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Everything posted by bassicinstinct

  1. [quote name='Doddy' post='977231' date='Oct 4 2010, 03:28 PM']But the covers bands that are playing in theatres are usually themed shows (60's,Motown, Disco...Whatever) in a similar way to tribute bands. It is certainly easier to get better gigs and more money if you have a theme. I've found this out myself by actually calling up venues and booking gigs. If you tell a venue that you are a cover band,they don't know what you are going to play and think that can book a local band for a lot less. But,if you tell them that you are,say,a tribute to 90's Britpop,you are more likely to get the money that you ask for and the venue owner can advertise you better.[/quote] Absolutely spot on.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='973902' date='Oct 1 2010, 01:14 PM']To be fair, this one is a slightly different angle. it's more like: 'I TRAVEL THE WORLD AND GET LOADS OF MONEY FOR PLAYING ORIGINAL MATERIAL. THE REST OF YOU ARE LOSERS.' [/quote] Precisely!!! We/I could have brought thisn thread to a screeching halt pages ago if we were all prepared to just say we were jealous of the OP's experience/situation. I think it's called "seeking validation", but I may be wrong. I can honestly see no other motive for starting the thread. As for people claiming to be playing "originals", well that's a whole 'nother can of worms IMHO. Self penned would be a [b]much [/b]more honest description I think. All of the above purely in my own cynical, narrow minded and insanely jealous opinion, naturally.
  3. Eh?
  4. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='957178' date='Sep 15 2010, 01:35 PM']This might be your problem. You're excluding about 90% of possible candidates in one quick swoop there. How about changing it to "we are in our early to mid 20's" or something. The current wording is basically saying "if you're 28 years old, we're not interested." S.P.[/quote] +1000!!!
  5. Block booking with his Chiropractor. For his bass tech/roadie, naturally.
  6. [quote name='dood' post='942027' date='Sep 1 2010, 01:33 PM']Godwin's Law finally made it! [/quote] It was/is only ever a matter of time.
  7. [quote name='dave74200' post='941542' date='Aug 31 2010, 11:14 PM']Anyone who knows what they're talking about like to add a comment?[/quote] Yes. I agree totally with Muzz.
  8. Crikey!! I stand corrected then!! ([b]Note to self[/b]: Use irony with extreme caution in future.)
  9. Invoice your singer. That'll stop him. Q.E.D.
  10. Upon Tyne or Under Lyme?
  11. A Wedding Reception at a hotel in Gretna Green. I was totally convinced it was a wind up all the time the date was in the dairy (over a year!!), but it turned out to be completely genuine and a damn good gig to boot. We met the bride and groom after the first set and the Bride Groom explained that it had always been his dream to marry a beautiful girl and have a top soul band play at his wedding reception. I said "Well, one out of two ain't bad." I think he[i][b] may[/b][/i] have misunderstood what I meant.
  12. I could be wrong, but I think you need to state prices.
  13. bassicinstinct


