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Everything posted by Slipperydick

  1. Have to admit I do it quite often, and i park on my drive. Just too lazy to hump it into the house, especially if I have another gig next night. I do worry about the damp and th porous paper speaker cones though. Never had a problem in 30 odd years so its probably OK. I back up to the wall with it in the back, cant see anybody getting it out easily, but my nephew had a 2X15 nicked out of his Astra, so it can happen.
  2. As has been said, Hartke are prone to dry Joints. AT YOUR OWN RISK, and only if you feel competent to do it. With one hand in your pocket, the amp powered up and turned on, and preferably a signal feeding it from yer iPod or something, but NOT an earthed Bass or guitar,, Try poking and tapping around the PCBs with something insulated, like a plastic knitting needle or the handle of a plastic knife. If its a dry joint you should be able to make the fault happen, and isolate the area. Also might be worth trying warming the innards up with a hairdryer.
  3. At a Christmas gig in Coventry a few years ago, got there very tired and a bit late having been stuck at work 100 miles away, the rest of the band had set up and soundchecked, and the place was packed to the rafters with ageing University lecturer types, so as a loud R&B / Rock n Roll outfit we werent goint to go down very well, Necked my second or third Red Bull since late afternoon, tuned me Bass, Quick pint, checked my flies, got on the stage, strapped me Bass on, turned me amp on, picked up my drink for a quick swig. Heard a thud and a loud humming noise, must have stood frozen for 3 or 4 seconds wondering what the bloody noise was before I realised my strap had come off and my Bass was on the floor. Rest of the gig went downhill from there. Yeah, I know - my own fault and very unprofessional. Red Bull is evil....
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1323006523' post='1458154'] Not if you define a bassist as someone who sits around their bedroom all day going widdlydiddlydo at 1 000 000 bpm on their fingers. However, he's made more money than most people on this forum by playing a bass. IMO I think that pretty well qualifies him to put "bassist" under "occupation" on his census form... [/quote] Well put. Dunno why really, but watching McFly when they used to be on Saturday morning TV ( seemed like every week) always reminded me of the Monkees. A nit off thread really I spose', but didnt the Monkees stuff have some great Bass Lines ? I wonder if they were all played by Carol Kaye, or did Nesmith play any of them at all. Either way, he made a good few bob.
  5. A few years ago, I took my young daughter to see Busted at the NEC. McFly were the support band. He looked about 15, but I was really impressed both with him and the rest of em. Good little RocknRoll band, was nice to see kids playing good R&B stuff like that. Yeah, he can play, he was good even back then then.. I dont mind admitting that I saw them live, uncool or not. I cant see how anybody who admits to watching reality 'celebrity' TV crap like Up The Jungle or whatever is fit to judge me .
  6. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1322853059' post='1456768'] Unbranded Jazz copy with DiMarzio/SD retrofits [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MIJ-Jazz-Bass-copy-Late-70s-Early-80s-DiMarzio-and-Seymour-Duncan-/160689888244?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2569dd1bf4"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2569dd1bf4[/url] [/quote] Except for the pups, this looks like my old Eros copy, even the hard case is the same. A bit heavy but it had a lovely neck, the original pups werent bad, but they went microphomic in the end.
  7. [quote name='danhkr' timestamp='1322823317' post='1456203'] No offence intended and I wasn't trying to rubbish what you said about these strings, I was just been honest; I really have never seen a decent set at that price (Alice included) and they all tend to be packaged like that. That puts me off; 'once bitten...' and all that. It was more a comment on dirt cheap strings in general rather than this particular set. I'll be honest, I probably won't try them. For the reason above and also because I know that for that much again I could get some Picatos or Fenders which I know are great. If you say these are different and they work for you at a fiver, you've unearthed a bargain. I'd never criticise you for using them or anyone else for trying them, it's just in my experience there's usually a reason that very cheap strings are very cheap. [/quote] I didnt really take offense. Yeah, you can get better strings by paying more, but a lot more. But expensive aint always the best value, depends what your after. Pay a couple of grand for a Bass and it will, I hope, be better than a Squier, but whether its a couple of grands worth better depends what you want and how deep your pockets are, plus of course how sure you are that your not just buying for the brand name. For some reason Rotos are not as good as they used to be - unless of course theres a factory in China somewhere thats selling counterfiet ones, and thats what I've been getting - Last 3 sets I bought went dead in a month or so, where they usually lasted a lot longer. I agree, most cheap strings are what you expect, and often vary from set to set as well. The ones in the O.P are, in my opinion anyway, good for the price. I got 2 different guage sets on different Basses and they both seem to be lasting well.
