Thanks for the info - great to see others have an interest in this company.
Over weekend I changed the soldanoEL34's for Winged 'C' EL34's - marginal, though noticable, change of charachter. It is 'crisper', less backgorund noise, and seems slightly louder, although this could be due to a cleaner output stage with more definition, therefore the speake is getting a different signal though I have tried to keep the same amp settings. However, I also changed the Mazda ECC81 and all four Maxda ECC83's for a Harma ECC81 and four Electro Harmonix ECC83's and THAT really made a difference.
The sound is now highly articulate more 'lively' and I get a lot more gain. This now reminds me of a Randall or MESA sound but do I like it? Well I'm happy with the change at the moment but I know I have lost some of the original charachter. Still I have the original tubes as spare if I get fed up with it.
Have seen a FANE 12" 100W alnico speaker for about £200 - tempting?
Once again thanks for you taking an interest and taking the time to reply.
On a side issue - as my job is a consultant in marketing and finance, I was wondering if anyone had contact details for Mr Burman or anyone else who may have an interest in his brilliant amps. I am certain that, with a little persuasion, I could get a major British manufacturer to reissue these amplifiers, if only on a short 'limited issue' basis. I would be happy to do all I can to help at no charge - ever. All we need then is for a high profile player to endorse them and ................................?
Any contact info would help.