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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. Get yer loverly acoustic 'ere mates .. lovely plumage
  2. [quote name='Tinman' post='19461' date='Jun 18 2007, 08:50 AM']Just thought I'd ask this as I'm going to be out of the country for a couple of weeks from later today. If any of you are going along to Jon's to start a build or check on a current one, could you possibly take a camera with you and see if there's anything of my build to photograph. I know it's only been 3 weeks since it started but I don't want to bug Jon too much as he's so busy and the last thing I want to do is annoy him with endless requests for pics. I should be able to access my e-mail while I'm away, so if there are any pics available could you e-mail them to [email protected] Cheers in advance. Pete[/quote] Might be up there this weekend though it may not involve a trip to Jon's workshop .. If I see anything I'll snap away .. OG
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='19464' date='Jun 18 2007, 08:54 AM']Yeah, it was a long drive home. worth it though as the audience was all female [/quote] Is that the gay club in Doncaster?
  4. OldGit

    Zoom B2.1u

    [quote name='elom' post='10318' date='Jun 1 2007, 12:42 AM']Okay, that's good enough for me. I'll get one in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for all your help.[/quote] Elom did you get one? What do you think now?
  5. [quote name='paul, the' post='18696' date='Jun 16 2007, 08:47 AM']I swear I find out about a new brand of bass every day.[/quote] Ha ha well here's a few years' reading for you [url="http://www.bunnybass.com/e-zine/directories/builders.shtml"]Bunny Bass list of cusom bass luthiers - about 100[/url]
  6. [quote name='nik1093' post='13748' date='Jun 7 2007, 07:05 PM']how u get side leds???????[/quote] Side LED's are pretty normal .. Martin Sims will retrofit them to your bass if you like ... [url="http://www.simscustom.com/html/simsleds.htm"]http://www.simscustom.com/html/simsleds.htm[/url] Orange ones are a tad pervy and bizare but hey, that's Rich for you
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='19122' date='Jun 17 2007, 12:53 PM']Going OT here i posted this over on TB but seeing as they are all still in bed ill post this here to see if anyone can help Last night i had the worst sound ever at a gig. Using my MB SA450 and UL115. --Snip------ Thanks for any advice.[/quote] Dave were you set up in the same place on the stage as usual? It may have been a wall proximity thing I've also noticed that the density of the air can change the sound - cold nights with atmospheric high pressure sound different to hot sweaty humid low pressure nights. Oh and I once went back to a venue and the whole place souned different as they'd moved the PA bass bins under the stage - caused all sorts of strange effects til we got used to it.
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='19183' date='Jun 17 2007, 04:13 PM']I believe you totally overestimate the size of the market! I doubt even Ampeg sells that much gear... Alex[/quote] How many Epifani dealers are there in the UK? Is it just the Gallery?
  9. Something odd has happened to my view o fthis threads' buttins and controls so here's paste in "by site map you mean a page with links to all the pages on the site? excellent idea. i do realise i am a bit slack on the SEO front! i should make more of an effort. i will be doing some updates for the NightDragon site when they are a bit further down the line, so i will use that time to do the tweaks you suggest. i'm just more of a pictures guy....and i tend to let the clever stuff slide a little bit. i'm pleased you like the ND site mate....it's nice to have a review from someone who really knows their stuff. i did expect you to have something to say about the sound fx and animation on the flash banner though! " -------- reply ----- Yeah Site map is one page with links to all of the pages on the site. That way when the Google (Yahoo/MSN) spiders get to it they can find all the pages on the site. I am sure you realise that no one knows exactly what Google bots do but the belief is that they are now looking specifically for site maps and favouring new sites that have one. Thus your site gets indexed more often .. Loads about it on the google site. Also humans are finding site maps to be the fastest way around a site when the navigation is complex or idiosyncratic PM me when you want to do the SEO on the Night Dragon site and we can talk specifics. 80% of SEO is common sense and easy so a good picture guy with good visual design skills who also builds to include easy SEO as a default (a very rare animal) would score many brownie points with clients and potential clients who look at his portfolio Re the Night Dragon site - "arts" sites are great 'cos you can basically do what you like, unrestrained by the rules of commerce, competition etc. but you are selling the movie to loads of people - investors are just one group - so it does need to work well in that respect. Someone looking for info about a specific project like the Night Dragon film will stick with the site and work out the navigation and stuff like that.. It's not like selling a wedding band to a groom where you have to make it easy straight off or they just go BACK one click and google off to the next wedding band in the results list .... Incidentally you should use the phrase "night dragon" whenever you talk about it in a forum as these forums are indexed by Google and so it will add to the google score for the film, especially if you link to it .... Guerilla SEO in action Animation and music are fine in their place - I'd expect a film site to have it - in fact a film site without that stuff would be missing an opportunity .. Flash is great as well. Used sensibly it can really lift the quality of a site, used badly it can make your site invisible to Google and impossible to forward to a mate, thus killing a (following building) band's main marketing methods stone dead - google and viral marketing. However if you sell your band to agents then an all-Flash site works a treat precisly because it doesn't work well in Google .. Fun eh?
