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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='Buzz' post='45825' date='Aug 15 2007, 02:00 PM']No matter what happens, you cannot be as bad as these guys: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk[/url][/quote] Priceless
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='45821' date='Aug 15 2007, 01:57 PM']Having had a look on both of their sites now, I'd be more inclided to go for a bass based on their Atum-Re design. There's potential to get an original take on the single-cut design for a bass there - the sculpted/rounded back looks very interesting (or is that just a trick of the finish?), rather than the more conservative but seemingly pleasing to no-one shape that they've been proposing. As ffor J-style basses IMO there's already too many. If I wanted one I'd either get a Fender or a Lakland or Celindar...[/quote] Yeah I like the Atum-re shape too .. Looks more "designed" and together ...
  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='45725' date='Aug 15 2007, 12:33 PM']The obvious solution in my head is to have two models in a bass range, a J-bass perhaps with some teaks obviously (gotta make your stamp somehow), and a funky original design.[/quote] Yeah that's what Nordstrand do: Exotics, single cuts, extended ranges: [url="http://www.nordstrandguitars.com/models.htm"]http://www.nordstrandguitars.com/models.htm[/url] and Super Jazzes [url="http://www.nordstrandguitars.com/nordy.htm"]http://www.nordstrandguitars.com/nordy.htm[/url]
  4. Thunderbird neck dive fix [url="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~wizkid/music/thunderbird_mod/"]http://www.lysator.liu.se/~wizkid/music/thunderbird_mod/[/url]
  5. OldGit

    DIY bass

    Have a look on the parts suppliers list here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248[/url]
  6. [quote name='neepheid' post='45698' date='Aug 15 2007, 11:56 AM']+1[/quote] +2 Actually they have another (complete) website [url="http://www.krozka-sharpe.com/guitars.html"]http://www.krozka-sharpe.com/guitars.html[/url] that has a few guitars, players, vids and stuff .. and more details so maybe this one is still in development and Warwicks' spilled the beans a tad early ...
  7. [quote name='andy67' post='45678' date='Aug 15 2007, 11:28 AM']but he is still a hell of a decent bloke...[/quote] Don't think you can use "hell" in this context as he has also found God .....
  8. [quote name='Toasted' post='45671' date='Aug 15 2007, 11:12 AM']Surely power flicking on and off is dangerous for all your equipment? I've got some pretty sensitive stuff and I'm not sure that I'd want to connect it up to a socket that will radomly switch on and off. Is there anything I can do to protect my gear?[/quote] Ha ha wellllll that's the idea - the noise limiter is there to, er limit the noise .. Usually because the venue is under threat of closure due to p1551ng off the neighbours with too much noise (ie the venue is unable to control the bands or sound people enough by just asking them nicely to keep it down) So there are two things you can do to protect your gear from the electronic abuse: 1 don't play venues that have noise limiters 2 play quietly (or run an extension to another power source)
  9. Schools out live [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib84GZVz2g4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib84GZVz2g4[/url] Alice must have scared the pants off of middle america
  10. IN THE BEGINNING In the beginning there was a bass. It was a Fender probably a Precision, but it could have been a Jazz-----nobody knows. Anyway, it was very old…definitely pre-CBS. And God looked down upon it and saw that it was good. He saw that it was very good, in fact, and couldn’t be improved upon at all (although men would later try). And so He let it be and He created a man to play the bass. And lo, the man look upon the bass, which was a beautiful sunburst red, and he loved it. He played upon the open E string and the note rang through the earth and reverberated throughout the firmaments. Thus reverb come to be. And it was good. And God heard that it was good and He smiled at His handiwork. In the course of time, the man came to slap upon the bass. And lo, it was funky. And God heard this funkiness and He said, “Go, man, go.” And it was good. And more time passed, and, having little else to do, the man came to practice upon the bass. And lo, the man came to have upon him a great set of chops. And he did play faster and faster until the notes rippled like a breeze through the