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Everything posted by bassicinstinct

  1. Yes we're gigging in Castleford but, due to the Rugby Final, we'll go on at 10.00 and play straight through until 12.15.
  2. [quote name='jakesbass' post='74443' date='Oct 15 2007, 09:48 AM']I must admit to being pretty short fuse on getting a good sound but the amps I have used SWR, Eden, Polytone and Alembic (pre amp) made life very quick to dial up exactly what i wanted. I did fiddle, honest guv... Jake[/quote] I'll let you off then. Each to his own, naturally, but I've [b]never [/b]had an issue either with clarity/punch OR reliability. Perhaps my standards are not very high?
  3. Pilot error.
  4. [b]The Funk:[/b][u][/u] Totally agree. The guy sounds like a total waste of skin to me.
  5. +1 for the Duracell Procells. Used them for years and each one last for months and months.
  6. [b]OFFER NOW WITHDRAWN.[/b] Thanks to everyone who didn't respond though. I do genuinely believe that I would have been truly gutted if it [b]HAD[/b] sold, so I remain a happy bunny really. Mind you, something is going to have to go, so watch this space.
  7. Monday morning bump. This is the last week so, if you're in any way tempted, please speak now (via Private Message) or forever hold your peace. [b]The offer will be withdrawn on Thursday evening (4 October 2007) at 5.00 p.m[/b].
  8. That was [b]MY[/b] opinion based on [b]MY EXPERIENCE[/b]. Sorry, I thought I'd made that clear.
  9. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='66990' date='Sep 28 2007, 04:23 PM']is that aimed at the vendor or the buyer?? Speaking from experience of trying to haggle stuff down in crack convertors, they won't budge much past 15% for whatever reason, although their selection of sh*te usually isn't worth having so this could be decent find if the price is right.[/quote] It was aimed at the buyer. Vendors are usually more than competent in my experience. They'll no doubt [b]rip your arm off [/b]if you offer then [b]£50[/b] after it's been there 12 weeks and, at that price, I'd have thought it worth buying as a project if nothing else.
  10. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='66967' date='Sep 28 2007, 03:34 PM']and i'd still offer them 25% less than that as a starting point!![/quote] I disagree. If you offer 25% less as a starting figure, you leave yourself [b]VERY[/b] little room for movement thereafter. I'd respectfully suggest you start at 50% of the asking price and be prepared to walk away [b]QUICKLY [/b]if you don't get the reaction you want. Not rocket science, but it never ceases to amaze me how few people are able (or willing?) to haggle effectively.
  11. I'd say £100 is bang on the money[b] IF[/b] it's in good nick.
  12. Friday morning pre-espresso bumpage. Come on now!! Don't be shy!!
  13. Mmmm. Looks like she'll be going back in the case and back under the bed. Tragic really. Anyone before I withdraw the offer?
  14. Tuesday afternoon bumperama.
  15. Sunday morning pre-espresso bumpage.
  16. [quote name='nash' post='63631' date='Sep 21 2007, 02:32 PM']got any pics?[/quote] [b]Nash:[/b][u][/u] Not at present but, as I said in the Post at the head of the thread, I [b]WILL[/b] get some sorted and uploaded over the next couple of days. Watch this space.
  17. [quote name='3V17C' post='63599' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:51 PM']surely its the [i]job[/i] of the bass player to be miserable?!! i certainly am, and i know a few others who are too! same applies to the grandad thing! i fully intend to be a right misery, moaning about the youth of today and attacking everything with my walking stick if (when?!) i get old!!!! it comes with the territory i reckon and should be applauded!!! peace c[/quote] You just described me perfectly!! Kind of a musical equivalent of Victor Meldrew.
  18. [quote name='theosd' post='63584' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:33 PM'] Brilliant! Congrats... you gonna be active in getting the young'un onto bass before the evils of the 6 stringed beasts snatch him up??[/quote] You betcha!!
  19. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='63574' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:28 PM']A bass-playing Grandad. How cool is that?[/quote] I [b]WILL[/b] be a bass playing Grandad in March 2008. How [b]SCARY[/b] is that?!?! Sorry - back to topic.