  10. OldGit


    Found this useful list somewhere GT6B Models etc Flip top-models the ampeg B-15 B man models fender bassman 100 Bass 360 models acoustic 360 T.E. models trace elliot ah600smx. Session models SWR SM-400 Concert 810 models ampeg SVT As for speakers 1x15 Trace Elliot 1518 1x18 SWR Big Ben. 2x15 acoustic 402 4x10 SWR Goliath. 8x10 ampeg 810E Original for built-in speaker for amp selected in type. ----------------------------------------- Effects Individual effects: Comp/Lim OD/Dist Chorus Rev/Delay Preamp 3 Band ParaEQ Speaker Sim Wah Combined FX1: Octave Enhancer (fantastic){original author's opinion] Slow Gear Defretter Ring Mod Combined FX 2: Phaser Flanger Harmonist Pitch Shifter Pedal Bend 2x2 Chorus (Chorus with a crossover, very cool) Auto Slap (stupid) Short Delay Vibrato Humanizer Tremelo/Pan Bass Synth.
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='18645' date='Jun 15 2007, 11:51 PM']Dave, whilst you've got the speakers out I'd really like to see some photos of the inside of the UL cabs, just trying to get an idea of how they brace things to make them quite so light! Alex[/quote] To refer back to a question way back up the thread, isn't [i]that [/i](and the sound) the stuff that makes a cab with two 100 Euro drivers worth £800? It's the R&D .. OG
  12. [quote name='paul h' post='18614' date='Jun 15 2007, 10:44 PM']always helpful OG..thanks mate. NightDragon has been up since yesterday...and all the text is as supplied. i gather that they are sending out an investment pack with a link to the website so they are not relying on people finding it via a search engine. but if it becomes an issue i will happily look at the changes you suggest. as for my site...i love the idea of using the misspellings! top tip. i am always the top of the search engines with the right spelling...but how many people spell it right??? good stuff. paul.[/quote] You are welcome .. I'd suggest that from now on you always add a site map to any design, linked from the Home page, and submit it to Google site maps. You don't have to make it a glaring link, something subtle will do the trick. The robots don't know what image you use so a 1x1 pix (with good tuned alt tag of course) will do it if you don't want teh humans to see it. Yes any ol' SEO company can guarantee to get a site to the top of the search engines results pages, if the search is for something unusual like your name, Dood's name or "hht6789jkim3m3m3m44" assuming that text thread happens to be on the Home page somewhere Re Night Dragon, It looks great by the way - the site I mean .. I expect the movie will be good too .. "I gather that they are sending out an investment pack with a link to the website so they are not relying on people finding it via a search engine." OK same points, really. i.e. most people that get any info about the film from any source, trade press, a flyer, and especially anything on paper or via good ol' word of mouth, will instantly search for "Night Dragon" in Google and see what comes up. And, as any ecommerce adviser will tell you, these days if you ain't on Google page one - five, you don't exist .. So I'd have though you really should do as much as possible to make the site work as well as possible on Google given what they have supplied .. I know a lot of web designers have "SEO " as an add on at extra cost but for the 5 minutes it takes to do a decent page title tag, description and (image and Flash movie) Alt tags I'd have though it was an easy bit of "added value" to offer your customers .. But then if they all did that I'd have a lot less work
  13. [quote name='Painless' post='18600' date='Jun 15 2007, 10:30 PM']LoL!!! I actually live on Marylands Eastern Shore, which is farmer and redneck country... anything over 150 watts and you risk blowing their straw hats off![/quote] My apologies That sounds a whole lot more civilised to me Then Rumble-on, boy
