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[quote name='mr_russ' post='14208' date='Jun 8 2007, 02:25 PM']Nice one cheers ;D I'm seriously considering asking him to build this bass for me- It's basically going to be a sunburst marcus miller 5 with a few refinements and customisations[/quote] Well the sunburst looks even better in real life I'm afraid I go all Harmony Central Review about Jon cos he did such a brilliant job on my Bass and Doods Doodle 7 string and Rich's Jazz V These are the three I've had personal experience of and the standard of workmanship is just exemplary Other Luthiers are available - just to stop the fans of the others jumping on me again. Talk to JHFerret about his GB's Anyway Jon's a fab guy as well and will bend over backwards to make the bass you want and exactly how you want it. I made him go through some pretty tough hoops but he stuck with it and put up with me and we are still mates. I'd say that was a very importnt part of it 'cos it's a very long process and if you didn't get on it could be quite a fraught experience ... Anyway, the best thing is to go and see him and The Wood Store (Ask tinman, he's just got back Where are you located? OG
Don't post your bass via Parcelforce/RoyalMail
OldGit replied to OldGit's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Shaggy' post='14078' date='Jun 8 2007, 11:13 AM']Can only speak from my own experience, but when I bought my Listerud 7-string from a fellow BWorlder last Xmas shipped from Norway, TNT wanted £300 and wouldn't insure instruments, the Post Office wanted £40 and insured up to £1000. So went with the PO - bass arrived safe and sound woithout even a dent in the cardboard outer box, but bizarrely with a bust top string. Also could track the package the whole way via the Norwegian PO and then Parcelforce web-sites. Haven't stressed so much waiting for it to arrive since the last time the wife was in labour though![/quote] Ah yes .. had it got broken though you may have found that the apparent £1000 insurance cover was actually £150, just as I did ... unless that was the Norwegian Post Offices insurance policy .. I expect my argument with Parcelforce will be further delayed by industrial action now ... -
[quote name='mr_russ' post='13770' date='Jun 7 2007, 07:44 PM']Hi - I'm thinking about having a traditional looking 5 string jazz built by John- would you be able to take a big straight on photo of the headstock for me? cheers ;D r[/quote] Hum got one here somewhere ... meanwhile here's the whole thing Ah here it is
[quote name='ashevans09' post='13302' date='Jun 6 2007, 09:13 PM']I'll be honest when I read the title I was thinking of that "Spinal Tap" moment at the army base...I'm now slightly disappointed Yeah I'd just say try throwing some tin foil on it...[/quote] Yeah that did dull the effect a bit, as does me crouching down in front of the amp (maybe that's what the modern amps expect... ) Rotating the head on the top of the cab makes it much worse .. and No reply from Mark Bass yet ... I tred my wireless syetm and it's fine so I'm not really worrying about it.
[quote name='ShaunB' post='13098' date='Jun 6 2007, 04:06 PM']OK - time for me to help out! This requires reading Chapter 9 from the end rather than the beginning... (seriously!) If you have the same manual as me you need to read page 61, Setting the Timing Used for Switching Patches (Patch Change Mode) - this will tell you how to change the Parameter from "SYS:Patch Select" (rather than "Patch Change" they have in the damn book): "UP/DOWN" to "BANK/NUMBER" (roatry dial) - this'll allow you to select Banks and numbers rather than Patches... The actual method is in the previous section "Switching the Bank and Number" - but doesn't tell ya how to do it!!! *phew* ...and now to SOS...[/quote] Ha fun I love that when they don't use the same term on the machine and the manual ...
[quote name='ShaunB' post='12821' date='Jun 6 2007, 07:38 AM']Hey MB1, how goes? Thanks to OG there is light at the end of the tunnel - used the box last night and all is now well. Got the basic effects I need in one package (although I have to say a somewhat over-complex package for my small brain). OG... I think the "on" button is the one on the back, but I can't get it to slide - any luck? [/quote] Use a bigger hammer ... Found out how to go up a bank at a time rather than a patch at a time with the up-down pedals? Foxing me ...
Not unrelated.... and funny 2001 Frestyle Spam poetry Winner: I Answered All My Spam by Alex Silbajoris, Columbus, Ohio I never know what I might find, on any day I go online. I used to get in quite a huff, while wading through unwanted stuff. But then I changed the man I am, the day I answered all my spam. Now every time I check my box, I load up on fantastic stocks. I'll gladly say I felt no loss, when, with a smile, I fired my boss. With just one click, the best thing yet, I freed myself of all my debt. I have, paying a few small fees, ten university degrees. Now that I'm losing all this weight, I'm sure, someday, I'll get a date. Instead of going to a show, I spy on everyone I know. (That's easy, since I have in hand, this nifty wireless video cam.) I spend my evenings viewing screens, of barely legal horny teens. And with a little credit charge, Whoopee! My penis was enlarged! Meanwhile these shots of Britney Spears should be enough to last for years. And so I lead this online life, my monitor is now my wife. It has become my greatest dream, to launch my own get-rich-quick scheme. And if you think you might get missed, relax, you're on my e-mail list.
