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Posts posted by Steeve85

  1. Eek. Gutted for you mate, but I've got to say, there's a guitar that I playted a while back, a 1963 ES 175, that I thought was gone forever; there was a split almost halfway around the rim. I've recently seen if after the repair and it's as good as new, you'd never have known that there was ever any damage - and it sounds better than ever. Hope yours works out the same.



  2. Geoff, these videos are [i][b]absolutely brilliant[/b][/i].

    For someone like me coming back to bass-playing (and not even a proper EUB, apparently <_< ) so many years after I got rid of my DB, and never having had any formal lessons, this is exactly what I need to kickstart the whole thing off again. You are an absolute star. Next time I get to Leeds, there are several pints heading your way.

    Thanks loads


  3. I wish that I'd read this thread when it was time to pur new strings on mine - as it's DaveHux's old Pace. I tried Trubass - and the gauge was so heavy that the nut broke (split the slot for the G string). I had a new nut made, which was set up for somewhat heavier strings. However, whereas the nut would now support the Trubass strings, only the G would regularly produce sound!! Although they were great for feel and the tone was good on the one string that would work consistently, they had to go. I replaced them with D'Addario Chromes and now everything works. Not as dark a sound as I was looking for, but at least I have sound from all strings and I can EQ it on the amp to get nearer to the sound I want.

    Generally happy with it - I enjoy playing it but I still have such a long way to go as regards technique. I can't blame the bass for that!!

  4. So, I need a small, portable, and not too expensive comnbo for playing electric upright in a jazz band. Clean is good, headroom is great, decent name may be too much to expect.

    My budget ain't huge and ebay may be the way to go. I'm probably looking at a 1 x 12", maybe 100 - 120 watts or so.

    Recommendations? I'm thinking GK, Ashdown, maybe?

  5. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1317286404' post='1388938']
    You could look for a second hand Hohner Steinberger clone and put it on a stand - would probably work out cheaper.
    When I played fretless bass guitar in the early 80's in a jazz 4tet, I did this a few times when I couldn't take the double bass - gave the bass guitar (Shergold) a different, more "upright-like" attack using the appropriate right hand technique.

    Also, didn't Tab Martin of The Peddlers play his bass guitar upright in his lap, sitting on a bar stool?


  6. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1317300819' post='1389231']
    Whatever happens in our journey through life we never lose our love of the bass.

    ...but, speaking as someone who's returning to the upright after a couple of decades playing guitar, what we do lose.....is technique. And stamina. And the willingness to cart around ******** big instruments. :)

  7. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1372240' date='Sep 13 2011, 06:12 PM']It's the first one I borrowed and played, it was playable and a decent introduction to the world of electric uprights.

    One problem was with the bridge producing strange and nasty sounding harmonics on certain notes (1st E on the A string) that was easily solved by wedging a jumper under the bridge, although a tennis ball or similar works fine, stays in place better and is a little neater. After that, it was ready to go and I recorded a few tracks with it. The rubber strip is another modification and I believe sits between the bridge and the pickup to produce a more DB sound but isn't essential.

    In all, I'd recommend them for a beginner looking to try an EUB, especially if you can pick one up cheap.[/quote]

    Well, I'm not an absolute beginner as I had an acoustic double bass about 30 years ago, when I was young and foolish.....

    Nowadays I play guitar, but I'd really like to try an EUB out without spending a fortune at this stage. So this looks like the way to go. But...Stagg or Harley Benton/Palatino (as the most common cheapo options)? And what about amplification?

  8. [quote name='petercullenbassist' post='1371546' date='Sep 13 2011, 10:34 AM']Hey guys, does anyone know what these are like? Seem alot cheaper than any other EUB.
    Please let me know.


    pete XD[/quote]

    Yes, I'd be interested to hear as I'm contemplating investing time, a little money, a lot of effort and inevitably, many blisters, in acquiring an EUB. Have so far had a go at the Stagg but of the two examples I've tried, one had paint chips and the other had an extraneous noise when I played the open A. :)

    Shame really as the tone was quite acceptable. Also looked at the gear4music and that was much better, though pretty much the same kind of thing.

    However, the Harley benton/Palatino looks much more the part, except for the strange tailpiece; but what I've read implies that there are modifications involving strips of rubber (ooerrr missus) :) etc. to be done to get anything worthwhile out of it.

    Any opinions therefore gratefully received, and thanks.

  9. ....and I've gotta say guys, having strummed my guitar with the band (Sarfend Jazz Co-op) whilst Mr. Shone was playing that Jazz.....it sounds [b]every bit [/b][i][/i]as good as it looks, maybe even better (being biased 'cos I'm not such a a fan of maple necks on basses).

    And as a former Jazz bass owner I will just say...loving these pictures, guys - keep 'em coming.

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