  14. [quote name='paul h' post='18485' date='Jun 15 2007, 06:37 PM']let's keep the old website thread alive eh! i have just done a bit of web design this last couple of weeks and it's made me realise how out of touch i am with it all! first i had to find a way around microsofts annoying "click to activate this control" thing for a flash navigation bar to work properly. that wasn't around last time i did anything. in the end i dynamically loaded the swf using javascript and it worked a treat. so then i decided to redo my personal site in the "modern" style. by that i mean by using just divs and css to take care of all the layout. no tables to be found! check it out if you fell like it. definitely the "cleanest" website in terms of code...and probably design i have done. just lacks content at the moment. no site engine optimization on there at all...but i get all my work through word of mouth anyway. [url="http://www.paulharckham.com"]www.paulharckham.com[/url] paul.[/quote] Hiyah Paul Yeah people do still PM me now and then to take a whiz through their band sites and I'm happy to do that .. Yours is interesting cos, as you say, it's not really there to be found by concept searchers. You might like to optimse the SEO for people who know you exist, know you have a website and are trying to remember where the hell they left the url though ... "Now what was that guy's name? The designer guy that did Night Dragon, Paul something Arcam? Hackem? Harkam?" I'd put all the possible misspellings of your name in an Alt tag on one of your images just in case .. is this you too? [url="http://www.paulharckham.com/portfolio/"]http://www.paulharckham.com/portfolio/[/url] Flash is generally a pants way to display info or navigate for DDA and SEO reasons as the spiders just can't see the contents of flash movies (and they hate javascript too ..) so they just won't get past the Home page unless there a site map or text links to the other bits... Of course you don't have a huge amount of stuff there anyway so it's less of a problem for your site but normal navigation and bits of Flash adding, well, "flash", work "better" and can achieve the same visual effect, more or less .. Not being found on Google may not be a problem for you but I suspect it could be a problem for the Night Dragon site as there's little accesible stuff for Google to index ... and it hasn't got as far as indexing the "we want investors" page, despite the link.. . This may be because it's new and just not indexed yet or it may be that the spiders got to the home page and found not much to index, no metatags to speak of etc and just went off somewhere else more stocked with search terms ... If it's been up for longer than 6 weeks I'd suggest you look at the SEO .... Incientally "Click here" is not good text for a link, in general, superflous and not beneficial for google, it also works less well for people using screen readers - imagine tabbing between links and all you get ist "click here" click here" "click here" Better if the links are informative, say "Home page" "contct us" "investment details" or better still "invest in Night Dragon" .. Anyway I hope this second view of your sites helps .. OG
  15. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='18187' date='Jun 15 2007, 12:16 PM']My 100w watt Rumble used to hold its own doing small pub gigs. They do also have a balanced XLR out so you could run it into the PA for bigger ones. I got GAS though and felt the urge to upgrade![/quote] Yeah but he's in the states where a small club bass rig is 1000 watts ...... (sorry talk like that got me chucked off US forums
  16. [quote name='obbm' post='18238' date='Jun 15 2007, 01:00 PM']It does raise the question as to what is wrong with your existing rig?[/quote] The ash trays are full
  17. [quote name='The Funk' post='18225' date='Jun 15 2007, 12:48 PM']So, we're agreed? 1. If you can 'feel' it, you won't be counting it. 2. If you can't 'feel' it, you have to count it. 3. If you have to count it, you count with the accent/drop/kick on the 3. 4. The reason you count it so that the accent is on the 3 is that we have passed a resolution on these bass forums declaring so.[/quote] Ha ha Yea man, We ruuule