heavens. And God heard this sound that sounded something like the wind, which He had created earlier. It also sounded something like the moving of furniture, which He hadn’t even created yet, and He was not so pleased. And He spoke to the man, saying, “Don’t do that!” Now the man heard the voice of God, but he was so excited about his new ability that he slapped upon the bass a blizzard of funky notes. And the heavens shook with the sound, and the Angels ran about in confusion. (Some of the Angels started to dance, but that is another story). And God heard this---how could He miss it---and lo, He became bugged. And he spoke to the man, and He said, “Listen man, if I wanted Jimi Hendrix I would have created the guitar. Stick to the bass parts.” And the man heard the voice of God, and he knew not to mess with it. But now he had upon him a passion for playing fast and high. The man took the frets off the bass that God had created. And the man did slide his fingers upon the fretless fingerboard and play melodies high upon the neck. And in his excitement, the man did forget the commandment of the Lord, and he played a frenzy of high melodies and blindingly fast licks. And the heavens rocked with the assault and the earth shook, rattled and rolled. Now God’s wrath was great. And his was thunder as He spoke to the man. He said, “ OK for you, pal. You have not heeded My word. LO, I shall create a soprano saxophone and it shall higher than you can even think of. “And from out of the chaos I shall bring forth the drums. And I shall make you to always stand by the drummer, and he shall play so many notes thine head shall ache. ”You think you’re loud? I shall create a stack of Marshall guitar amps to make thine ears bleed. And I shall send down upon the earth other instruments, and lo, they shall all be able to play higher and faster than the bass. “And for all the days of man, your curse shall be this: that all the other instruments shall look to you, the bass player, for the low notes. And if you play too fast or too high all the other musicians shall say “wow”, but really they shall hate it. And they shall tell you’re ready for your solo career, and they shall find other bass players for their bands. And for all your days if you want to play your fancy licks you shall have to sneak them in like a thief in the night. And if you finally do get to play a solo, everyone shall leave the bandstand and go to the bar for a drink.” And it was so. [b]Introduction from Tony Levin’s book ‘Beyond the Bass Clef-The Life and Art of Bass Playing[/b][/font] [url="http://www.globalbass.com/archives/may2000/tony_levin.htm"]http://www.globalbass.com/archives/may2000/tony_levin.htm[/url]
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='45642' date='Aug 15 2007, 10:19 AM']I'm calling in this afternoon to check on the progress of my Warwick Streamer paint strip... 'shy bairns get nowt' [/quote] Bagsie next then
  12. WarwickHunt ... Just ask them to build a bass then pass it round the community for feedback .. That kind of market research is priceless ...
  13. [quote name='Rich' post='45580' date='Aug 15 2007, 07:26 AM']Ahh yes, the Prom on Gloucester Road... the 'sound'guy there is almost phobic about bass. "Hey, you'll have to turn the bass down... I can hear it." God I hate playing that place. There's usually a good crowd, but I'm sick and tired of not hearing a single note I play all night. [/quote] Yeah well .. great place but I used to live about 80 yards away from the front door as the crow flies and I know why he insists on that. No bass means no complaints means the licence carries on ... Mind you the footie pub across the road is often louder ... Hummm seems we have strayed ...
  14. [quote name='The Funk' post='45515' date='Aug 14 2007, 11:27 PM']I'd never heard of sound limiters before reading this thread.[/quote] You lucky man Stage power goes through a socket attached to a thing that turns off if you play too loud. Too loud is a strange concept but it's usually around 98 db .. That's a good shout or scream, an anouncement or a folk song played quietly on acoustic guitars by nuns.... You generally get a traffic light indicator. Green is OK (total silence, usually) orange is "watch it guys" and light the orange for, say 10 seconds, and red comes on. 5 seconds on red and poooooooft! off goes the power. Try explaining that to your amp's power stage ... Lots of venues will allow you to run a power lead to a non affected socket but that means you play louder than the room's ASBO allows and that ain't good so just avoid those venues.