[quote name='MB1' post='12768' date='Jun 5 2007, 11:44 PM']MB1. Shame you werent about when i had mine........................that was an expensive stage tuner.............................with chorus!.must admit........... miss the nice double chorus............. accurate tuner ..................really wicked lightshow........................................ when in tune.....................hey jimmy gimme the gimmix!.....................................what do you reckon to the amp modeling? MB1.[/quote] Ask us in a few months, we've only just foun the on button
[quote name='ShaunB' post='12552' date='Jun 5 2007, 03:27 PM']Like you, I just happened upon it adding some flanger accidently hitting *doh* - now what button was that...? :-)[/quote] It's a challenge
[quote name='ShaunB' post='12525' date='Jun 5 2007, 02:35 PM']OG! You da man! ...I have reset the to the factory presets and all has become way easier... Followed your instructions and set the Bare Bass (removed all the presets), copied the patch to my UL1 and voilá! I can now add any of the pedals live as a base set. *phew* ...adding patches up from there now. OK - first to sort the SOS... cheers Shaun[/quote] hey cool let me know about that SOS OG
[quote name='ShaunB' post='12482' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:49 PM']Any ideas how to make the SOS work? I've been trying to access the FX Select (page 27 of the manual) which keeps taking me to page 55 which says go to page 27... *ahem* I crave the simple life. Maybe the pedal aint for me.[/quote] ha ha it's fairly simple once you gethe gist I think .. SOS er not got there yet but I did find I was recording accidentally during the initial play about so it is possible
[quote name='BOD2' post='12471' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:40 PM']One last tip. Try to keep the patches that you will use live "close together" so that it's easy to go from one to another with the minimum of foot tapping.[/quote] Yup that was what I was trying to say with the "centre, left 4, right 4", thing in my post [quote name='BOD2' post='12471' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:40 PM']And don't worry about overwriting the original patches. They're usually crap and unusable but there will almost certainly be a "reset" procedure to restore the factory presets and patches should you ever need to do this.[/quote] yeah on the GT6B you can reset the whole lot to the factory settings or just choose to reset one patch position
[quote name='ShaunB' post='9259' date='May 30 2007, 03:14 PM']Hi guys, any GT6B experts out there? I am having trouble using the very basic effects, say, just Compression, Chorus or O/D or Phaser, but for the life of me and scanning through the manual can't find how to bypass the pre-set effects which adjust different combinations of 2 or more effects, alot of the time with different pre-amp settings which I don't use/need. A simple fellow who wants a simple life... I thought getting rid of 4 pedals for one plug'nplay board would be the way to go - but I don't need my bass to sound like a chainsaw in need of a body... Any help gratefully received. [/quote] OK what you do is this: Find a basic sound you like (around P3/1 I think they are) Then take out or add in the settings you want, say compressor. Then save that to a user patch position, say U3/1 (it overwrites what was there so make sure you are cool with that) Then take what you have loaded into U3/1, add or subtract what you want, say add flanger, and save it to another user patch position, say U3/2 so switching between U3/1 and U3/2 will add a flanger effect to what you had before. Repeat as necessary. Haven't looked at just having compression and nowt else. I am sure you can do that though, if only by removing everything else from the patch.
OK It arrived .. My proposed method is this: - Reset to factory settings - look through the patch list in the back of the manual for stuff that sounds like the sort of thing you are looking to use. - try all the P presets but also have a look at the ones they have loaded into the U and u banks as well cos some of them are cool. - select the ones you will use (in my case that's two sets, one set for each band) - copy them to the patch addresses you want them to be at eg U4/1 U4/2 U4/3 and U3/4 U3/3 U3/2 - make a table of what you are doing... so in my case I'll centre my sounds for band 1 on U4/1 so in there I'll have my basic tone - SVT 8x10 + Compressor .. I got that from modifying the standard setting at er P3/2 is it? (manual not to hand) and by changing the various settings til I git the sound I wanted then saving it to U4/1. - then to the left (ie move to there by hitting the left patch pedal) I'll have my 4 normal settings - same as one but add flanger, and a couple of others. Then to the right of U4/1 I'll have the wilder stuff like the big wah etc. So I end up with a gigging sound set centred on U4/1.. Left 4 and right 4 from there gives me just about all I'll need for that band. Then I'll do the same thing for the other band centered on u4/1 The pedals at the front allow you to turn things like chorus, reverb, fuzz, on and off within that setting "live" as it were so you can take or add in fuzz or chorus as a temporary measure that doesn't stick on the setting oh and teh all important "bypass" pedal that takes teh whole big red thing out of the sound entirely So in the end I don't have to go very far from "default" to get the stuff I need for those gigs. Then if I think up something else to use I can add it one more click to the left or right. That should get you started .. Just don't ask me how to add in or remove the synth arpeggio things that shift it up a tone (weird or what?)