    [b]"is it just my smutty mind and extensive vocabulary?" [/b] I think it may well be.
  14. [quote name='tom1946' post='922709' date='Aug 12 2010, 01:37 PM']As title, as new USA Jazz. Standard model with the latest hard case and all the candy, tags, etc' Nothing much else to say really, my various illnesses are making it very difficult to play unless it weighs about 5 lbs so I'm selling up. The only part ex I'll consider is a mint Fender lyte. I want 650 pounds for it delivered. (don't know how to do a pound sign on an imac) thanks for reading.[/quote] The 3 key with Caps key gives you the £ sign and NOT the hash as indicated. Took me about 6months to work it out myself!!
  15. [quote name='molan' post='922114' date='Aug 11 2010, 10:56 PM']Our band has been approached by a large(ish) restaurant for an NYE gig with an offer of £1,000 plus a couple of drinks and a decent meal. There are 7 of us so that's £145 per person. I thought this was Ok really - it's less than my old functions band used to play for but it feels like average prices have dipped over the last couple of years. However some of the band feel this is a rubbish rate and that we should ask for double. I don't have details of get in/out times and length of sets required & I know this will make a difference but just wanted to guage general thoughts about the going rate for an NYE gig.[/quote] [i][b]At least [/b][/i]double what you would expect from a non- New Years gig IME. £1000 for a 7 piece band on NY Eve sounds more than a tad mean to me.
  16. Worth a look/listen:
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='921544' date='Aug 11 2010, 01:03 PM']I watched the BioPic with Andy Serkis last night, and I've been listening to a lot of Blockheads music, from "New Boots and Panties" through to their recent album "Staring Down the Barrel". I"m really enjoying the bass lines. Sometimes before when I've said that I like certain bass lines, there's been the comment "sounds like a guitarist playing bass". I was curious to hear if anyone would say it here. There's an unusual sound in "George, The Human Pigeon" that I'm wondering if it's bass or not. I don't know how to describe it, but think that anyone who listens to it will know what sounds I mean. [url="http://www.we7.com/#/song/The-Blockheads/George-The-Human-Pigeon"]http://www.we7.com/#/song/The-Blockheads/G...he-Human-Pigeon[/url] Oh yes, there it is in the intro, and it certainly sounds like bass. That's one thing I'm enjoying with his bass playing. Even in songs with quite simple root (down) 5th root 5th, there are interesting little bits and pieces in the songs. What do you think of Derek the Draw taking over the Dury role? He's clearly functioning as Dury Mk. 2. in the band, but while such a thing is usually a travesty, particularly when it was a record company decision that DtD would do all the lead vocals, IMHO with The Blockheads it works.[/quote] I think I'd struggle to come up with a bassist who sounds [i][b]LESS[/b][/i] like "a guitarist playing bass to" be honest!! Great player with great feel IMHO.
  18. Great minds think alike!!
  19. And the asking price is?
  20. [quote name='casapete' post='919731' date='Aug 9 2010, 03:51 PM']+1 I've done a couple of tribute bands that played mainly in theatres, and loved it for the same reason. Usually easy load in/out, helpful stage staff and often great hospitality thrown in. Also enjoy starting at 7.30 and being finished by 10 too! However, I am fortunate enough to have other gigs where it's a bit more 'real', and to be honest really enjoy the variety/contrast of work. Maybe only doing 'polite' theatre style gigs would do you in after a while, but after playing in bands for nearly 40 years it does make a refreshing change to be able to have the luxury of room on stage and great PA etc.[/quote] That's the ideal for me too. I think that the "atmosphere" of a theatre gig always seems a little "polite", as you rightly say. Alcohol, I'm sure, plays a major part too. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of pub gigs where people are falling all over you, but, on the other hand I much prefer it if I can actually see more than the first couple of rows. I have to admit that the easy get ins and 7.30 kick offs do have their attractions, although being on the road and on my way home before 11.00 did take some getting used to. Maybe it's just me. You don't think I'm slipping inexorably towards cynicism do you? [u][b] PS:[/b][/u] [b]Definition of jazz guitarist's gig: Playing 300 chords to an audience of 3. Definition of a rock guitarist's gig: Playing 3 chords to an audience of 300.[/b]
  21. I also think that it was[i][b] much[/b][/i] more achieveable a few years ago than it is now with the sharp decline in theatre ticket sales across the board. I know a guitarist who played with an act generally viewed as the top UK tribute to AC/DC for several years (no names, no pack drill!! ) who, at the time. were doing 2 or 3 theatre shows a week and he never earnt [i][b]anything like[/b][/i] £50k in a year, despite the fairly gruelling nature of the enterprise. It's also remarkable how quickly the novelty of theatre gigs wears off and you begin to hanker for a "proper" sweaty/noisy pub gig - but then you have to accept the cut in income, so I suppose you pays your money and you takes your choice. The other man's grass etc.
  22. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='624332' date='Oct 12 2009, 07:54 PM']You can use them with any head. Their only claim to fame was the stereo wiring that allowed each half of the driver complement to be hooked up to each of the two power amps of the SF head. BTW, I have a SF and I find it not the least bit underpowered, and that's into one 8 ohm cab, albeit one of much higher sensitivity than off the shelf. I can't see a LG not being able to push a SF cab to full output.[/quote] +1000!!!
  23. bassicinstinct


    [quote name='Toddy' post='918879' date='Aug 8 2010, 05:25 PM']Nope,,, not us that one.... The guy that runs the fake festivals seems a top bloke,,, but venues are booking so far in advance are we usually miss out cos were booked,, ,, was just hoping someone else was playing so we could have a "basschat" [/quote] He is, indeed, a top fellah. We did the Gunthorpe one last year and I have to say that the Sound Crew, given the 15 minute turn arounds and diversity of the bands who were playing the date, were nothing short of brilliant and a pleasure to work with. Apologies for kidnapping the thread!!
  24. bassicinstinct


    [quote name='Toddy' post='918851' date='Aug 8 2010, 04:58 PM'][url="http://blondieuk.com/"]http://blondieuk.com/[/url] Dude this is our outfit.... went for nealy ten years as "heart of glass" but re-badged with a couple of new members etc... Luckily the singer and drummer are the same cos they really shine ..[/quote] Did you do the Fake Festival at Gunthorpe in Notts last summer?
  25. bassicinstinct


    [quote name='Pete Academy' post='918786' date='Aug 8 2010, 03:08 PM']Tribute bands? Wouldn't touch em. [/quote] Nor me. Leeches, the lot of 'em.
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