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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='lushuk' post='11282' date='Jun 3 2007, 04:22 AM']Hi just brought Si's Fender lyte as described, promised etc no sign of the trousers in the packing though! Top man many thanks! Eddy[/quote] Hey You should have said you wanted them! I'm sure we could have come to an arragement Thanks Eddy
  2. Well I sent the P Lyte off with Interparcel and it turned up safe and well and fast ... That will be my choice for sub £1000 stuff from now on anyway ..
  3. [quote name='Vasquez Rich' post='11150' date='Jun 2 2007, 08:04 PM']I did think of doing that... but it'd be too much arsing about.. I don't think anyone would be that interested.[/quote] Aw gwaaaan, You know you want to Maybe Oxfam could open a special website for re-cycled bass strings like their book shops ,,#Whaddaya think?
  4. OldGit


    [quote name='ShaunB' post='11019' date='Jun 2 2007, 02:04 PM']...aha! Good thread that second one - funny how someone asked the same question... "how do ya just use the simple effects?" and there's a fairly simple answer, which I will try next time I have a free couple of hours... ;-) I think the lack of kids is really hindering me... I should have had one simply to explain the techy side of things and the willingness (and ability) to RTFM! But struggle on with it I will as there haven't been any bites at my attempt to sell it. If I have a breaktrhough I will pass it on (for good or bad)[/quote] They sell on Ebay for about 175
  5. [quote name='Vasquez Rich' post='11096' date='Jun 2 2007, 05:11 PM']Where I used to work (I'm a metallurgist..no don't ask) we had a large ultrasonic cleaning tank thing. Fill it up with meths and dump the strings in it for half an hour... almost good as new, in fact I don't like brand new strings (a little too bright) so I used to clean and reuse strings a lot. Left there now so can't do it anymore. Richard VASQUEZ[/quote] Sounds like a business opportunity .. Got a shed?
  6. [quote name='Tanc' post='11008' date='Jun 2 2007, 01:30 PM']The point I am trying to make is the DOUBLE STANDARDS bull sh*t that goes on in this forum. If I made a racist comment, or a rude comment about any of the mods, then I would get a warning as per the terms and conditions of the forum which includes sexism. A guy writes that he likes the way a breast hangs over a bass, which is sooo sexist that it's not funny, no one does anything. This is double standards. THIS IS WRONG!!! The WAY it [u]should[/u] of been dealt with, is the person in question should of received a warning and the thread should of been removed, or blocked. I should of received a pm from a mod or from the person in question apologising for the behaviour.[/quote] Yup I'd expect to happen too. Self regulation only goes so far and I for one am in favour of a little parental control now and then to avoid this forum falling to teh depths of some others.
  7. [quote name='Gazm' post='10980' date='Jun 2 2007, 11:54 AM']I'd say it was faulty. If they all do this they would have failed the EMC testing part of the CE marking. Pete.[/quote] ha ha yeah well I called the shop and they guy told me it's normal for some amps to pick up strong radio tramsmissions some time "No" I said, "it's not receiving. It's [i]transmitting[/i]" at which point he got all excited and rushed round with his FM portable and found out that all the MB amps he had in the shop do it .... So I'm going to email Marco and ask him directly - hey why not. I tried the double layer of cooking foil (on the amp, not my head) and it did reduce the interference a little so I think we have identified the problem .. Thanks
  8. OldGit


    [quote name='ShaunB' post='10932' date='Jun 2 2007, 10:05 AM']Hi OG, ...thanks for the pdf - I'll take a gander. From my readings (at least 10 times through the manual now - very un-manly!) I think I need to create my own patches which are simply just Chorus, or Phaser etc. But then if you want the auto-wah you have to click the pre-set patch pedals and hunt up and down - it really must be easier... Self-help group? Count me in! (is there tea and biscuits?) ...it all started when the guitarists said, "so, who's gonna play bass?" doctor... Let me know when you get the box... it is a sturdy, but rather expensive tuner...[/quote] ha ha yeah "I helped myself to some self help ...... I'm still diggin' on James Brown" Hum Ok may have to ask my scientifically minded wife to help me out , or my son. he's 9, he should be able to sort it More - mixed - opinions here on TB [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4247215"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4247215[/url] [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=334460"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=334460[/url] Loks liek "RTFM" is teh first bit but what's this about Roland not allowing a printable download of the book? Hum
  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='10909' date='Jun 2 2007, 09:07 AM']Blimey, if thats what he does for mind reading, I shudder at the thought of how he stops their anal probes.[/quote] Why would he want to stop them?
  10. [quote name='DrGonzo' post='10862' date='Jun 2 2007, 01:01 AM']Weirdness! Maybe just slap some tin foil on top of the amp?[/quote] Do I still need to do that if I'm wearing my Anti-Alien mind reading hat?
  11. Ok Tried a few things .. Same power source, moved the amp 12 feet from the radio, still some interference (its just the radio, not on CD) Different mains spur, no change Tried a portable FM radio right on top of the amp and got thw same thing. When turning the amp off I can hear the power draining out through the radio fizzzz as the lights fade away (capacitor drain I guess) So yeah EM interference is my guess too .. So part two: Working as designed or back to the shop? I guess I'd better try my wireless to see if that is affected as Iintended it to sit next to the head.
  12. [quote name='Tanc' post='10531' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:51 PM']If you have an issue of my freedom of speech then that is your problem. I can see that it was a HUGE mistake to join this forum.[/quote] Wow Tanc, don't tar us all with the same brush. and don't leave the Forum 'cos of the remarks in this thread OK? OG
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='10725' date='Jun 1 2007, 07:24 PM']Can you describe the interference a little more? Is it hum or crackle?[/quote] It's radio interference - ie the station hisses when I turn the amp's power on and stops when I turn it off. I am reminded of when the air is really, really cold and the FM and telly signals weaken .. Perhaps this is one of the fabled MB LMK "Black Hole" prototypes and it's sucking all into its inner depths .... Oh sorry, They film Dr Who around here you know ..... I'll try plugging the power lead into a different spur of the house ring main.
  14. OldGit


