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Posts posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='10539' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:57 PM']No, it's not 2/4. As I sit here listening to No Woman No Cry it is definitely 4/4 with the snare and bass drum beats together on 2 and 4. Your "Musical Director" sounds like he comes from the Billy Cotton school of music!!![/quote]

    Scarily enough he is a university music lecturer :)
    It wobbles my self confidence a bit when people like that hear things differently to me .. I knda assume they must be right ...
    Hey hang on, Snare and Bass drum on 2 and 4? Ah see now you are counting it slow 4/4 where I'd count that fast 4/4 with the bass drum on the 3 ..

    You see the problem?

  2. You know "one drop "reggae say like Bob Marley's No Woman No Cry ..

    Is that 4/4 or 2/4?

    I ask because in one outfit I play in the musical director insists on counting reggae as 1 & 2 & with the one drop drum beat on the 2, the guitar upchops on both &'s ..
    Me I think it should be 1 2 [b]3[/b] 4 with the beat on the three and the chops on 2 and 4. It's a lot easier to explain things to non-skanked up gu|t@rists that way anyhow ..

    I know it sounds the same but I just wondered how it should from a musical theory perspective ...

  3. [quote name='Linz' post='10139' date='May 31 2007, 08:10 PM']Fuuny you should say that - our guide must know half of Sri Lanka then! :)[/quote]


    Just got back from China where, on a daily basis, we were hurried through the museums of the real relics so we could dawdle through the factories making, and selling, the replicas ...
    The guides are paid by the traders for foot fall and a percentage of the sales.
    It's the same wherever you go .. It's no co-incidence that your day trips out from your package holiday always seem to stop at a pottery on the way back ...

  4. "Our guide showed us some great little 'shops' (a table outside a villagers house) where we bought local wares (carved ornaments, jewellery). "

    Yeah funny how often that happens .. and how often the guide knows the stall keeper .

  5. [quote name='Linz' post='4176' date='May 22 2007, 08:40 AM']WOW! After I posted the last one, I actually looked at the link! Its not 'artwork' its jewellery, and its great! I see a fortune beckoning after all....[/quote]

    Yeah They are great .. I love the hammered stuff.

  6. I've been using compression as a normal thing for 5 years or so.. Changing things around a bit and now my amp doesn't have it but I'm getting a BOSS GT6B floor thing with more brains than me ... and that has a cuouple of compressor things built in.

    Does anyone know if it is a good compressor in the GT6B or should I continue to try t'bay for a TE twin floor doodah?

  7. [quote name='jwbassman' post='9566' date='May 30 2007, 10:36 PM']Hi OG

    Not sure who's in charge of booking the acts - but I can make an enquiry for you if you like... my understanding is it's not the easiest place to get a gig, I think we've been trying for a couple of years now - that said we've more recently become involved with the SMJC (Southport Melodic Jazz Club) and I think this may have helped - have alook at their website... [url="http://www.jazzinsouthport.co.uk/"]here[/url]

    and I've just found you a direct link to the organisers... :) [url="http://www.southportjazz.co.uk/contact.php"]here[/url]

    Good luck...

    Cheers John,
    I'll pass that to the bloke who's supposed to do it :huh:

  8. [quote name='jwbassman' post='9543' date='May 30 2007, 10:17 PM']Bump... for a good gig at the Southport Jazz Festival at the weekend...[/quote]

    Hi John
    Got a contact at the festival who may appreciate some anarchic Welsh funky Jazz for next year?


  9. Yup That's a +1 from me too. I've had several non standard leads from Dave and normal ones too.

    Also I have some George L's from before I was saved by OBBM and they are weird thin "stiff" things. Fine for connecting wireless to head, but I'd not use one for bass to amp for stage/walking about as you can't kick them out of the way like a regular monster.

    Oh and as I've just had a lesson from OBBM on the difference bettween speaker cables and bass leads , you should not use a guitar cable to connect your speacker cab. They don't do it very well.
    You need a speaker cable.

  10. [quote name='MB1' post='9252' date='May 30 2007, 03:07 PM']MB1. :huh:

    Check out - off topic - audience depreciation-written by the wigfinder general. no amount of amp modelings gonna help you out with that one![/quote]

    Maybe he read your advice about urinating on amps and was trying an alternative way to put out "the fire"
    Good spot mate

  11. [quote name='BB2000' post='9343' date='May 30 2007, 05:21 PM']This thread has me s**ting bricks. Can someone clarify which courier (who accepts orders from non-account holders) does offers insurance that covers musical instruments?[/quote]

    Just read the Interparcel website and t&c's very thoroughly and spoke to a human and they all confirmed they do ship and insure basses ...