  8. [quote name='danhkr' timestamp='1322759915' post='1455595'] I must have tried half a dozen different 'brands' of dirt cheap strings in the past and they've all been rough and clanky before going dead pretty quickly. The fact that nearly all of them have been packaged internally like the ones you've shown is purely an observation. In the spirit of the forum, Im simply offering an opinion based on my experience. I never said 'all' cheap strings are crap, in fact I suggested some great strings that aren't exactly a fortune. I have no issue with anyone recommending anything, but please don't ask a question and take the moral high ground when you get an answer. [/quote] [color=#0000cd][i][b]"I've never seen a set of strings that come individually wrapped in those plastic wrappers that are any good. I'm sure [u]they all come from the same factory and they've all been equally bad[/u]". [/b][/i][/color] Aaww C'mon. I'm not the kind to take the moral highground. I just didnt like the way you appeared to rubbish what I said about these strings without actually trying them.
  9. I tried 2 sets of Alice Strings during the summer, not the coloured ones though. They were about a fiver a set. Took a bit of playing in but they were OK once they stopped klanking.
  10. Seem to be a lot of people on here with a bit of a blinkered view. I dont like all cheap strings, but I like the ones in my first post, and one or two other cheap brands are Ok as well. Its down to personal taste I know, but comments like 'Strings in plastic wrappers are usually no good'..... aww c'mon. I can remember when there wasnt so much choice, so I used Rotos or Fenders for years, even Picato were good at one time then Elites or Warwicks, I dont like Hartkes, or Slinkys. and Rotos dont seem so good anymore to me for some reason. Not ALL cheap strings are crap, Same as not ALL expensive ones are great. But in the spirit of the forum, if I, or anyone else finds something thats good AND cheap, then I reckon Its kind of a duty to passs the info on.
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1322127572' post='1446726'] This thing is that you need to keep the meths as clean as poss so a simple decent size plastic container and lid is enough, IMO. If the silks get wet...they'll fray which is one reason I was interested in brands without winds..!! [/quote] You couldnt use meths to clean video heads because it left a white residue, had to use isopropyl, Those little pre soaked pads that doctors wipe your arm with before an injection were good. Just a thought - might be good for strings as well.
  12. [quote name='Booooooom' timestamp='1322051774' post='1445816'] Any DIY shed. Can usually see it a mile off - it's the purple liquid in a clear bottle near the paint brushes. If you're making a tube I posted earlier you'll need two bottles. [/quote] Probably cheaper at a Pharmacy / Chemists. But you'll have to ask at the counter.
  13. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1321980023' post='1445089'] Being the old cynic that I am it all looked a bit "staged". Actors workshop. I like the way the guitarist threw the guitar in a fit of rage nicely towards the edge of the room so it wouldnt hit anyone; I'm surprised he didnt put it in a dustbin. Sounded like someones mum shouting at the end! lol [/quote] Yeah, [sup]Sure looks staged to me as well.[/sup]
  14. It does put some of the zing back, just put em in a saucepan with a few drops of vinigar, bring itto the boil for a bit then dry em with a lint free cloth. Usually works more than once when your hard up. Wont damage your Bass, not as long as you remember to take em off first anyway.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1321721662' post='1442436'] Well I use Roto Rounds, which I think are quite reasonable anyway, especially as once they`re on, I try not to change them, preferring them once they`ve "died". [/quote] I like my strings a bit dead - Played in being the techical term lol - but Rotos seem to clank more & for longer than they used to, then suddenly be too dull. with not long in between
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1321717224' post='1442358'] I doubt it...[b]had too many iffy experiences of late with name brands[/b] so I am more than picky over strings. If they work for some people then that is their call....but I don't think I'd waste my time and a few quid to find out, tbh. [/quote] Thats why I tried em, usually used Roto's but lately they aint been all that good, Although i have tried cheapo strings a good few times in the past with varying results.