  18. [quote name='BOD2' post='17800' date='Jun 14 2007, 07:14 PM']The Behringer one could probably be made to work but, as obbm says, the cabling would be a nightmare. You could use two of the Boss FS5L switches and make up a "Y-cable" which effectivley changes what was your stereo jack into two mono jacks. OldGit's Matrix FSL-2 looks promising (although I can't find any detailed info about it) but it looks to be the right sort of thing. Likewise the Marshall footswitch shown also looks promising (the LEDs must be battery powered). Other than that I could post a circuit diagram (would have to be tomorrow now) showing what you'd need to do to make one but it would probably end up costing just as much as the Matrix FSL-2. Lots of options there [/quote] Thats OBBM's Matrix rather than mine ... in that he has one and recommends them. The Marshall pedal LEDs are powered by something in the amp that squirts some sort of power down the cable... I'd like to know if the Mark Bass LMK can do the same trick but I'd need to find someone who has both
  19. [quote name='Painless' post='17825' date='Jun 14 2007, 08:07 PM']Firstly I want to say thanks to everyone for their input, you've all given me plenty to ponder over. If I do purchase, it will probably be online from musiciansfriend as they seem to offer the best discount I've seen so far, unless anyone else knows better? I think I would rather go for a new unit than a used one. +1 to the point of getting out and trying some combo's in the shops, I just need to find one around here that actually knows that bass exists and devotes more than one dusty corner to it. The stores I've been to around here so far just only seem to concentrate on guitar equipment and not bass. There ought to be a word for that.... basscistism? Russ.[/quote] Ah well as you are in the US... The Peavey BAM 210 is on sale there at one of the big onlines for $599 or so. At that price it's an absolute steal ... You may have to google for a few hours to find it as some stores are still selling them for 1200 dollars but I definately saw it last week, just can't find it again ..
  20. [quote name='Muppet' post='17751' date='Jun 14 2007, 05:58 PM']It doesn't work in proper English, Old Bean. EZ is pronouced Eee Zed.... [/quote] Ah but he's in Tasmania .......
  21. [quote name='obbm' post='17487' date='Jun 14 2007, 11:35 AM']Ashdown ABM requires latching switches which connect the signalling wires to ground so there are no volts available down the cable to drive LEDs. I use one of these: Latching switches, LEDS, battery inside, Ring/tip/sleeve jack socket. Not made any more but they do come up on ebay from time to time.[/quote] Aha They have them [url="http://en.woodbrass.com/FOOT+SWITCH+CONTROLLER+MATRIX+FSL2+FOR+KEYBOARD%2C+GUITAR%2C+HOMESTUDIO?currency=GBP&products_id=21651"]here[/url] It's abroad but they ship to the Uk, About 40 Euro inc shipping
  22. Yeah thought it was not obvious. I think the Rocktron RFS-2 will do my job for me if I can find one in the UK .. [url="http://www.music123.com/Rocktron-RFS2-Rampage-Footswitch-i157116.music"]http://www.music123.com/Rocktron-RFS2-Ramp...h-i157116.music[/url]
  23. [quote name='Hamster' post='15592' date='Jun 11 2007, 02:00 PM']lol - you forgot Audiologists! - eh? - pardon?[/quote] and Chiropractors
  24. How about this? [url="http://www.behringer.com/AB200/index.cfm?lang=eng"]http://www.behringer.com/AB200/index.cfm?lang=eng[/url] I can't quite work out if it will do the switching job Dave can you translate the spec int yes or no?
  25. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='17401' date='Jun 14 2007, 10:11 AM']quite possibly although i might just go and get one of these and stick a stereo jack on it[/quote] I guess one of those with a battery to power the LEDs if needed would do it. It's already got a stereo jack ... "If you you an LED you'll need to power it. You can power the LED from a 9V battery but you'll need to find space to fit the battery. Alternatively you could power it from a 9V dc power supply if there is already one on your pedal board. In this case you'd need to fit a socket to take the power plug." in the past I've attached an external 9v battery clip to gadgets where there's not been enough room inside ..
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