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Everything posted by EOS650

  1. Well, I'm not offended and I a woman... Anyway, I do admire that fact that she is 1. a female bass player and 2. Able to play that good even though she and I are the same age. Regardless of her tone and style, I really do think that she a lot better than me and like someone above said, has to to be able to play with such big name musicians... Which is an accomplishment in itself. Are there any other good female bass players?
  2. Yes. Pro Tools LE.
  3. Hello! I prefer to practice w/o a amp because it's just easier not to be confined to a room and a cord, but be aware that it might be a struggle to hear yourself and you might make more mistakes that way that go unnoticed. Plus, playing with an amp can be easier on your fingers because you don't have to press down so hard to hear yourself w/o the amp.
  4. [quote name='Buzz' post='46644' date='Aug 16 2007, 05:34 PM']I think it's just coming across as women more because this forum is mainly male dominated. It's not down to just so much man/woman but more down to whether you understand each other. Who else but guitarists/bassists get GAS at regular intervals, it looks to me as if you've got partners that understands GAS you'll reach compromises and be fine, but if you havn't, there'll be issues (eg, why do you need more than one bass, you only play one at a time etc). Applies to anything really, happens with my family in regards to power of cars and the ownership of motorbikes. Can't understand why we want faster more powerful vehicles when we don't require them. Case and point being my Father having a large car out of necessity and my brothers just wanting to have more power on tap, he can't fathom why they want sporty cars when they don't need them at all.[/quote] Thats understandable. What is GAS? I've seen it used here quite often.
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='46625' date='Aug 16 2007, 04:27 PM']I'm not seeing how this compromise and negotiation works You have your gear you want to keep it, but the partner doesn't. So you compromise and negotiate, and...? If it results in gear going, then where's the compromise and negotiation? Reminds me of a bloke I knew, scruffy long haired type, played in a band. He met a girl, they started seeing each other, and then moved in together. First thing to go was the long hair, in favour of a short back and no chance, coz girlfriend didn't like long hair. Next was he started to smarten up a bit, not necessarily a bad thing, but done because girlfriend didn't like the clothes he used to wear. Finally he quit the band, and sold his gear, because girlfriend didn't want him in a band. A few months later she dumped him because... "[i]you're not the same person I fell for[/i]" !!!!! :wacko: and no, it wasn't me [/quote] Yeah, but not all women are that stupid. Nor do all women require men to do that. I certinally don't. Lots of gear in a house wouldn't bother me (partically because I do music myself), but it seems like on this forum people assume all women are wound tight when it comes to "things" and it just isn't so...
  6. Update: I find that using Sequbeat I can easily play at both 40bpm and 60bpm. Using a real drum machine with real drum sounds is a lot easier (better) than a little click.
  7. Thanks guys! Actually, this was the first time I was able to afford music lessons in a few years, but I should try to move it up to 60bpm and go from there. I can play at 75bpm. One thing this teacher offers is gigs for his students. Like a few get to play together & him on drums. Other than that, I've got no one to play with.. But thanks for the advice! I'll try 60 today.
  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='45507' date='Aug 14 2007, 06:17 PM']Well, you say you're hitting around 75% at 40bpm. So I'd say once you're getting as close to 100% as is reasonable. One thing to remember is that the two tempos (tempi?) people tend to struggle with is very fast and very slow. 40bpm is at the slow end of things. You might find your accuracy improving if you up the tempo to 60bpm straight away. EDIT: My old teacher used to make me play whatever it was correctly 5 times in a row. If I made a fluff 3/4 of the way through #5, I'd have to go back to the start at #1.[/quote] So, "reasonable" wouldn't be hitting it "dead in the center" 100% of the time? Like, sometimes I catch it on the tail end of the click or the a little bit before the click, but nothing too glaring too often. Thanks Andy! I'm working my way around it now!
  9. Thanks! How many times should I do it to be sure I "landed" it before I move up?
  10. Ok, I've taken lessons from my new teacher twice now. I have some issues with my teacher. I'm rather new at bass, but when I told him I do all of my scales etc.. at 40bpm he was suprised because I am able to play at 75 bpm. The lessons are 30min each at $25 a lesson (not sure how much that is in UK money), but still expensive. I did explain that starting out slow is important to get good soild (string buzz free) notes, but he wants to rush along. I can handle the work load, but I choose to do it at a slower pace because I know that being a good player is not being sloppy no matter how fast I'm able to go. I'm hitting about 75% of the time on the dot at 40 and plan on bumping up to 45 in the next 2 weeks.. Am I doing the right thing by going slow and moving up even though I am able to play at a faster speed? I want everything to sound as clear as possible. I know how important a good bass player is to a band.... Oh....does anyone know of any free online metronomes that use real drum sounds over the click? Thanks!
  11. You have Phil, thank you! I tend to want to organize my time because if I don't it seems unproductive. Thanks, though! I'm feeling more confident at 40bpm. I'll try 45 in another 2 weeks.
  12. This... I need to invest in something else...
  13. [quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='44272' date='Aug 11 2007, 03:00 PM']guitar pedals are generally ok for a mess-about but rob the bottom end[/quote] That's what I thought. I probably look into some fuzz boxes made for the bass, but the memoryman is ok, right?
  14. Ok... I usually practice about 1 1/2 everyday. I divide that up into two 40 min "sessions" where I work on scales and finger speed, respectively. Then I use the last 10 min to work on slap. I'm using a rather simple metronome and am at 40bpm and am trying to hit it dead-on everytime. With both my scales & finger speed. I want to master 40bpm then move up to 45bpm. I do tend to miss it alot is there anything I can do to be more percise or do I just need to keep at it? I was going to work on 40bpm for another 2 weeks before trying to move up to 45. Is that too long of a time to wait? Does anyone have a better/more effective practice routine or is what I do ok? Thanks!
  15. EOS650


