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Everything posted by Slipperydick

  1. Bass Player, Bassist, Bass Guitarist etc. Which do you prefer to be called ? Or do you care ?
  2. Tried it once (or twice) didnt like it. Bass-lead-tuner-amp.
  3. Dry joints are a common problem with the apparently, last thing you need with a bass amp. Does giving it a whack make any difference ? Tried tapping around the PCBs with the handle of a screwdrver ? [i]But only if your electrically capable of it and know what your doing of course, there are dangerous votages[/i], and with one hand firmly in your pocket, so it dont get earthed to the chassis. Thankfully, mines been trouble free for about 5 years, except for the noisy fan anyway.
  4. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1059627' date='Dec 15 2010, 03:11 PM'][url="http://www.theothernewssource.com/index.php/odds-and-ends/how-i-got-an-uncooperative-ebay-buyer-to-pay-for-her-purchase-was-it-unethical-53027/"]Ebay is not a 'car dealership'[/url] [/quote] Nice one ! Didnt think it was possible to contact an ebay member unless its regarding an item for sale or you have recently dealt with them.
  5. Really does depend on the style and ability of the girl singing it, doesnt it ? But. I want your love - Transvision Vamp Primitives - Crash. Tumbling Dice worked for Linda Rondstat. Or more laid back theres always some Bangles stuff.
  6. Bit obscure, but always thought Money Changes Everything by Cindy Lauper would make a great number if done by the right band. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvSS3nAK1I"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvSS3nAK1I[/url]
  7. [quote name='orangepeelneil' post='1052672' date='Dec 9 2010, 01:07 PM'][size=3]Hi, I'd just ring or directly contact the lengendary Charlie Watkins at WEM ( Watkins Electric Music) and ask him. [url="http://www.wemwatkins.co.uk/"]http://www.wemwatkins.co.uk/[/url] [email protected] 020 8679 5575. He designed and possibly even built the amp, great guy -real character and a real amplifer pioneer. I've a got a 15W valve Dominator bass which has a 16 Ohms Celestion G15M Speaker I think. Cheers Neil[/size][/quote] Absolutely right, and a thoroughly nice bloke too. Helped me out a few times. Not sure if he's still getting the phone himself, must be knocing on by now. Website makes an interesting read, Hyde park with about 1500W for PA..wouldnt touch the sides now would it ?
  8. I remember years ago in the NME there was a regular section on how did so and so get that sound on this or that track. Someone wrote in and asked how he got his sound, the reply from Entwhistle was "turn the amp up, and pull the bloody strings" Strikes me that it changed a lot over the years, but FX or amp set up apart, its mostly all in the fingers isnt it ? I saw the Who a few times and still couldnt work out how he was doing most of it.
  9. Dont really think about it, but I use the thumb of my left hand. Never had a lesson in my life, so its just what comes natuirally.
  10. The one I had was the same size - even looked like - a 4X12 Wouldve sounded a bit dull on its own I suppose, but was great for keeping the 4X12 high up where I could hear it and for making everything the stage vibrate. Felt as much as heard. I use a Hartke 4X10 these days though.
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1051451' date='Dec 8 2010, 10:50 AM']At this moment, this topic appears on my screen as [color="#0000FF"][b]Difference between 10" and 12" by Slipperydick [/b][/color]... [/quote]
  12. Why does nobody use 18" speakers anymore ? I used to use an 18" Goodmans and a Marshall 4X12 at one time, and it was truly, awsome. But then I stopped playing for a few years, and when I started again 18s seem to have dissapeared.
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1051239' date='Dec 8 2010, 03:50 AM']What about the days when you used to put up an advert just inside the door of the guitar shop?[/quote] That, and local newspapers. Birmingham Mail used to be good. Remember when one of the music papers used to run ads, Melody Maker or NME cant remember which. Trouble with the interweb is, being free there are a lot of time wasters.
  14. [quote name='clauster' post='1050803' date='Dec 7 2010, 06:02 PM']Once again, my band are on the look out for a new drummer. We've tried on musofinder, bandmix and gumtree. Just stumbled across formingbands.co.uk. Has anyone else had any luck finding anyone through this site?[/quote] Ever tried Partysounds ?