    We will see ....

  12. Yeah I'm going to go and have a chat with my PO lady too. I like her and my claim is going to cause her some grief, I think, but its a fair wadge to give away.
    Ref a note further up, maybe they added that clause recently and havn't told anyone - there's clearly a training shortfall on the counter as well as in the depots...

  13. [quote name='Ba55me15ter' post='9272' date='May 30 2007, 03:33 PM']There's a Phil Jones briefcase somewhere in the UK with my name on it, and there has been since last wednesday. Guess who...

    Worried of Newcastle.[/quote]

    Yeah well P-arse-lforce are so up together that the thing was back here from their claims department - with a letter saying "no claim" - before they had even registered it on their system as having arrived for their inspection ...

  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='9161' date='May 30 2007, 01:22 PM']Well, what an interesting discussion, just like the old BW days eh!

    I've recently bought a Roland Cube 100 as a stopgap having had to sell my Warwick rig for hopefully short-term space-saving reasons. I'm not a hugely experienced bass player and am still searching for 'my sound' I guess. I have a lovely Fender Precision, Fender Jazz, Modulus Flea and a Shergold Marathon, and I love them all. The Cube's modelling capabilities have allowed me to really play with the sounds in a way that having only one rig never permitted. Specifically it's really opened my eyes to the fact that the amp is an instrument as much as the guitar - there are riffs I can play well on one model which I simply cannot play on another (i.e., they sound poorly defined or weak), there are models on which the Flea might sound awesome and the Precision sh*t and vice versa (the Precision on Flip Top is to die for and the Flea and the Jazz on the Studio model likewise), there are models which sound great in a solo situation but not live and vice versa. I know I'm not really addressing the original question relating to the authenticity of the models, but certainly as an educational/instructional tool the verious models have been extremely useful, in fact I dread to think how many basses might have remained at Beedster Towers rather than being sent to the 'bay had I been able to make them sound like I expected them to sound when I bought them. In the short term, and despite having just bought a new Trace head, I'm certainly going to run this thing through the PA, giving myself as much flexibility and scope for exploring my sound as possible. Like all of us I guess, I'd really like to have one bass and one setting that works really well most of the time. I think the amp modelling I'm using will certainly speed up that process, allowing me in future to have, prior to the session or gig, a clearer idea of the characteristics of the sound I need with any one bass in any one number. The playing around with models I'm doing currently will no doubt inform my future selection of amplification.

    I read the post above about the guy with the classic Stingray sound that worked on only two of twently songs and thought "sh*t, I think that might have been me". I cannot see how anyone could argue that amp models are a bad thing any more than variation in amps and cabs is a bad thing. They're just another tool really, and like any tool, if you use it badly, to f**k up the job.

    Good discussion above though, enjoyed reading it :huh:

    Yeah but are they accurate ????? :)

    "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

  15. [quote name='mybass' post='9107' date='May 30 2007, 12:51 PM']Wow, sorry to see that damage, looks like it has been caught out by a forklift or something. Jeez, I cannot look at that photo too much! As a part time luthier, I can envisage how much pressure is needed to snap a neck with truss rod in it. Perhaps you can get a pro luthier to write a "report" on how difficult it must have been for a parcel force worker to snap the neck with their bare hands. In other words, this was done by mechanical means and then a blind eye turned on it. The worry is now sending basses off myself. Probably best to buy a cheap hard case and encase it in toughened steel and titanium! I know when sending stuff thru the PO I can insure over the "usual" amounts by paying extra. As I have yet to try parcel "Force" (!!!) to send stuff, I will surely check out all the print.[/quote]

    Ah beware, Mybass, This [i]was[/i] sent via the normal PO counter as a Post office parcel. Same limit applies - £150 max for all musical instruments regardless of what the counter clerk sells you.

    Anyway, rest assured, fellow bassers, the dear ol PO will not get away with this crime against rosewood ...

  16. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='8555' date='May 29 2007, 12:36 PM']Er... He had 'em IN STOCK. Right there. Right then. Kicking about, like. Bear in mind he has the retail side to consider plus a couple of other people to help him out.[/quote]

    Ok I've lost the plot here :)

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