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Everything posted by Slipperydick

  1. [quote name='clauster' post='1249881' date='May 30 2011, 07:06 AM']"Where are you going with your amp? The promoter said I could use it." (Every time I've been asked this the promoter has not asked about kit-share)[/quote] Yeah, love thatn one. Then if you take pity on him, he changes all your settings, making the sound check you just did a waste of time.
  2. It'll be OK, dont worry, enjoy. As said remember to listen, and maybe keep one eye on the drummers right knee and snare till you get usd to the sound up close. Good luck.
  3. This is absolutely true, goes back to the bad days when I was in a band of drunks doing workie clubs & parties. While we are setting up in an almost empty room a woman runs up to the stage “You too loud , much too loud” Me…” Sorry luv, I cant hear you through these noisy B stards” So she says the same to the singer, who is still p ssing himself laughing. “ Your drunk” she says ( asking for it I.m.o ) “ Yeah ! Your ugly, but I’ll be sober in the morning” Then as she storms off... "I spose a blow job is out of the question"
  4. Reminds me of an old Viking 60, used to be popular in the early 70s, but I think they had EL34s in them
  5. [quote name='RhysP' post='1235453' date='May 18 2011, 11:28 AM']If the neck pocket is sh*t then it was probably assembled from US parts. [/quote] Is that US, or USA ? lol At least the strings are well centred. I had a USA made one with them noticeably out at one time, either the Bridge was badly fitted or the Neck pocket was out, wasnt really sure.
  6. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1235134' date='May 18 2011, 02:34 AM']From cheapest to most expensive: Squier, MIM, MIJ, MIA. Squier, MIM and MIA used to be dubious QC, they've improved a lot though recently. MIJ has always been fairly consistent. Lots of people prefer MIJs due to them being consistent value wheras with the MIAs in the past you could be paying more and getting a dog. Apparently most of the QC issues are sorted now and MIMs and MIAs are more consistent, I'd still try before buying though. CIJs are MIJs that were made in a specific factory for a couple of years in the mid 90s IIRC (that could be totally wrong though). All of that's off the top of my head and since I've only ever very briefly had interest in Fenders it could be wrong. [/quote] Back in around 1991 or 92 I can remember speaking to someone at a Fender distributor who told me that the then new Mexican Strats and Precisions were assembled in Mexico from USA parts, but that it was only a temporary arrangement, so it was a good time to buy. Any truth in it, or was it just a sales pitch ? My early Mexican Precision plays and sounds great, mut admit the neck aint a perfect fit in the pocket though.
  7. [quote name='dc2009' post='1234978' date='May 17 2011, 09:49 PM']True, my Dean which was my main bass before my warwick has the thinnest of necks I've ever played, you can glide up and down it as if it isn't there! [color="#0000FF"][i]And as for the MIJ/MIM/MIA differences? Any thoughts from anyone?[/i][/quote][/color] I keep seeing this... At the rsk of seeming thick, can somebody explain these abreviations for me ?
  8. Its an image thing to some extent, punters recognise em, and if its just a pub or workie gig, they dont think your any good if you have a Bass (or anything else) with a name they dont recognise. I can remember using my Bass Collection at a rehearsal with a new band a year or two ago, an the Guitard, a Tele man through and through, saying " thats nice, but you [i]will[/i] be using your Precision at gigs, wont you ?" Personally, I use my Precision cos I like it, but I got through a few before I found a good one.
  9. Screw half a broomhandle to the back of your Bass' body, then play it standing up like you would a double bass. Didnt early Fenders have a metal rod that you could pull out for this ? Seriously though, strap on the right shoulder ala Freddie King soundls like the best bet. might even start a new craze. Good luck !
  10. Hate to admit it, but it was probably All Right Now. Either that or Blockbuster. Other than how to play a 12 bar that is.
