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Everything posted by bassicinstinct

  1. I agree with everything that has been said above. I have been gigging for 38 years, sometimes regularly and sometimes not. This is going to sound really trite [b]BUT[/b] I have eventually come to the conclusion that performing music live is all about a journey and not a destination. The trick is, I think, to enoy [b]tonight's[/b] gig regardless of whether the next one is in six days or six months. It has, at the very least, enabled me to keep a grip on my musical sanity. Leastways, I think it has.
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='87480' date='Nov 12 2007, 06:26 PM']£2500 worth of basses, don't do it. You can get a Kingbass Standard for £1399 but if you want the Artist model, 16.5mm string spacing, Bendwell, LED's, that will set you back £2700, ish. From what I've heared the Standard sounds better.[/quote] FWIW, I agree totally. Sacrilege IMHO, but it's all subjective, naturally.
  3. So is my son. Your point is? [b]My[/b] point is that, if you've been trying to do research on a Fender Squire, you will probably have had little success. I assumed that, as you put the description in inverted commas, you were quoting it from somewhere else. Good luck any way.
  4. [b]Squier.[/b]
  5. You do know the stage is about the size of a large(ish) mantelpiece don't you? I don't envy you trying to accommodate two bands in there.
  6. According to popular legend, Mr Gadd recorded the drum part on the title track of the album in one take and, not only that, it was the [b]first[/b] take too!! Doesn't bear thinking about really does it?
  7. Agreed. I still can't quite get over what an[b] excellent [/b]track Negative Girl is.
  8. [quote name='ped' post='82784' date='Nov 2 2007, 02:29 PM']My fave Steely Dan album is actually The Royal Scam. Here is a excerpt from the Two Against Nature DVD where Tom is talking about his bass: [url="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishiscocks/Steely%20Dan%20Bass%20Talk.mp3"]<a href="http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishisc...Bass Talk.mp3" target="_blank">http://www.frozencloudmusic.com/~chrishisc...Bass Talk.mp3[/url]</a>[/quote] My favourite 'Dan album tends to vary depending on my mood, although I certainly agree that Royal Scam is up there with their best work to date . I have been listening to their back catalogue and everything they have released since I first bought my vinyl copy of Aja and was blown away when I played it on my[b] MONO [/b]Dansette Record Player. Imagine my delight the first time I heard it in glorious [b]STEREO.[/b] Does this mean I am officially old? I agree with Tom Barney though. We definitely all need our "Binky No. 1".
  9. [quote name='ped' post='82771' date='Nov 2 2007, 02:01 PM']Great DVD - also worth buying is their Two Against Nature DVD - absolutely fantastic production![/quote] You got that right bro'!!
  10. Currently on eBay for £6.32 plus P&P. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Steely-Dan-Aja-Making-Of-ft-Donald-Fagen-DVD-2001-NEW_W0QQitemZ130167114659QQihZ003QQcategoryZ2288QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]TheMakingOfAjaDVD[/url] A bargain!!
  11. [quote name='bnt' post='82611' date='Nov 2 2007, 01:24 AM']There was a documentary about the making of [i]Aja[/i] a few years ago, with interviews with all involved, including Chuck. The story of how he had to conceal his slapped part on [i]Peg[/i] from Donald is now part of bass folklore. Hey, the bassist knows what's best for the bass! [/quote] Great track, great player great band and great album IMHO The documentary "The Making of Aja" is available on YouTube and well worth a watch IMH. Some nice comments on there from a Mr Ian Dury too.
  12. Can't offer you any work, but just thought I'd say how much I enjoyed the recordings, particularly [b]Way Of Life.[/b] If there's any justice (and, of course, we all [b]KNOW[/b] there isn't ) she would be destined for great things. Good luck anyhoo and treat this as free bumpage. All the best.
  13. I'd recommend the Ashdown Mag 2x10 which, IMHO, isn't remotely similar to the Laney[b] BUT [/b]I'd have to plead gulity to a pro Ashdown bias as I have been using the brand exclusively for a good few years now.
  14. +1 for the SABDDI suggestion.
  15. 1. Peller Artistes. 2. Henderson Management. Two of the biggest and best IME. Good luck with it.
  16. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='80096' date='Oct 27 2007, 01:03 PM']The whole gig can be seen here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqEYIYiD-GM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqEYIYiD-GM[/url] G[/quote] Thank you for that. You are a gent to be sure.
  17. Also, bear in mind how "loudness" works i.e. all other things being equal (e.g. speakers), to be twice as "loud" as a 100 watt amp, you would need [b]1000 watts [/b]and [b]NOT[/b] 200 watts. Just my 2 pence worth, but it is something which is commonly completely misunderstood.
  18. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='78941' date='Oct 24 2007, 04:27 PM']oh ok cool - i didn't know about that - so the cloth is the carpet side of the velcro then? The other option I've seen for about the same price is the Stagg versions - ABS plastic - that you can get from badlands guitars for about the same price, but they're a fair bit smaller than that[/quote] You're testing my feeble memory now!! LOL I *think* there was a velcro strip attached to the cloth lining of the base which started to come away from the case once the pedals were attached which, to be fair, is quite a testament to velcro really.
  19. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='78938' date='Oct 24 2007, 04:19 PM']The link results in an error message.[/quote] Yep, that does the trick.
  20. The link results in an error message.
  21. Been using the Medium sizedone (I think ) for a while now without incident. The only thing I would say is that I did find I needed to remove the cloth from the inside of the base and then paint the exposed wood black. Simply because the velcro was destroying the cloth due to the weight of the pedals attached to it. No biggie though and, other than that, I think they represent good VFM.
  22. Start with everything flat at every gig/rehearsal/recording session. EQ enabled BUT I only use it to "EQ out" room-generated problem frequencies. Just my 2 pence worth.
  23. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='76406' date='Oct 19 2007, 11:12 AM']i was thinking of getting a 15 cab to get more low end grunt but i wonder if i would be better getting another 2x10 and stacking vertically. hmm just want to get the full output from the combo and some low end whackola[/quote] I have used the 2x10 Mag Combo on top of a 1x15 Deep Cab for years and it is[b] AWESOME[/b]!!! I use the combo alone for rehearsals and bring along the cab to gigs where I want to move more air. The ideal solution, for me anyway.
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