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Everything posted by bassicinstinct

  1. Crap!! My band The Beautiful Sound played at The Railway Inn, Foxhall Road, Ipswich last night. It was the band's second show there and, when the gig was booked, we were offered either a flat fee or 100% of the door takings. Bearing in mind that the gig involved six band members travelling a round trip of well over 300 miles, hence involving an overnight stay, we opted for the flat fee arrangement. On arrival we were informed that we would start the show at 9.00 pm sharp and that on no account must we "play a note" after 11.00 pm due apparently to some noise complaints from neighbouring houses. We subsequently went on stage at 9.00 and played a single set (including three encores) and we left the stage at 10.58 pm. We were then told that we were required to play 15 minutes more. We asked what additional fee would be paid for this and whaty had happened to the 11.00 pm curfew and we were simply told "there'll be no more money". We declined the opportunity to play for a further 15 minutes. When our manager went to get paid after loadout, we were paid the princely sum of £140 (which, incidentally, didn't even equate to the door takings) on the basis that we had no written contract, so there was nothing we could do about it. Suffice to say, the audience were almost as incensed as we were and we were apparently not the first band to suffer such mistreatment. I've just driven over 3 hours back from Ipwich and I thought I would let you guys know the situation at this venue without delay. I also intend to email all the bands on their Gig List and let them know so that they won't get stung. If you know of anyone else booked to play there, please let them know too!!
  2. "Shoddy" wasn't the first word that sprang to my mind Thanks for your comments though. It makes me feel marginally better to hear that it was nothing personal. Ironic really because it was actually a good night from the audience's perspective - just a little hard on the band's collective pocket!!
  3. My band The Beautiful Sound played at The Railway Inn, Foxhall Road, Ipswich last night. It was the band's second show there and, when the gig was booked, we were offered either a flat fee or 100% of the door takings. Bearing in mind that the gig involved six band members travelling a round trip of well over 300 miles, hence involving an overnight stay, we opted for the flat fee arrangement. On arrival we were informed that we would start the show at 9.00 pm sharp and that on no account must we "play a note" after 11.00 pm due apparently to some noise complaints from neighbouring houses. We subsequently went on stage at 9.00 and played a single set (including three encores) and we left the stage at 10.58 pm. We were then told that we were required to play 15 minutes more. We asked what additional fee would be paid for this and whaty had happened to the 11.00 pm curfew and we were simply told "there'll be no more money". We declined the opportunity to play for a further 15 minutes. When our manager went to get paid after loadout, we were paid the princely sum of £140 (which, incidentally, didn't even equate to the door takings) on the basis that we had no written contract, so there was nothing we could do about it. Ssuffice to say, the audience were almost as incensed as we were and we were apparently not the first band to suffer such mistreatment. I've just driven over 3 hours back from Ipwich and I thought I would let you guys know the situation at this venue without delay. I also intend to email all the bands on their Gig List and let them know so that they won't get stung. If you know of anyone else booked to play there, please let them know too!!
  4. Yep, technique and groove are sadly mutually exclusive in alot of bass related YouTube clips - [b]and[/b] elsewhere IMHO.
  5. Grolsch.
  6. Sod it!! I've ordered one online from the States for less than £12.50 with a 2-3 week delivery. Thanks for the input though. Everything crossed until it arrives now. LOL
  7. I can source online from USA for about £12.50 incl P&P if I'm prepared to wait 2 - 3 weeks, or £25.00 for delivery within a week. Anyone else?
  8. Just found an entire BadAss II on Ebay (USA, naturally!!) for £27.81 plus p&p of just under $11, so that would come at at something around £33 all in!! I can't believe that there isn't a way of finding a reaonably priced single saddle in the UK though. Or am I just being incurably optimistic??
  9. You got that right!! I thought it was our transatlantic cousins who were supposed to be "in recession" ??
  10. That's what I thought - although isn't that price for a set of 4? Still cheaper to buy the whole thing from the States though Anyone else?
  11. Anybody any idea where I can source a replacement saddle in the UK? The only online source I've located thus far is in the USA. I'm looking for a chrome finish 1st/G saddle and I'm really struggling. As always, any and all help much appreciateed.
  12. [quote name='jakesbass' post='124164' date='Jan 20 2008, 09:42 PM']I do do my own things too, I do think that some of the great music deserves to be played, kept current in the aural tradition, passed on, the constant striving for the new sometimes leads people up their own arses. We are in touch today in many many guises with the earliest sounds cavorting as music known to the species, and as players we are driven to learn it then pass it on. I understand you enjoy it, and that pleases me, but because I posted it does not mean I am not involved in original music, and I would be no less an artist if I wasn't. I'm glad we've still got Bach, Parker and hope there'll be more of them to come Jake[/quote] Very well said!!
  13. bassicinstinct


    Got mine from eBay. Cheap and did what it said on the packet. Good combination.
  14. Weird. I kept getting an "IPS [b]database[/b]" error message rather than a driver error message.
  15. [quote name='paul h' post='106967' date='Dec 20 2007, 11:09 AM']But not making this clear from the outset and not keeping the buyer informed is just plain rude. Surely if someone has enough time to contribute to a forum they have got time to send a message? If you're too busy to successfully complete a transaction...don't sell anything. I know it sounds harsh but for me, treating others with a little consideration is of paramount importance. p.[/quote] FWIW, I [b]totally [/b]agree with you.
  16. Never known bands play upstairs before. No doubt that downstairs is the way to go live music-wise. Glad it went well for you.
  17. How'd it go last night?
  18. I'd just like to endorse everything that chris_b said above. My experience has been very similar (although, I'm sure, totally different too ), and I wholeheartedly agree with every word.
  19. Another update today. Stewblack: Many apologies for not replying sooner. Only just spotted your message. LOL Not thus far, but who know's what is around the corner eh? This list should always be up to date (ish), so if we are venturing "down your way", you'll certainly know about it.
  20. Keep your hand on your ha'penny and you'll be all right. Possibly.................
  21. BBE OptoStomp. Economical. Very simple to set up and operate. Very effective in live and recording situations. Bombproof. QED.
  22. [quote name='G-bitch' post='90803' date='Nov 19 2007, 01:41 PM']I think that a BDDI is by far the best way to go - you don't need to be 100% accurate with the sound, just something to nail it on gigs. Don't bother with the Behringer, it's a false economy as it's a noisy chunk of plastic in comparison with a less noisy lump of metal that will last years in the case of the sansamp.[/quote] Absolutely.
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