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Everything posted by Slipperydick

  1. [quote name='headofire' post='1099182' date='Jan 22 2011, 11:06 PM']lesson learnt the hard way.... sucks man. I once got off the train with all my stuff but left my prototype burns EUB (61!) on the train when i got off at clapham. I got it back...just. Everything crossed for you mate.[/quote] Theres an echo in here ! Good luck mate, hope it turns up, unattended bagage might well get spotted. Must feel orrible just now though, bet your mate feels like a tur d as well.
  2. Make sure your strap is on properly, I once dropped my Bass 5 seconds before the first number, with my amp on and turned up. I just picked it up and glared at the singer . As he had just walked past me it looked like his fault. Serves him right, it was his works do. Lol. Make sure your flies are done up, its an old one but still good advice. Dont eat sausages while your on stage, the grease gets on your strings, and they sound dead at the next gig....long story ! Don’t be a dick….cant help with that one !
  3. Pity your so far away and I'm too old to get away with dressing up. Sounds great. Dont give in, something will turn up, every cloud and all that. Better to get rid of him now than 6 months down the line. Could be a lucky escape.
  4. [quote name='PaulE' post='1092476' date='Jan 17 2011, 01:43 PM']would solid state be better to start off with?[/quote] Safer, usually operate at around 60V instead of 400 ish. But the mains is still dangerous, and there is still a risk of fire, and injury. Sounds daft I know - it does till you've seen a large electrolyitc cap explode anyway. I used to work at a firm that had a hole in the workshop ceiling where a can reputedly had gone through it. There used to be a lot of ready built output modules and PSUs on the market - TUAC and Saxon come to mind, although tbh, I'm not sure how good they would be compared to modern Bass amps - but I dont know whats available nowadays. Using something one of these would allow you to experiment with building your own front end or copy the schematic from somethng well known. Why not start by building yourself a good heafty practice amp ? say 50-100W RMS That way you can gain experience as you go along.
  5. [quote name='theosd' post='1094554' date='Jan 18 2011, 10:20 PM']I hope I never have to play this song again. Anything else by Free, sure. Just not this! Please not this!![/quote] Your not alone mate.
  6. Not sure if mine has it or not. If it has I've never knowingly used it lol. Cracking amp though, as said the fans a bit noisy.
  7. You might find this site useful. [url="http://modulusamplification.com/AMP-CHASSIS-for-JCM800-JTM45-PLEXI-STYLE-AMPS-P643467.aspx"]http://modulusamplification.com/AMP-CHASSI...PS-P643467.aspx[/url] Used to build amps years ago and the metalwork was always a problem for me. I took an interest again recently, Looks like transformers might be a bit of a problem nowadays, although I have seen replica Fender Bassman ones on ebay occasionally. There are high voltages with high available current in valve amps, and its still there ages after you have disconected the mains. Dont get involved with valve stuff if you dont know what your doing, Errors can easily be fatal when working with valves.
  8. I can make up similar cables for at least a tenner less than RussAndnews. and do you 3A fuses for only a fiver each. As long as you buy in multiples of 10 of course. if anyones interested, PM me.
  9. I wondered if it could it be an old Baldwin or maybe Burns ?
  10. Just wondering what the bass is in this vid. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBHxBzUAHi8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBHxBzUAHi8[/url]
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1084158' date='Jan 10 2011, 01:11 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=697&hl=obscure"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=697&hl=obscure[/url] SGC Nanyo (Made In Japan) Bass Collection basses are (IMHO) easily the most under-rated, under-priced instruments out there. They have a LOT of fans on Basschat. Go looking for a late-80's/early-90's SB320 in excellent nick ... they frequently go on eBay for £200 or less. These are instruments which had a list price at the time which approached £800, and they are of a quality to match that price. At the sort of prices you can get them for today, they're a complete no-brainer. As an alternative, our very own Silent Fly has an excellent current version of this bass for sale right now which he has retro-fitted with his own-design pre-amp. I've played it, and the electronics make it a match for any of the four originals I've owned.[/quote] +100 on the early ones. Mind you, the original pups aint great in the passive ones. I got a 1991 SB301 that I bought new, its a bit 'roadworn' now, but still a great bass.
  12. Absolutely. And you dont need to spen a fortune, I've used Kent Armstrong and Wilkinsons picups ( usually off ebay) on Bitsas and tried em on cheap copies. Made a huge difference for noralorramoney. Anybody else like Kent Armstrong P picups, or am I on my own ? Never seem to see mention of em on here.
  13. I spose it depends on the type of material you play. Some things have to be recogniseable, you wouldnt change the solo in Alright Now would you ? or as has been said, you wouldnt alter Eton Rifles by much. To me, getting the feel is the, main thing. I dont have a great ear and I sometimes struggle to work stuff out for myself, If I can find a tab I'll make use of it, but wont learn it note for note- usually mistakes in em anyway- I Always prefer to find chord charts and work from there.
  14. Does it do it everywhere, or just in one room ? Have you got dimmer switches fitted to the lights ? is it less of a problem with the lights off ? Triac dimmers alter the shape of the mains waveform, and the resulting sharp edge seems to radiate. More a buzz than a hum. My Mex Precision with USA pups does it in my house, but my Bitsa Precision with Kent Armstrongs doesnt, both wired identically so it strikes me that reckon some pickups are better than others at rejecting hum.
  15. Mine used to be OK, but did some recording recently and its bloody awful now, probably cos I've been pracxticing by learning new stuff playing along with records. Been practicing with just a metronome over the holls to try and improve it.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1074382' date='Jan 1 2011, 02:13 PM']You are still telling lies though because it says [color="#0000FF"]medium jumbo[/color][b][/b] [/quote] Thats Elephants as in post #2, but that can contact their dead ancestors for the answer to the meaning of life. Then of course theres Dumbo Frets, which are just a bit thicker...
  17. Orrible. Looks like its been made from 1980s flatpack.
  18. Nothing flash, few walking bass lines liked Chas n Daves-No Pleasing You to get em fluid, Feelgoods-Looking Back, and trying (struggling) to re-learn using a pick, which I havent done for years.
  19. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='1069614' date='Dec 26 2010, 03:13 PM']Remembered seeing this being advertised at the time: [attachment=67118:clapton_...s___dave.jpg][/quote] I bought Chas Hodges autobiography in Poundland. Took it home in a plain wrapper. Its a good read though. Apparently Clapton used to wonder why they didnt ask hiim up on stage at their gigs like they did Albert Lee. Hrads Hands and Feet version with Chas Hodges on Bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i2XTXf4opM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i2XTXf4opM[/url]
  20. Bit of Christmas for you...always liked this. Surprised me at the time. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGU63KqXuZk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGU63KqXuZk[/url] Cor blimey guv'nor !
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='1068124' date='Dec 23 2010, 07:20 PM']You are forgetting Chuck Norris[/quote] Who is he ?
  22. Always try and keep an eye on the Bass Player mostly. I'm not a technical nor a trained player, what I do more or less comes naturally, so I can usually pick up something in the way of technique - then forget it by the time I get home. I originally learned by watching others. Fortunately for me, in the 70s there were some great bands doing pubs round Birmingham. Surely nobody is so good that they cant learn anything from watching somebody else, even from somebody who can hardly play.
  23. [quote name='neilb' post='1063888' date='Dec 19 2010, 07:26 PM']You're bored,aren't you?[/quote] Yep. Stuck in cos of the bloody snow...
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