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Posts posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='wizbat' post='7099' date='May 26 2007, 12:36 PM']If you want a tip for the future Try using apex couriers, they have depots around the uk and treat stuff as it was their own.
    We,ve shifted loads of gear with them and they are miles better than the numpties at at PF.[/quote]

    Hi Do you have a link to a website please?

  2. [quote name='ped' post='8060' date='May 28 2007, 01:31 PM']More top advice.[/quote]

    I think "Don't piss on amps" should go in the beginners' advice thread somewhere, just in case my dad ever takes up bass (unlikely as he's bashimg a nice white piano somewhere backing Paul Robeson, I'd imagine)

  3. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='8143' date='May 28 2007, 04:08 PM']Mike (Iceni) is already looking uncomfortable from bending over backwards to help people! I periodically pop in "on spec" and he's always had the all of my most bizarre requests to hand;

    BadAss II
    Three Solid Brass Schaller Knobs (Black)
    ONE Schaller Straplock compatible button (Silver)

    I also own one of his basses, a custom. But it wasn't made for me.
    It wasn't made for anyone, it's the Chaser prototype.[/quote]

    Well I'd say that none of those are difficult to fix as long as the client doesn't mind paying for a top skilled custom bass builder to spend his time trawling Ebay and t'internet looking for odd things rather than building basses ...
    A touch of realism is alway helpful ..

  4. [quote name='bassbloke' post='7939' date='May 28 2007, 08:20 AM']Was that before or after you were born? Just want to know how 'not fun' it might be just in case I get caught short during an evening jog through the country park nearby.[/quote]

    Oh I was there .. and my brothers .. we were all laughing for some time :)
    He said it was a very sharp experience but he walked home OK :huh:

  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='7846' date='May 27 2007, 10:01 PM']BTW, How could someone make the same post 6 times? :huh:[/quote]

    Ah well the computer froze and I must have jabbed the send button 6 times :) When it all woke up again there were 6 copies on the topic :huh:

  6. [quote name='MB1' post='7845' date='May 27 2007, 09:59 PM']MB1. :huh:

    some good advice there kiddies from your uncle old git!take heed!!!make sure you disconnect the peavey from the mains supply before urinating on it.[/quote]

    My dad once pissed on an electric cow fence ... no fun at all, I can tell you :)
    Hey MB1 you may be able to buy my BAM soon if you need a urinal alternative :huh:

    Not being funny now but can I ask what bass you play and through what rig (and what kind of music) ?

  7. Lee, Danny, where are you?
    People on here know good luthiers all over the country and will be able to recommend one

    Of you could post a "Luthier recommendation needed for [i]yourtown[/i]" post

  8. [quote name='MB1' post='7794' date='May 27 2007, 08:26 PM']MB1. :huh:

    The original question was are modeling amps accurate.i dont think they are, my opinion ,thats why i dont use them,as for using other effects i use them sparingly as i do like the sound of my bass ,i dont wish to colour its sound with effects end of story.if you dont like it ,tough,everybodys entitled to an opinion. personally i wouldnt piss on a peavey bam if it was on fire,each to there own!


    MB1 You are rather passionate about it and that's brilliant.
    I'm glad to hear you take health and safety seriously as well. Pissing on any electrical equipment, whether on fire or not, is very dangerous and is not to be encouraged.


  9. [quote name='Tinman' post='7628' date='May 27 2007, 02:06 PM']Now that is just plain mean, you guys should have sympathy for my pain. I'm suffering here you know.[/quote]

    You just enjoy the antici....................pation

  10. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='7701' date='May 27 2007, 04:52 PM']Iceni music

    are all within driving distance, But I think they'd never want to see me again once I started wanting to tweak things this way and that![/quote]

    Not if they are as good as everyone says (and you have enough money)

    Sorry if I promote my man Shuker but , hey if you find something good you want to share it with your mates ..
    That's all. There are many, many other custom bass builders who are, I'm sure, just as good ... I just don't know them personally .

  11. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='7718' date='May 27 2007, 05:48 PM']That is awesome.

    I suspect you could give marcus miller any plank and he would make it sound awesome though.

    You wonder how much all those [i]tiny[/i] tweaks made a difference. I suspect in all a little but not a HUGE amount.


    Yeah but if Fender asked what you wanted, like anything, you'd have a fiddle with all that stuff and try the wierd and different, wouldn't you?

  12. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='7574' date='May 27 2007, 12:35 PM']Fascinating how much work goes into it and how many combinations and permutations of design and materials exist.
    A good find. Thanks for sharing it!

    All I need now is for a manufacturer/luthier to take this much care over creating an instrument just for ME!

    "No! I want the bridge made from Brass and the saddles from Titanium. and I want it anodised in purple by 1,000 hand-picked virgins!"

    "Jeeves! I want more balsamic vinegar in my Velociraptor and Marmite sandwich!"[/quote]

    Jon Shuker will do all of that, no worries :) - though there's few Velociraptors in Yourshire, not since Dood demanded their claws for the Doodle's fingerboard markers ...

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