    [quote name='dood' post='43944' date='Aug 10 2007, 02:07 PM']Yeh, I jest actually.. I am a total n00b when it comes to photography, but I bought a decent DSLR to play with! It's great fun pretending to be David Bailey![/quote] It might be good to learn about about photography if you have time because thats a pretty hefty tag for a point & shoot camera.
  16. EOS650


    [quote name='dood' post='43811' date='Aug 10 2007, 10:36 AM']BassInstinct:- I have given you a new thread for your 'hello' chap. Its in this same forum. Welcome aboard. I'm a Nikon man! Ahhhh the great divide!![/quote] Is it a digital? I don't use strictly Canon. I also use Holga, Pentax, Polaroid, cheap $1 cameras and I also have a Kodak Brownie. (Folding Hawk-eye Model C). I use whatever I can get. I'm not opposed to any brand.
  17. Ok, I might look into that Bass wah then.
  18. EOS650


  19. [quote name='dlloyd' post='40914' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:36 AM']I learnt it as a kid using the old mnemonic phrase: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle That one gives the circle of fifths in the order the sharps appear in key signatures: FCGDAEB The corresponding mnemonic for the circle of fourths is the same in reverse: Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father Which gives the circle of fourths in the order flats appear in key signatures: BEADGCF (Which is also the order of strings on a 7 string bass) It can also be used to work out how many sharps or flats are in a key, if you remember that C major has none; sharps go in fifths and flats in fourths; and the only natural major key that has flats in it is F major. If you wanted to know how many and which sharps were in B major for instance, you could work it out: C=0 G=1 F# D=2 F#,C# A=3 F#,C#,G# E=4 F#,C#,G#,D# B=5 F#,C#,G#,D#,A# Ab major: C=0 F=1 Bb Bb=2 Bb,Eb Eb=3 Bb,Eb,Ab Ab=4 Bb,Eb,Ab,Db It also has use in modulation and chord movement.[/quote] Wow, the easiest I've seen it explained.
  20. I have a Russian Big Muff and a Memoryman Deluxe that I used while playing guitar, but I was wondering if I can use these pedals for my bass. I wonder because of the range. Guitars being more mid-rangy and bass being more on the low-end. Does it matter? I also have a Crybaby Wah I was wondering about, too.
  21. EOS650


    Thanks all! EOS 650 is Canon (camera) first camera in the EOS series. Plus, it's my first "real" camera. Next to bass, I also do quite a bit of film photography and have quite a few cameras. I do have a Flickr site that I have some of my "best" work uploaded to, but I didn't put it in my sig because it's not bass related..
  22. EOS650


    Well, I hope its ok that I post here. I am not from the UK. In fact, I've never been there. I'm from the US and found this site when looking up some information on the bass. I'm 21 and I'm really new at bass. Been playing only for a month and have a squire J bass with a Fender Rumble 15 Bass Combo Amplifier. I know, not the best equipment, but all that I could afford and I really don't feel like I should be buying the best gear just starting out anyway... I just started taking lessons and a local music shop. I used to play guitar. On and off for almost 10 yrs. Got really bored with that and decided to make the switch and realized bass is 10x more fun than guitar. So...hello!
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