    [quote name='ShaunB' post='9259' date='May 30 2007, 03:14 PM']Hi guys, any GT6B experts out there? I am having trouble using the very basic effects, say, just Compression, Chorus or O/D or Phaser, but for the life of me and scanning through the manual can't find how to bypass the pre-set effects which adjust different combinations of 2 or more effects, alot of the time with different pre-amp settings which I don't use/need. A simple fellow who wants a simple life... I thought getting rid of 4 pedals for one plug'nplay board would be the way to go - but I don't need my bass to sound like a chainsaw in need of a body... Any help gratefully received. [/quote] Hi Shaun I've got one of these on its way and it looks really complex (help!) However I found this "TurboStart" PDF document that seems to be a kind of short cut list. I can't vouch for how useful it is as I don't have one to try it on yet [url="http://cachepe.zzounds.com/media/GT6Bts-622157afdbe12f8e00ee36a7bf9f0242.pdf"]GT-6B TurboStart Document PDF[/url] Let me know how you get on? PM? We can form a self-help group
  15. My sparkling new Mark Bass LMK is causing interference on the dining room Midi Stereo unit on FM radio .. Seems strange .. It's plugged into the same power socket but a good 4 feet away from the FM wire ariel .. Does that sound normal or do I need to talk to the shop it came from. I'd rather resolve this before I gig it .. Any thoughts? OG
  16. pretty neat jobs too [url="http://www.3dentourage.com/425/425.htm"]Ric 5 string conversions[/url]
  17. [quote name='chris_b' post='10661' date='Jun 1 2007, 05:34 PM']You have to count slow to get the groove.[/quote] Ah no, You have to [b]play[/b] slow to get the groove .. :0
  18. That omnipresent Jon Shuker has some ready made "stock" basses for around that price.. Have a look through the galleries on his website. You get to change pups and electrics and things to suit your taste too .. [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/"]Jon Shuker Basses Web Site[/url]
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='10539' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:57 PM']No, it's not 2/4. As I sit here listening to No Woman No Cry it is definitely 4/4 with the snare and bass drum beats together on 2 and 4. Your "Musical Director" sounds like he comes from the Billy Cotton school of music!!![/quote] Scarily enough he is a university music lecturer It wobbles my self confidence a bit when people like that hear things differently to me .. I knda assume they must be right ... Hey hang on, Snare and Bass drum on 2 and 4? Ah see now you are counting it slow 4/4 where I'd count that fast 4/4 with the bass drum on the 3 .. You see the problem?
  20. You know "one drop "reggae say like Bob Marley's No Woman No Cry .. Is that 4/4 or 2/4? I ask because in one outfit I play in the musical director insists on counting reggae as 1 & 2 & with the one drop drum beat on the 2, the guitar upchops on both &'s .. Me I think it should be 1 2 [b]3[/b] 4 with the beat on the three and the chops on 2 and 4. It's a lot easier to explain things to non-skanked up gu|t@rists that way anyhow .. I know it sounds the same but I just wondered how it should from a musical theory perspective ... Ta OG
  21. [quote name='Tinman' post='7619' date='May 27 2007, 01:47 PM']I know, it's driving me mad already. Hopefull Jon will get plenty of pics to me at appropriate times so that i can keep this thread up to date.[/quote] I recommend a good regular nagging or that probably won't happen
  22. [quote name='wmsheep' post='10296' date='May 31 2007, 11:38 PM']Be easier to knit a suit of chain mail for thos tough gigs!![/quote] Chicken wire???
  23. [quote name='BB2000' post='10232' date='May 31 2007, 10:21 PM']One plus point with parcelforce is that it is either parcelforce or the royal mail who handle your pacel from collection until delivery.[/quote] And thats a plus point because...?
  24. [quote name='Linz' post='10139' date='May 31 2007, 08:10 PM']Fuuny you should say that - our guide must know half of Sri Lanka then! [/quote] Yup Just got back from China where, on a daily basis, we were hurried through the museums of the real relics so we could dawdle through the factories making, and selling, the replicas ... The guides are paid by the traders for foot fall and a percentage of the sales. It's the same wherever you go .. It's no co-incidence that your day trips out from your package holiday always seem to stop at a pottery on the way back ...
  25. "Our guide showed us some great little 'shops' (a table outside a villagers house) where we bought local wares (carved ornaments, jewellery). " Yeah funny how often that happens .. and how often the guide knows the stall keeper .
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