least one member of your band go over to the merch stand as soon as you finish your set, and have someone take their stuff off stage (even if you are taking a merch person with you) to flog your gear, if you go down well people want to meet the band afterwards, this is the best time to sell things and make money! 5) Don't use gear that you're not 100% sure on, as if it could go wrong, at some point it will! 6) If you're using wireless systems, keep those batteries fresh and charged! 7) Make sure you send Tech Specs and Riders to each venues, stating who you are touring with. (Don't be over demanding on Riders as the promoters will only give you water if they think you're taking the piss)
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1423507969' post='2685703'] [color=#800080][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]An interface for guitars and MIDI[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 is popular; they sometimes come up in the Marketplace here...[/font][/color] [/quote] Not sure if the 2i2 does MIDI, The 2i4 does have the MIDI in/out on the back where the 2i2 doesn't
  11. Hi Buddy, A lot of this information is in this following thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248509-beginners-guide-to-home-recording/ Very well written, and wish I had as helpful a guide when I started myself! Laptop wise you'll need something with a powerful processor to handle all the instruments and MIDI equipment running at the same time!
  12. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1423316884' post='2683435'] This month Lurksalittle has gone one better and filmed .........the making of TRAIN... I think it will eventually have a different title, but as a working brief I give you ........ [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJP313RkF3c"]https://www.youtube....h?v=NJP313RkF3c[/url] Ed to confirm , this isnt actually my entry , it is a trailer for it made by Lurksalittle [/quote] Haha amazing!
  13. failing that turn everything else off and the bass will sound best! I always aim for an aggressive bright tone when doing my recording, what I do is do the bass straight after drums and eq everything around the bass ... dunno how effective it is to others but maybe give that a try!
  14. Are you using any amp sim software like amplitube?
  15. You'll find merch sales adding a nice chunk in their pockets too
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1422985916' post='2679190'] If we can all learn something from this thread, for most bands it's our responsibility to follow up with these LLs we can't sit idle and wait for their call. Understand there is good reason why they don't call us. If they call us it gives us leverage on price and they don't like that. Blue [/quote] This is what we do with promoters and tour organisers now. Only once you have a booking agent do gigs start 'falling in your lap' in my experience.
  17. First thought add more string options for bass some of us play 5 - 6 stringed monsters!
  18. Badass!
  19. Waiting for my new interface to arrive before starting recording!
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422955597' post='2678699'] No, I wouldn't understand that either.. I'd assume something didn't work for them or they are just being polite? [/quote] You're dealing with people who for a living drink and lie in! They are lazy bums more likely than anything else!
  21. Nice work, some great venues as well!
  22. Trying to think of a colander joke about calenders... but I'm all washed out... too many holes in my diary... ... Move along ...
  23. When my band were trying to take bookings in the bar/pub circuit we would try booking a few months in advance, and always give a follow up email chasing a venue if it was worthwhile a couple of days later, after our show if it went down well, looking at what was available later in the year for a revisit. we tended to not block book with one pub, opting for the any gig is a good opportunity, and to not push our luck! (Something we found to be the opposite of true! Always push your luck, and not every gig is a good opportunity)
  24. Thanks all It was a great competition this month with everyone's entries being on top form! Well done to all and beers on me!
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