  15. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1048604' date='Dec 5 2010, 07:24 PM']Wizzard "Wish it could be Christmas" Just watched this on TV - Noddy Holder's thing. [color="#0000FF"][b]If it's on youtube, 'ave a look - red Jazz (I think) with seriously slanted pups!!!! not noticed that before . Any one know what it is ??[/b][/color]Strange for that era. Cheers. [/quote] Can almost, but not quite, make out the logo on the headstock on this... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtE_DgJu1kU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtE_DgJu1kU[/url]
  16. [quote name='molan' post='1049865' date='Dec 6 2010, 09:00 PM']I heard from a fairly reliable source that Roy Wood earns around £375K a year from this song! I think that's amalgamated earnings from royalties and live performance (he's usually out on tour this time of year at university balls etc.).[/quote] Could probably have been a lot more if the beach boys had released it in the states, apparently they recorded it, but it was never released. I did hear a rough mix of it once, and if you think about it, its got Beach Boys written all over it.
  17. John Birch would be my guess as well. John Birch guitars were the 'must have' in them days. I think its Rick Price pretending to play it isnt it ?
  18. As said, DC ohms is not impeadence, so you cant really trust it. IIRC Fane used to sell speakers marked 8-15 ohms. Would make sense to ring Watkins Electric Music, I found em really helpful. 020 8679 5575
  19. Never really liked the VS Musician. I used to use an early IC100 guitar head with 2 HH 15" PA cabs and it sounded great. Before that I used the same amp with a Marshal 4X12 and a marshall looking 1X18 which was also good, I got the amp in a straight swap for a SL100 head back in the mid 70s. Still got the IC100, it sounds good with my Fender 2X15 cab, but I dont really use it any more. There were a few versions of the IC100 output PCB, which might be why some people didnt like em. I still have an HH B50 1X12 combo that I use as a practice amp as well. Really good under rated gear IMO, unpopular now though, cant believe how cheap you can get em on ebay these days.
  20. [quote name='casapete' post='1043653' date='Dec 1 2010, 12:14 PM']Makes sense guitar wise for it to be in B too - chorus opens up those D, A and E chords nicely, especially when in open tunings. A classic recording for me, and not an electric in sight apparently. There's a great bit in the 'Stones in the Park' where the band are tuning up in a backstage caravan with their ears against the guitar necks, moments before going out to play in front of 200,000 people! So if you want to hear the Stones really out of tune........... [b]Anyone any thoughts on Keef's biog? Am just reading it now, and generally disappointed with most of it.[/b][/quote] Does ramble on a bit, I had to read it a couple of pages at a time. One of those books you read in the toilet...or is that just me ???
  21. You could try and learn it from a live version, might be in tune that way. Theres a good one on ya yas out. One of them numbers everybody seems to know, but never come up with a bass line I'm entirely happy with for it mself.
  22. [quote name='jonnyfastfingers' post='1042590' date='Nov 30 2010, 05:01 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-2-X-18-SUB-BASS-CABS-1300-WRMS-EARTH-MOVING-/250717370603?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item3a5feb78eb"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-2-X-18-SUB-BASS...=item3a5feb78eb[/url] Theoretically of course!! [/quote] Great idea. You could set up your own demolition business with a rig like that.
  23. No gig last night, but 2 outdoor ones friday night, with different bands at the same venue. Both just half hour sets. So bloody cold I couldnt work me fingers, only about 30 people, but apreciative ones for the first one. Between the 2 there was an acoustic folk duo, which more or less cleared the streets. As the second one is just a loose lineup anyway, I let the other guy take over and went down the pub, noboy left watching by then anyway.
  24. Only the Bassman modeling is on, even makes a noise in bypass. looks like its just the way they are. Is NOBODY on here using one ?
  25. If you really really want to do it, theres this - post 15. Havent tried it but it seems a good idea. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=108246&hl=fender+logo"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...;hl=fender+logo[/url] Wouldnt really fool anybody who looked close though IMO
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