  20. [quote name='neepheid' post='63557' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:14 PM']I don't know if you'd get that much for it considering how far it has deviated from the original spec. I'm quite a traditionalist fusspot when it comes to Gibson basses and attempts to "Fenderise" them cheapen them for me. But that's just my opinion, don't listen to a grizzled old grump like me Recently, one in what appears to be original spec with hard case managed to fetch just under £400 ( [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250161394879"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250161394879[/url] ) if that's any help. Here's another one, looking for around the £400 mark: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200152108694"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200152108694[/url][/quote] I certainly take your point and, to a certain extent, I agree with you BUT the whole point of the improvements I made over the years was to make the bass more versatile and reliable as a "players" instrument without any regard for it's effect on the resale value or it's "collectability." It is certainly at least twice as good an instrument now as it was when I bought it, but I do understand that not everyone will share that view. Check this out: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160150842531&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=006"]Gibson Bass[/url] Thanks for your thoughts though - I really do appreciate them. I never underestimte grizzled old grumps as I like to think I fall into that particular category myself. I'm certainly more than happy to listen to any sensible offers from any Basschatters but, given that I've owned it for over 30 years, I'd obviously rather keep it "in the family" than let it go too cheaply.
  21. [b]Gibson SB450 Long Scale Electric Bass.[/b][u][/u] I'm desperately trying to establish the value of this much loved beast as I really think I need to move it on as it is no longer getting the attention it deserves from me. If there are any Basschatters working with a[b] Free/Bad Co [/b]tribute, this could well be [b]THE[/b] ultimate instrument for the job. LOL Headstock is stamped [b]"Made in the U.S.A. [/b]and Serial Number: [b]618280[/b]. I understand that this means that it was manufactured between 1970 and 1973. I am the second owner and my recollection is that I bought the bass used in or about 1972 although I must confess that it was such a long time ago that I don’t remember exactly. This is a rare if not unique opportunity to buy, at very reasonable cost, a vintage, passive players bass which I have owned for well over thirty years. As it was my number one stage and recording bass for about twenty-five of them, several upgrades, changes and improvements have been professionally carried out over the years: -Complete re-fret. -Precision type [b]HANDWOUND[/b] pickup installed at neck position -Jazz Hotrod type [b]HANDWOUND [/b]pickup installed at bridge position -Bridge from MIJ Fender Precision fitted -Three way toggle pickup selector switch fitted -Black scratch plate fitted -Precision type metallic control knobs fitted to both Volume and Tone pots The neck is straight, true and absolutely rock solid and thus is very stable. The bass is very well worn on both the body and the upper and lower edges of the fret board but, needless to say, none of this in ANY way detracts from the instrument's playability. The bridge cover is long gone and in fact I am uncertain whether I ever had it in the first place. There is a ding on the neck behind the headstock that has broken the surface of the lacquer and the truss rod cover is partially melted by the ever present and once obligatory cigarette. Ah, the glamour of the seventies!!! My current projects require a more "contemporary" approach to my role and my instrument and hence this bass is now spending it's life sitting in it's case and I would much rather it was being played as regularly and enthusiastically now as it was during the first couple of decades of it's life. The bass would be packed in a fully functional hard case and despatched the next working day following payment via PayPal. Carriage costs to be paid by buyer. Alternatively, I am more than happy for arrangements to be made for the personal collection or despatch of the instrument by the courier of the buyer's choice and at his own expense. I do appreciate the importance of photos, particularly in a case like this, and I will do my utmost to get some uploaded in the course of the next couple of days. I am tentatively looking for offers in excess of £500 and would invite anyone interested to contact me via PM. Thanks for reading!! [b]EDIT!![/b] Apologies in advance for my horrific photography, but here are the pics as promised. Please not that only the FIRST photo shows th bass with the replacement referred to above. All the others feature the stock bridge which I would, of course, include in the price. If I can be of any further help, please shout!! Otherwise, I invite all enquiries via the usual PM.
  22. [quote name='cetera' post='62077' date='Sep 18 2007, 10:57 AM']With chrome hardware and a black or red tort scratchplate this thing would have sold by now. Seems we're all concerned with 'looks' eh? [/quote] Tragically, I totally agree with you. In fact, up to a week ago, I'd probably have bought it myself!!
  23. Just taken delivery of the Olympic White/Tort Japanese Fender Jazz this mornig and what a wonderful instrument it is!! Marvellous transaction from start to finsish with the sole exception of our joint frustration with Royal Mail who proudly display the following message on their website on the "tracking" page: [b]Recorded Signed For™ items are only tracked after the item has been delivered. Depending on whether the item was sent first or second class, this may be a few days after posting[/b] You may agree with us that the prospect of tracking the item [b]after [/b]delivery seems to be of little appeal unless you have a very large house and can't remember which room you've left your bass in. HOWEVER, Royal Mail more than redeemed themselves by delivering the bass to me this morning despite the fact that Graham didn't actually post it until yesterday, so all's well etc. A pleasure to do business with you Graham.
  24. I've been playing Dan stuff live since the late nineties and I STILL get reminded how challenging thw stuff is every time we gig. It's definitely NOT just you. I'm 52, by the way.
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