  17. Anybody else like cheap strings ? I'm on my 3rd set of these and I love em for the price. Zingy but not klanky and dont take too much breaking in. Also unlike a lot of cheapo's you can get them in different guages. You just have to ignore what it says on the individual packets - unless you use really strange tunings anyway. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-STRINGS-NEW-NICKEL-MEDIUM-045-100-/400027776172?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d238374ac"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-STRINGS-NEW-NICKEL-MEDIUM-045-100-/400027776172?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d238374ac[/url]
  18. Usually I dont bother, rarely play in shops anyway. There always seems to be some young kid trying out a Squier sounding like a wasp in a tin can, or with a bass doing his slap party piece. I got a nice walking bass line that goes from C at the third fret up to the 17th and back for sound checks and for when some dickhead says 'play somfin then'.
  19. Microphonic means its acting like a microphone, picking up sound rather than just the magnetic field caused by the string moving past the magnet. Usually something loose in the pickup itself. Hence tapping it with a fingernail you would hear, like tapping a Microphone.
  20. Does sound like microphonic pups to me as well. If you gently tap a pickup can you hear it through the speakers ? do the pickups 'float' or are they stuck down tight against the body or scratchplate ?
  21. I have similar problems, clack not click though. I put it down to my ham fisted heavy handed playing, but I tried Nickel strings and it helped no end - tried some cheapo 'Life' ones from Janikas on ebay, worth a go for a fiver..
  22. When I was an apprentice we used to use heelball wax, from the cobblers to repair, or at least hide damage to finished furniture, But these days theres bound to be better, if its under the finish youd be better of with some of the things already mentioned ime.
  23. i put Kent Armstrongs on my bitsa and then on my old passive Bass Collection. really impressed for the (£35 quids ish) money. Never seen em even mentioned on here though, so either nobody agrees, or they aint rated by anybody else.
  24. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1319152690' post='1410737'] I honestly don't think we have the same bass mate. If you look at where your upper horn starts at the neck, it's somewhere in the 16th fret. Mine starts at the 15th. Also both your horns are finer and more pointy, mine are thick and round. The p/gs are very close indeed it has to be said but as you see yours has a neat fit inside the lower horn while mine doesn't follow the lower line very well. [/quote] yep, the bodies are a bit different in shape, come to think of it mine has an extra hole under the neck plate as well, possibly had a rake adjustment originally. Either theyr different years/models from the same manuf' or both sourced necks and scratchplates from the same factory. pup is different, but wire colours are the same. Possibly we'll never know. If its any help in trying to work out the age of it, I remember a lot of the 70s copies, Jazz copies seemed far more common than Precision copies in the early 70s, ( Guitar copies always seemed to be Tele copies a\s well-something to do with copyright maybe ?? )But I cant remember ever seeing one with the thumb rest above the E string, which was, I think only on post 73/74 Fenders. With copies, it always seemed to be under the G string. [size=2][i]Edit - Missing line.[/i][/size]
  25. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1319144990' post='1410630'] I doubt if a Fender-a-like neck will fit mine as the pocket is very long (top horn starts on the 15th fret) and it's a few mil deeper than a standard fit heel. The unusual dimensions says to me that it is indeed the original neck. Been playing Blondie at every opertunity today, she's a real gem. And the best thing is... I'm getting some luthiery jobs off the seller too, so I'll be getting my money back anyway. [/quote] Same here, Nothing a few bits of thick card didnt cure though. One day I'll make up a piece of hardwood to shim it properly... and give it a paint job. Although I been thinking that for about 5 years now. But dozens of gigs later and it still sounds fine to me. I thought the pocket was deeper because it had been hacked out - butchered more like - by the previous owner. Intonations OK, although the bridge is adjusted a bit further back than usual. Pockets around the same length as my MIM Precision looking at them side by side. I'll have a look and see if I can find the pups that were with it, doubt if they are Dimarzio though, sounded really weedy with them on.
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