  15. [quote name='BassBomber414' post='45508' date='Aug 14 2007, 11:18 PM']Welcome aboard. As Jack Bruce would have it , we oldies have the 'gift of time'. I first picked up a Bass guitar 4 months ago and got a feel for it almost right away. Only 'age minus' is that I have more problem remembering the structure (verse chorus bridge) of tracks , than I did as young acoustic guitarist.[/quote] A4 pad, big black marker pen
  16. [quote name='wazz' post='45313' date='Aug 14 2007, 04:44 PM']This one always comes from the wealthy, posh audiences at weddings who dont seem to think the rules apply to them when drunk. I alway respond with "we are not insured for you to perform or be onstage" should anyone ask to play. Kind of works[/quote] Hum yeah The very worst kind of audience - you are staff. You will do what you are told and you will like it. You will also disappear during your break and eat in the other room. You are not part of the family or guests .... I'll use that "we are not insured" line next time some oik thinks my sax is a toy and our working area is their playground. ... Well me and the drummer have been playing pop and rock and jazz and folk and loads of stuff together for 25 years .... Our lead singer/accordionist will have a go at singing anything and so we do one verse or chorus, or bass line or intro from just about anything we are asked to do - we even have a big fat karaoke book with us. You want Angels - here's the book if you want to sing it otherwise we'll have a go. We asked with as much irony as a drunk can muster for "Smoke on the water" which we can play pretty well now - no lead break of course and Hotel California I don't like playing Brown Eyed Girl but I love the positive effect you get when you just have a go at anything they think up. I even have a solo bit of Prokofiev worked out and Peaches usually gets a mention at some point ... Seeing as our "set" consists of tunes that are frequently upwards of 200 years old that's not bad, I reckon. Oh and the Jazz equivalent of Mustang Sally is Sumertime .. I hate playing that
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='45143' date='Aug 14 2007, 09:02 AM']I think we're going to make it band policy not to play anywhere with sound limiters in future and also make it a condition that if they wanna see a live band, we wanna see a living audience. [/quote] Yeah that's on our rider - er well it's a rule I make when taking gigs. Sound limiters are there 'cos the venue has an ASBO against it from the neighbours. As one guy put it one time Organiser "There's a bloke across the road who comes in and shouts at the bands when it gets too loud" Me "Ok thanks. How do I know which one he is" Organiser "He carries an axe" Hummmmmmmmmmmmm Have you noticed that sound limiters are now set for bass rather than vocals or guitar - used to be we could play pretty loud but the guitarist couldn't .. seems they have worked out that bass travels through buildings more than lead or vox...
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='45460' date='Aug 14 2007, 10:02 PM']Cheers chaps, the bass cost £795, I think the Precision could do with a polish, anyone got any idea what's going to be best to clean it up with? Cheers Chris[/quote] Wow Chris that looks abso fabbo ... Love the extra holes and scars ... Fair price. I'd say. Don't clean it .. You'll clean off the mojo
  19. [quote name='Breakfast' post='45481' date='Aug 14 2007, 10:43 PM']That mid-morning slot seems to have all the best presenters - Ken Bruce on Radio 2, Jo Whiley on Radio 1 and (my favourite show since Mark & Lard ) Gideon Coe on 6 Music. Surely someone at the BBC could see fit to swap them around a bit so you could get a consistently good day's listening...[/quote] ha ha yeah right Would that be the same people that think Vine, Wright and Evans are good? At least the listen again means you can timeshift.. They've fiddled with the R2 evening specialist programmes times too so that most of them are on at 7 .. so that now means I miss them as that's Archers and dinner time .. der! Radcliffe and Maconie are great.. just on too early in the evening ... Change eh?
  20. Just listening to Ken Bruce on daytime R2 - the last listenable day time presenter .. ho humm .. roll on digital .. He seems to have a theme running about great bass lines today for some reason .. Nice to hear the ol' low stuff recognised. Rhythm Stick - "Norman Watt-Roy on the bass there" etc .. ... and bass player jokes too!
