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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='MIJ-VI' post='895166' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:31 PM']cords,[/quote] You sure? Is corduroy back in fashion with you young people then?
  2. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='895095' date='Jul 14 2010, 09:12 PM']Relax & have fun - may sound odd but it's a damn good start. Try & get on with them as it's more than just the music. Also be guided by what they say. They may want less flash... but go with the flow. Oh & good luck![/quote] +1 It's more important that you get on OK and do an OK job on the tunes rather than nail their tunes spot on first time, especially as you've not heard them before.. and.... Standard advice for people doing auditions #1 : remember you are auditioning them as well. They have to be good enough/nice enough for you to want to join. They will be a bit nervous too Good luck!
  3. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='895009' date='Jul 14 2010, 07:54 PM']Thanks for all the info everyone. What sort of P bass is it? Does it have a specific name?[/quote] Yeah its a PB-551, usually known as [s]"That 80's Japanese one with no scratchplate and a same coloured headstock"[/s] Malcolm I don't think that was the catalogue name though Burrito was looking to sell one for a mate back in Nov 09 for £400. You could check with him to see what his mate got (sold elsewhere) Marky-L had one then too.
  4. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='785268' date='Mar 24 2010, 11:33 PM']A Japanese PB-70...these are littered around the jap websites, Same time as the fretless 70's Precision reissue - which, i need. Bonkers - meant to be a P-Neck profile though. I like it, a lot.[/quote] Oh not seen a PB70 with blocks before. Interesting
  5. Just for completness this is a PB-551 Edit .. Just noticed that Chris pointed this out back when the thread was current. Doh!
  6. OK I was right (phew) that's one of the odd Japanese Precision specials (NB not a "Precision Special") with no scratchplate. I seem to remember they have a narrow jazz style neck. maybe a 38mm nut? I think they are quite light too. What does it weigh? As had been said they have a good reputation and I've seen a few sell for around the £400 mark in good nick. You may be lucky and get £450 but I'd agree that it may sit around for some time at £500... It will depend on the right person coming along, though, as these are a bit "non traditional" for a lot of P players.
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' post='894894' date='Jul 14 2010, 05:55 PM']I'm in no position to be buying new basses right now! [/quote] Oh these would be used basses so that's OK
  8. +1 Grea price. I suspect that won't be there long. Looks identical to the £1k one linked above but I'd still make absolutely sure it's not a Squire VMJ with a knob change and decal swap and where's the orginal bridge? Edit.. The VMJ doesn't have a bullet trusrod end so I guess it's not.
  9. Last day of this fine offer. Grab it [url="http://www.hatsandcaps.co.uk/Elope-March-Hare-Ears-P190234/"]Rabbit[/url]
  10. [quote name='Huwberry' post='894930' date='Jul 14 2010, 06:37 PM']Haha yeah I saw that earlier. Good stuff, and kudos to whoever organised the Basschat discount. Hats are a funny one for me. If I find a hat that I don't think makes me look like a prick, then I'll inevitably wear it so much that everyone thinks I looks like a prick.[/quote] Ha ha thanks.. That was me (polishes nails)
  11. Good call, Call. Mark is really skilled at helping people find what they want and his place is just brilliant. The Yamaha BB2024X is stunning too Congratulations and I wish you a long and happy relationship with your non precision PS Yeah I'm so taken with my PJ arrangement on my Wood and Tronics that I'm thinking of having Jon add a J pickup to my Shuker P5....
  12. [quote name='budget bassist' post='894878' date='Jul 14 2010, 05:24 PM']I don't claim to be an expert on fender prices [/quote] Hence my offer
  13. [quote name='Huwberry' post='894843' date='Jul 14 2010, 04:38 PM']Image wise, I've been making more of a conscious effort lately. Bear in mind, I works with what I gots (receding hairline ). I don't think I'd look out of place in a touring backing band, for example. For business card purposes I'll most likely use photos from a recent photo shoot with my function band, which itself is going for the corporate dollar with a co-ordinated image. We're all going for the sharp suits look, skinny tie etc. Perhaps it's a bit too 'function' for my own purposes (would it be worth getting a few 'casual' photos done?), but it's better than the 'catering staff' look (all black) we were rocking up until a few months back.[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=94329&view=findpost&p=888822"]Get a hat[/url] .. These people make great looking business cards (and the rest) Sale on now too. [url="http://www.goodprint.co.uk/?dm_i=WZ,6Z3G,1RZC1G,H9S6,1"]http://www.goodprint.co.uk/?dm_i=WZ,6Z3G,1RZC1G,H9S6,1[/url]
  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='894846' date='Jul 14 2010, 04:39 PM']I say much lower for the Precision, probably no more than £500 depending on condition/modifications. However the 80s is a tricky period (when you have highly valued Squier JVs etc) and I am not at all sure. OldGit is the expert on Japanese Precisions and I'm sure he'll be on shortly[/quote] Nice of you to say so Clarky. My specialist subject is the re-issues, really. Like I say the pics will tell...
  15. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='894837' date='Jul 14 2010, 04:32 PM']First-Mid 80's Fender Precision Bass. Black. Rosewood fingerboard, black head and tuners. Mid '80's. Japan. Three very,very small damaged areas. Needs new strings. With hard rectangular case.[/quote] Depends .. I'll await the pics but I think BudgetBassist may be a tad ambitious on that price (unless you are buying BB, in which case I may be able to get you a few ) The black headstock and tuners smacks of the P specials unless it's a Lyte. Either way those generally go for under £500. The only early 80's Fenders over £500 I've seen are JV serial number ones and they don't have black headstocks and tuners, IME. Good pictures will help, also the start of the serial number
  16. Tell us what they are and we'll advise you. There are some experts on most types on here.
  17. 1 Talk to CrazyKiwi .. You may be going somewhere near him 2 Take cash, buy bass. 3 Sell bass, bring back cash
  18. Assuming you are Male/Female [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=94884&view=findpost&p=893447"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=893447[/url]
  19. Oh yes. It's fantastic.
  20. I've never seen machine heads with Fender stamped on the winders before ... Wonder what they are from ...
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='893971' date='Jul 13 2010, 05:42 PM']Ó þú talar þýsku? Fantasti! Við getum spjallað í burtu um gítar bassa ... og handtöskur[/quote] "Oh you speak German! Fantastic!. Let's get together and discus basses ... and handbags"
  22. [quote name='parker_muse' post='894014' date='Jul 13 2010, 06:19 PM']No-one compares me to alan carr and lives to tell the tale.[/quote] Ha ha Sorry PM
  23. Ok well it's not entirely true as Mrs OldGit snared me at a gig. However it's a lot more complicated than that as I was playing saxophone with my bro in law's band and he's the bass player. She was already living with him, and my sister, and she'd known me for years and it was a setup by a mutual friend... But other than that, nope....
  24. [quote name='parker_muse' post='893906' date='Jul 13 2010, 04:43 PM']Die.[/quote] Ó þú talar þýsku? Fantasti! Við getum spjallað í burtu um gítar bassa og handtöskur
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' post='893804' date='Jul 13 2010, 03:08 PM']clcheapshoes520 is a spammer and needs to be deleted.[/quote] Well I did wonder...
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