[quote name='chris_b' post='12261' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:37 AM']Play them the record![/quote] Ok I think we've nailed this ... Thanks
[quote name='Sibob' post='12242' date='Jun 5 2007, 12:32 AM']Why doesn't the guitarist know Has he not ears? :-D Si[/quote] Ah well it's more complicated than that. It's a community jazz outfit with an "open door, all comers" approach They are not learning by ear but from a score where their part is not written out .. They are largely expeccted to "know" what to do or be guided by older hands (some of which are 20 years younger than they are ) and they all take what the MD says as gospel ... The guitarists (and it's not just guitarists who are expected to play the skank in this stuff) are either beginners or moonlighting on guitar when they are really tenor horn players escaped from a brass band... or somesuch ... So it's not your normal "take this track and learn it" situation ...
[quote name='Sibob' post='12098' date='Jun 4 2007, 09:50 PM']To be honest, i think that counting things is something that well get debated for years to come. As long as the tune your doing sounds good and feels good............it is good! . And based on my very limited knowledge of reggae (i like it but never studied it), if i was trying to explain the basics to a guitarist, i'd just say "play the chops on the upbeat", simple as. Si[/quote] Yup and back we come to the problem ... When is the up beat? I know but the guitarist doesn't .....
Heads up for anyone in the studio end of things [url="http://www.idyllopuspress.com/meanwhile/?p=375"]http://www.idyllopuspress.com/meanwhile/?p=375[/url] "Tommy" trieds to book your studio between African tours and then trys to get your money. Pass it onOG
[quote name='The Funk' post='12019' date='Jun 4 2007, 07:34 PM']I think it can affect the feel of the music. I think that's why people sometimes get quite heated about how to count something.[/quote] I had a look through youtoob for drum lessons on reggae and none of them count the bits in, drummers etc? I'll have to get some sheet music for jammin the Exodus album or something and see what the transcriber's said ..:0 To be honest it doesn't really matter I just wondered
[quote name='paul, the' post='11996' date='Jun 4 2007, 07:10 PM']Excellent, nice find. Wish I still had my 62 ri.[/quote] Wish I still had my 62 .... and that slim frame ... Still got hair, thank gawd
[quote name='alexclaber' post='11720' date='Jun 4 2007, 10:45 AM']4/4 with kick on 3 and skank on 2 and 4. Counting it in half time with kick on 2 and 4 makes it much harder to feel the bubbling forward motion. It sounds like your musical director is treating it too much like a polka! Alex[/quote] Yeah well I think he lack skank in his soul ... more of a jazz man ..
[quote name='JPJ' post='11694' date='Jun 4 2007, 09:41 AM']I got mine of a guy in the US on eBay. Mine is the old equal sized cases with the uneven coils so that the top half covers the B,E & A and the bottom half the D&G.[/quote] OK .. I saw a numnbr of those but I like the quirkyness of the odd sized "pair"
[quote name='chardbass' post='11652' date='Jun 4 2007, 01:42 AM']A cool tip that's worth trying is to count slow ballads in double time (or feel the 8th note pulse) and up tempo tunes in half time (or feel the half note pulse)- it can stop you slowing or speeding up respectively.[/quote] Thanks Actually playing it is not the problem. The problem I have is explaining to gu|t@rists where to put the skank chop. I'd say "2 and 4", but the MD (who I dare not contradict for fear of loosing my solos...) says "& and &" and the strummers look blank and then get lost Well I was watching the Exodus 30 year Horizon programme last night on the BBC and I still think its 4/4 with the one drop on the 3 and the skank on 2 and 4 ..
These are fun: More [url="http://www.playthebass.com/DesktopBass/DesktopBass.html#BassArt"]Here[/url]
Hiyah Loadsa work eh? So what Bart P Pup will you have? Will it be equal sided or lop-sided like mine?