  11. [quote name='TimR' post='1228129' date='May 11 2011, 10:11 PM']It's all to do with confidence. If you're not confident with your ability to play the song you will probably be staring at your music, fretboard or feet. If you are not confident that your singer/band or song choice is going to entertain the crowd you will be worriedly looking at the band or crowd. You won't be able to help this, your body language will show it. If you and your band are confident and relaxed you will all naturally move with the music in an unforced way without thinking about it. The moves will be determined by the style of music. The more times you play music in front of a crowd the more relaxed and confident you will become. [color="#0000FF"]You don't need to practice your moves, you need to practice playing in front of an audience.[/color][/quote] Nail - Head. Absolutely agree, till your confident and can relax a bit, you probably wont pull it off.
  12. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1J54W95NEk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1J54W95NEk[/url] about 1.05 in, or [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7OCbeXy_5w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7OCbeXy_5w[/url] Never could manage that Shadows one meself. Stopped jumping around much years ago, when I made a leap onto a 3 foot high drum riser and only just about made it
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1226413' date='May 10 2011, 04:49 PM']I'm 50. The rest of the Terrortones are between 24 and 30. Admittedly I've never really grown up, and while I no longer look as young as I once did I certainly don't look like most other 50 year olds I know.[/quote] Great when somebody turns out to be younger than you when you [i]just know[/i] they look and seem a good ten years older isnt it ?
  14. [quote name='ahpook' post='1225378' date='May 9 2011, 06:23 PM'] one of the best bands i've ever been in had a guitarist who was 21 when i was 37... be both thought a lot of each other's playing so it was never an issue. sadly a lot of people see it as an obstacle...when it doesn't have to be.[/quote] That not what I mean by a noticeable difference. How about if you were in your 50s or even 60s, and the rest of the band were around 21 ? Where do you draw the line, come to that, at what point would the rest of the band ? How old is too old ? Sorry, dont mean to hijack the thread, but the point has been raised now.
  15. [quote name='ahpook' post='1224848' date='May 9 2011, 10:37 AM']well, as someone's who's having a hard time getting past people who think 41 is too old to play originals... musicians who value ability over age. [/quote] Try not handing the Werthers around at rehearsals. Seriously though, its a pain innit, I'm lucky in that I found a couple of good bands of all old gits like me, but it took a while. Dunno about you, but I wouldnt be comfortable playing live with a band noticably much younger than me.
  16. [quote name='BottomE' post='1224919' date='May 9 2011, 11:30 AM']Gigs and an audience - its all pointless otherwise.[/quote] That - and enjoying it.
  17. My Fenders both go a bit sharp when I transport em in bags. Agreed, a muting pedal tuner is a must for gigging, preferably one that you can see in the dark. ie with LEDS. But everyone should learn to tune without. Nobody had tuners when I started playing, so you had to either learn or suffer the embarrasment of asking somebody else to do it, and the dirty looks if it took you too long.
  18. [quote name='mr.gritstoner' post='1224446' date='May 8 2011, 08:09 PM']91 mex? im not sure what you mean,by hartke?[/quote] [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=hartke+3500&_sacat=See-All-Categories"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_from=R40&am...-All-Categories[/url] Plus my old trusty Mexian Precision Whats to not understand ??
  19. [quote name='BassBunny' post='988027' date='Oct 14 2010, 01:31 PM']Not exactly an EASY way, but if you remove the neck, it should have the model number in the neck pocket. I was shimming the neck on mine and found out it was an SB4 series and not a 3.[/quote] SB301 was Passive, at least my SGC one is. Nice Bass by the way.
  20. [quote name='mxm' post='1223979' date='May 8 2011, 11:15 AM'] Catherine Popper from Grace Potters band. Now I'll get my dirty mac.[/quote] Looks like Tim Healeys character in Benedorm to me !
  21. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1223860' date='May 8 2011, 02:49 AM'][/quote] I was just thinking the same.
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1222761' date='May 6 2011, 11:58 PM']I'l admit that this thread has me completely baffled...[/quote] Me too. If you dont like the deal, you dont bid !
  23. I use my 91 Mex with a Hartke 3500 4X10 combo. Really punchy, almost knock you off your feet. Great for walking bass lines - for me, anyway.
  24. [quote name='Ross' post='1220649' date='May 5 2011, 09:27 AM']Could you wear less clothes?[/quote] What do you suggest I leave off ? Maybe once upon a time I could, but nobody wants to see a 6 foot, 17 stone sweaty old git jumping about with his shirt off.
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