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Everything posted by Slipperydick

  1. I wouldnt know, but you dont buy a dog and bark yourself do you ? "Work out the Bassline to Something Klaus", seems more than likely to me, then at a rehearsal, " Thats fine mate"
  2. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1443517955' post='2875371'] I think we can resolve this. There's a story that Geoff Emerick tells about [i]Something [/i]in an interview with Music Radar about the making of Abbey Road. [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/beatles-engineer-geoff-emerick-on-abbey-road-219542"]http://www.musicrada...bey-road-219542[/url] So, I'm reading that as George got his way and the recorded version [i]is[/i] the simpler bass line, which would account for[list] [*]why the story is floating about that George thought Paul's playing was too busy [*]why he was happy for Klaus Voorman to play almost exactly the same line at the Bangladesh concert [/list] [/quote] Klaus probably just played what he wanted to play, I doubt if George would have been bothered as long as it fitted..
  3. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1443506729' post='2875257'] Wow, that's quite Something! [/quote] Its in the way he move isnt it ?
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1443379547' post='2874274'] Which is why the bass is so wrong, IMO. [/quote] Perhaps you had to be there at the time... I played it at my first ever gig about a hundred years ago - twice. Thought I'd more or less nailed it at the time, but I heard the tape recently and I aint so sure now
  5. The most universally evocative first verse just has to be Slades Merry Christmas Everybody, hasn't it ? Probably why its still played every Christmas.
  6. We was rockin and a rollin at the borough town hall well pissed one Saturday night. Urban Rock, Third World War.
  7. Yeah, good luck to them. Bands that reform at their age aint really trying to make it big againare they ? They have some fun, earn a few quids - sometimes quite a few, and the fan base, being in their 50s or 60s now, go and see them either out of curiosity, or with teenybopper girls bands probably for the memories and for a laugh with their old mates.
  8. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1442749911' post='2869170'] I'm fairly sure the CD channel is better voiced that the line, though I'd have thought they were the same thing. [/quote] They are all the same, except for the Phono in.
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1442703890' post='2868941'] Definitely - I'll be shaking any excess off the plugs too. I've just tried it with the record channel off the cassette deck (since I can't remember the last time I used that channel ) and it's worked, or at least the getting it back on easily has, I had the plugs wrapped in kitchen paper & shook them a bit before trying. The selector switch is really solid, a very hefty clunk between each source with no wobble or crackle. [/quote] Try wobbling the phono plugs, dry joints on the backs of the sockets if they're pcb mounted is common to most amps.
  10. Switch cleaner on the plugs, put them in and out and twist few times, best not to spray it in through the holes. When you change source, does it crackle, and does wobbling the source knob make a difference ? if it does, you might want to try spraying a little into the switch as well if its not a sealed type..
  11. Hate it, the white hair over my ears always makes it look like I have a short back and sides, so I look like a 1950s hod carrier. No amount of sucking my cheeks in makes my face thinner either.
  12. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1442653873' post='2868457'] That's my mate Kris, he is indeed the manager of a funeral parlour. That's not me on bass in the video though, I'd left by the time they got round to doing their own songs.... [/quote] Did he used to drive a black Merc with a very memorable reg No. ?
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1442485107' post='2867255'] Eventually someone's going to find an item that has Macca's hair on it from the supposedly 'pre death' era and a DNA profile of that compared to the current Macca will show them to be the same and all this nonsense will be put to bed for ever. Except all the nutters will start theories on how samples were switched, results fixed etc. You just can't stop some of these people, it's some sort of personality disorder I think. [/quote] In the few Beatles biogs I have read its claimed that he has several illegitimate kids who's mothers or in one case grandfather was paid off after putting posters all over town. DNA shouldnt be that hard to find. Providing that is, you can prove who the father really was
  14. In my experience, your first band, or first few, are made up of your friends which rarely works out - Jimmy quit, Joey got married etc. etc. Later, you start to play in bands with other muso's, not mates. Its a different game entirely. All of the myths and romantic expectations about being in a little gang, all for one and one for all go out of the window. Band politics come into it, a bit of bullying here, a bit of backbiting there. Thats where people either carry on doing it for years, or realise that they dont actually like the reality of it all, and quit.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1442252335' post='2865534'] I know we didn't have a lot of choices. When I started in the mid 60s, all I remember were Ampeg's B series, the 12,15 and the 18.And the Fender Bassman. When styles changed and volume was needed those amps could not deliver. Hell, it's 2015 and amps for bass are better but we still don't have the options guitarists have. Blue [/quote] Your right. I tried using my 71 Bassman and a 2X15 not long ago and even with it almost flat out it just didng cut through. its Ok in a small venue, but on a decent stage it just gets lost. Looks the part though.
  16. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1442185327' post='2865046'] First Simulcast was 1974. BBC2 was colour from 1967. BBC1 and ITV in colour from 1969. [/quote] I mean mono as in monaural, not monochrome. When did nicam sound start ? Few colour TVs sold before 1973, when they finally started to catch on.
  17. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1442180605' post='2865010'] And also bare in mind, the sound of these shows were mixed to suit the sound of your average 1970's Ferguson mono telly speaker. They didnt know that in the future we would be watching these shows on our state of the art - hi def - nicam -surround sound tellys. [/quote] This... Probably. The simulcast 'In Concert' shows with the sound broadcast in stereo on Radio 1 (Tellys were all mono back then) were better, but not great by modern standards. Having said that, mid range gear is much better now, while it was just adequate back then. I always think of it like being brought up without a bathroom or central heating. You thought it was fine cos you didnt know any different, if that makes sense.
  18. The Who... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkEpopoiqtw
  19. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1441988575' post='2863614'] Laughing Gnome Bowie [/quote] That reminds me, Strwberry fair. Anthonly Newly
  20. Sick man blues, Goodies. Surprised no ones mentioned Bonzo Dog Doodah yet.
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1441895634' post='2862751'] My next suggestions were going to be Star Trekkin and Bernard Cribbins. I'll have to make do with Charlie Drake, Tanglefoot and My Boomerang Won't Come Back and Nellie The Elephant by that band, whose name I've forgotten. [/quote] Chrlie Drakes Boomerang wont come back would upset some people on here's PC sensitivity. Its also the song that drove Rolf Harris to start writing a parody about winkles. ( No not Two little boys-winkles as in shellfish)
  22. Anything from Harry Champion makes me smile. That guy was what you'd call prolific and a half. Could just be that they are familiar, as they are to anyone my age who grew up hearing sunday lunchtime [s]radio[/s] wireless though. Not really songs, but most of Stanley Holloways monologues amuse me as well, kids love em, especially Albert and the lion.
  23. +1 for Bernard Cribbins. The Devil came down to Georgia. Charlie Pride I'm My own Grandpa by Ray Stevens. Amos Moses. Jerry Reed. Not that I'm in any way a country fan. Also Shopping for clothes. Steve Gibbons or The Coasters.
  24. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1441835027' post='2862261'] A few Van Morrison THEM tunes always go down well. Baby please don't go Gloria Both easy to learn. [/quote] Here comes the night's, another good un.
  25. Oldies, but Bustin at the seams and Fog on the tyne seem to be all but forgotten. Some ace bass lines, by forgotten bass players on both as well.
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