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Everything posted by Old_Ben

  1. I'm of the opinion; if you don't have the gear to play a gig you shouldn't be playing gigs. Now if someone messages me in advance and explains why they couldn't bring theirs and they show some form of respect / consideration in asking, then I might let them use it. However if you turn up to a show without equipment and want to use mine then you clearly don't care and I don't want you using it.
  2. It's the same at rehearsal spaces too, usually something like; less than 24 hours = full cost, less than 48 hours = half cost. If you have the policy in place you can decide when you should be enforcing it.
  3. another option would be to record yourself playing it so you don't have to keep going from fretboard to paper?
  4. The thing with behringer is that they are usually good emulations of more expensive products ... but they aren't as reliable. You get what you pay for; a cheaply made product that may break down at the worst possible time. That being said I have used one of their heads for 2-3 years without any issues. However other people who had used the same head as me had them break for seemingly no reason. If you aren't going to rely on it, you should be fine, but if you can spend more money on a better quality product then do!
  5. Thanks will check that one out too, done a couple on the other lemme know what you think of them: http://discussion.cambridge-mt.com/showthread.php?tid=5592 http://discussion.cambridge-mt.com/showthread.php?tid=5642
  6. I recently got a set and they are much much better than the cheapy headphones I was using before! I can't say how they stack up to a more premium set of headphones or set of nearfield Monitors, as I have little to no experience with those. But I would say if your looking for an introductory set of headphones, in the same price range,you won't find much better! The only criticism is that when doing a frequency test on them, it's hard to hear the sub 30hz range unless the volume is pretty high, same with the higher brackets, but this is a problem with all the headphones I tested in the shops! (AKG 271 mII / Audio Technica mh50x) YMMV.
  7. is there a tone your specifically after? I.E any examples of a sound you would like to emulate or use as a launch pad? That might be an easier / faster way to help find the sound your after! Also just looked into your amp and I think you can download patches onto it with preset effects maybe have a look through those as well! http://www.tcelectronic.com/bg250-115/toneprints/
  8. Runnin' Wild - Airbourne. High[size=4]way to Hell - AC/DC[/size] + 1 for Running With The Devil.
  9. Another alternative to the bass drum could be to remove the whole of the front skin and place the mic inside near the beater of the bass drum... But the best thing is to record about a minute while playing the whole kit, listen to it back and see what's too loud, quiet, where there is too much bleed from another piece of the kit, and adjust it accordingly!
  10. If you are going from a down stroke on a G string, then you might want to do an up stroke on the D string, should work quite fluidly. EDIT: After re-reading your post: [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] how do you manage descending lines? [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]For example, if you finished a line on the G string with a thumb down stroke and then wanted to move down to the D string would you go straight to pluck index, or another thumb down? And then start the rotation again from whichever finger you used?[/font][/color][/quote] What I said above is more for this specific example, but yes try to keep the pattern intact if your attempting to learn it as a technique, however if your trying to learn a specific piece of music or song then it'd be best to work out the most economical way to use your hands (where you need to move the least) and keep up the pattern where it is needed / possible / most effective [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Also, are you keeping strict rotation ascending?[/font][/color][/quote] This also depends on what you are trying to play, and what your trying to achieve. As above I s'pose. YMMV
  11. Depending on what your set up is, it also has a DI output on the side of the amp which you could feed into a mixer / interface and play at quieter volumes through headphones or a monitor set up, (this could help with the cooling fan background noise if it annoys you!) The only thing I'm not sure on is if the amp requires to be connected to a speaker anyway to help deal with the power load, some amps do, others don't. EDIT: This little box is pretty handy for just that use: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-MA400-Monitor-Headphone-Amplifier/dp/B000KUCQXY
  12. Going in the studio next week, and will probably end up using a fuzzy bass tone. What do you guys find works well to bring it out, be it using less fuzz than you think you need, double tracking and applying fuzz to one track and blending the two, recording clean and reamping / using DAW effects?
  13. So I didn't get round to setting it up properly yet, but did get round to playing it via Reaper and my usb input: https://soundcloud.com/ben-webb-15/p-bass-take-1
  14. I had a bugera 5500 for 3 years with no problems, sounded good too. I would recommend them. But get one with a long warranty if your worried about getting a lemon!
  15. A friend gave me the shell of a squire p-bass affinity. [attachment=166730:20140712_112210.jpg] [attachment=166731:20140712_112007.jpg] Nothing overly complex needed in my view, new scratch place, (found in a dark recess of gumtree), pick ups (courtesy of Thunderbird) and some strings (happened to have some d'addario flex steels knocking about). Gave it a good dusting and a wipe down and applied a coat of guitar wax. Not looking to shabby if I say so my self. [attachment=166735:20140714_135325.jpg] [attachment=166736:20140714_135336.jpg] Now I'm just waiting for some screws for the scratch plate to arrive from ebay, and do a basic set up on it, (although having stuck on the strings I found the intonation pretty spot on, only really going out around the 17th fret) will adjust the string and pickup height for a good full sound and it'll be all done, and I'll record some clips and pop em up on here!
  16. Your best bet if you think your getting overly busy is see what your drummer is playing, try to match it up if you feel your being overly busy compared to the drummer.
  17. Received a set of P-bass pickups, quickly sent out, tracked and delivered without problems! He was very helpful!
  18. Are any of you heading down to the Steelhouse festival next weekend? http://www.steelhousefestival.com/
  19. Is there a best way to not cover up chips and blemishes to the paint work, but just treat them so the wood is protected again, but make it still looking 'beaten up'? Thanks
  20. depending on what your gig setup is, it might be worth getting your own DI box like a sansamp, which you can plug straight into a PA.
  21. Best 5er I've tried was the Ibanez sr1205. Plays and sounds amazing. Just need the £££'s!
  22. Damnit I couldn't go... did they play any Mr. Big stuff?
  23. Which key do you usually drop down to? And when doing so do you shift the tuning on the B string? Or do you keep it at B and just play the other notes / with a capo? I have found that with using B strings it be the string gauge might feel adequate but still doesn't have enough tension. In my own opinion I find even a 0.130 still lacking, I use the 0.145 gauge and it makes a whole load of difference to the tone and depth of the low B. (Also getting the bass set up by a guitar shop wouldn't hurt either!) Depending on your amp and (EQ) wouldn't over do it but maybe push up the bass frequencies, if you have a graphic EQ maybe try just the lowest slider up a touch could see it poking out a bit more.
  24. You can also add timing indicators to tabs, like W - Whole, H - Half, Q - Quarter, E - Eighth, S - Sixteenth. as an example: http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/l/led_zeppelin/over_the_hills_and_far_away_btab.htm#
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