  21. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='45154' date='Aug 14 2007, 09:35 AM']Hi Rufus Welcome to Basschat... By the way, we're not called oldies anymore.. the new phrase is 'midolescent'.. Look at this from Time magazine this week: [i]"...Ralph and Wanda made their debut in 1977, when Ralph heard of several new books about the challenge of middle age. (Stanley, the friend who, as part of his "midolescent" crisis, ran off in that episode with a meter maid, makes a reappearance in this week's dialogue.) "[/i] Sounds pretty good to me! Maybe we're a new breed called 'Bassus Midolescentus' ! Nik[/quote] Hummmm Welcome Rufus .. age is just a state of ... er what was it again? and why did I come upstairs ? Midolescent Git PS [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/story.asp?sectioncode=22&storycode=18289"]Here's and article from Bass Player Mag [/url]about being perceived as old by your band mates
  22. [quote name='NJW' post='45105' date='Aug 14 2007, 12:58 AM']I once went into a hifi store with my father because he wanted some stuff. I tried my best to say nothing, but when the salesman tried to sell him two 'monster' phono leads for £180 (ARGH!!!) I lost my temper and had a bit of a go at him. He stood there, and tried to explain that these cables are 'time aligned' - which means that the copper through which the treble runs, is wound tighter so it takes longer to get there... because apparently bass and treble travel at different speeds and normal cables have delayed bass. He could not understand my argument that 'electricity is electricity', and actually said "we're talking about sound travelling through these cables, not electricity". Grrrrrrrr... And the upsetting thing is that people take this crap in day in day out, spending hundreds on interconnects.[/quote] Good cables do make a difference to HiFi sound but that's just stupid
  23. [quote name='Johngh' post='45022' date='Aug 13 2007, 09:37 PM']At the risk of getting shot at by the diehards, here is my tuppence worth. There are a million and one Jazz style designs out there at the moment. Anything new along those lines has got to be very very good to even get a look in.[/quote] Actually that's very true of any design at all. The whole market place is very full, from 50 quid beginners bass package sets to £4000+ hand built customs. Wherever they come in the price range they will find loads of competition. If they are doing OK in the custom guitar world they should probably forget about basses all together ..
  24. [quote name='Johngh' post='45022' date='Aug 13 2007, 09:37 PM']At the risk of getting shot at by the diehards, here is my tuppence worth. There are a million and one Jazz style designs out there at the moment. Anything new along those lines has got to be very very good to even get a look in. It depends on the price range as well. I like a bass that is versatile and that will give me a range of sounds that I can dial in quickly without fuss. I had an Alembic once and it was a nightmare, the tone controls were way too sensitive. My advice is to keep it simple. I agree on the comments about the horns though, think I'd ditch the pickguard as well, let the wood show through. [/quote] Have to wear one really ... I can never tell til I stick it on and have a go ... Love the aesthetics of T'birds and Rics but I can't actually play them cos they don't fit. It's a chicken and egg jobbie .. I think there are millions of Jazz type basses out there cos 1 they work and 2 people will risk buying one knowing they have half a chance of selling it if it doesn't work out for them .. a one off body shape is so individual that it risks being even less saleable than a less esoteric custom .. and they are hard enough to sell .. There's plenty of other shapes that work for a lot of people too that could be starting points: Warwick, Peavey, Status .. RE this body shape it does rather look as it's been made out of bits of other things rather than a cohesive whole. Short Jazz top horn, a touch of the non-reverse t bird forearm area and T bird knobs (well three of them ), MM scratchplate ...
  25. They may like to start out with a body somewhat like a Jazz ... OK I know that sounds conservative and boring but ... The Fender Jazz is successful for all sorts of reason - not just the looks but the balance, playability, functionality, pickup position, access to the neck etc etc I think most luthiers make "Super Jazzes" as their bread and butter basses and probably sell loads more of those than anything else. Trying to come up with a new shape body that works as well and looks as "together" as a jazz is a tough call and probably something to try after getting the rest of the thing right ...
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