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Silent Fly

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Everything posted by Silent Fly

  1. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1335732694' post='1635247'] These are great on bass...would definitely use it if you could vary the dry mix (or turn off the dry signal)... wouldn't fancy quickly modding it before sending it out, would you? [/quote] Modding the Freeze is not as easy as it looks. It is digital and SMD. It might sound a little bit of a silly answer but... instead of turning off the dry signal, couldn’t just stop playing or turn down the bass volume? If you need more info or advice/ideas on how to use it please feel free to send me an [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/images/contact.gif"]email[/url].
  2. [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/freeze"]Electro Harmonix Freeze[/url] In excellent conditions. With original packaging, instructions [u]and UK power supply[/u]. [b]SOLD[/b]
  3. [b]MXR Stereo Chorus (M-134)[/b]. The Holy Grail of the analogue stereo chorus. Button for bass frequency bypass. 2 Band EQ for extra tone shaping. - Original MXR packaging with US power supply - UK power supply (Maplin) included - In very good conditions, perfectly working, only bedroom use. SOLD [b]Richard Bona[/b] pedalboard with MXR Stereo Chorus
  4. TC Electronic Polytune in [u]as new[/u] conditions. The display is with the protective plastic still on and the original velcro is in the box. SOLD
  5. Free bump for a very cool bass.
  6. I tried the MXR M80 and I think it is very nice pedal. I really liked it. The only thing that I find a little bit odd is it is name. I don't see it as a DI. I think it is more an EQ/Distortion pedal with a DI output. My opinion is obviously biased but if I needed a DI for recording or live usage I am not sure I would use a M80.
  7. The last pedal of the batch has been sold.
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1328617615' post='1529982'] (...) Max: I think you've received more queries than usual for two particular reasons: a. Unique product b. There's no way of currently heading down the local shop to try one out [/quote] I think you hit the nail on the head.
  9. I forgot... with this batch I also made a micro-Thumpinator black edition Gone.
  10. I read with interest some of the posts and I would like post some general comments about them. We are of course entitled to have our own opinion and each one of them have my respect but I would like offer my personal viewpoint on some of them. /// Technical details As any other company operating in the technology market, [sfx] is ready to make public a certain amount of information and keep undisclosed other information. Each company draws a line somewhere. On one side public technical details, on the other confidential information. Inevitably, this line makes someone unhappy. There is always someone that would like to know something more. I am genuinely sorry about it but it is a decision a business has to take. As I don’t want to sound too difficult, if you really want to know more about the micro-Thumpinator please send me an email (not a PM please) where you state that you are ready to keep the information I give you confidential and that you will be ready to face the legal consequences of breaking the agreement. I’ll answer to your questions (within reason). Just for the sake of it, I re-read all the technical information I posted in this thread. I have more experience in electronics than the average person but I can assure you that, if you wanted to do it, you have enough details to build your own version of the micro-Thumpinator. You may not end you with 100% exactly the same circuit but from the functional viewpoint it would be the same. /// 4 vs 5 string The micro-Thumpinator works well with 4 or 5 string bass. If you play only 4 string bass you do not need a different version. [sfx] has no plans for a 4 string version. A lot of my customers are 4 strings players and they are happy with the standard micro-Thumpinator I play 4 and 5 string bass and I use the same micro-Thumpinator. As a Custom Shop project I can design/build a micro-Thumpinator tuned on any frequency/instrument (e.g. cello). Although strictly speaking it is not necessary, I can make a 4 string bass version on request. /// Take it or leave it In all purchases there is a point in time where, after all the questions, discussions and comments it is necessary to take a decision: I’ll buy it or not. In this [sfx] is not different from any other company. We can ask the butcher the age of the cow, where it lived, what its diet was and when and how it was killed. He can tell you that all his customers are happy with the meat of that specific cow and that he had a stake from the very same cow for lunch and that he really liked it. No matter how many questions you ask, there is a question the butcher cannot answer: whether *you* will like it or not. Having said that, “take it or leave it” is not accurate. According to the [sfx] terms and conditions you can order a product, try it for a few days and return it back if you are not happy with it. Although I would be interested to know why you return an item, the policy is “no question asked”. In other words, a more accurate description is: “take it, try it, keep it or return it”. So far, no one returned a micro-Thumpinator.
  11. A quick note to let you know that the batch is ready. Unfortunately, there are only a few left. If you are interested in buying one, I suggest you move quickly.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1328556472' post='1529086'] Just to be quite clear, does that mean it can't be used with 4-string basses? Would a Custom Shop 4-string version be much more expensive? [/quote] It can be used on 4, 5 or 6 string bass. In other words on any “normal/standard” bass guitar. If someone uses a specific tuning (e.g. low-F# below the low- B) s/he may need a specially tuned version. On request as a Custom Shop project, I can build a version that is fine-tuned on 4 string bass. A 4 string version would cut everything below the low-E. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1328557017' post='1529102'] I think it can be used with 4 strings, but the frequency cut off is low enough for lowB, so lower than a 4 string can go, but should still cut off lots of the sub-bass inaudible stuff though. (...)[/quote] 100% correct. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1328557894' post='1529124'] Thanks for this... Where's Max? We need a Thumpinator with a variable 4-5-6 string switch! :lol: ;) [/quote] A 5-6 string switch wouldn’t be very helpful :) I thought about a version with a 4-5 string switch but the circuit is quite complex and I haven’t managed to find a way to switch all the parts that need to be changed. In practice, the only way to do it to have 2 Thumpinators tuned on 4 and 5 strings and a switch to select between them.
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328555998' post='1529073'] Um, have I missed something? [b]A 4-String version?[/b] I only play four string basses, is it designed more for ERBs then?[/quote] The micro-Thumpianator is designed for 5 (or 6) string bass. A 4 string version doesn't exist. I can design and build 4 string version as a Custom Shop on request.
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328532363' post='1528501'] (...) However to make a more positive suggestion for sfx, if you ever decided to produce circuit variants, say perhaps a 4-string version or even a 'small cab' version with a filter tuned deliberately higher to match modern 'micro' rigs where every watt and mm of excursion counts, then I would definitely be interested.[/quote] I can build a Custom Shop version tuned to any frequency. It is not a problem. So far nobody asked for a 4 string version but I can’t see why it can’t be done. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328532363' post='1528501'] (...) I appreciate you taking the time to address my questions even if you won't release any specifications, no offence taken and I hope likewise! Since you answered my questions on construction methods I have no doubts about the quality of the products [/quote] The same here: no offence taken. It has been a pleasure. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1328533483' post='1528533'] Max, I insist you take time off and spend it with your family! Life is short! [/quote] Very true. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1328534216' post='1528549'] Max - Be sure to let us know when the new batch of Thumpinators are ready for sale.[/quote] The new batch is almost ready. ...and it also almost all gone. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328534483' post='1528551'] (...) How would the SFX MT work in conjunction with my POD X3 LIVE which goes directly to the PA? (I don't use an amp/cab except at rehearsal) The POD X3 has no HPF or LPF and I have to admit, although I like to use very subby tones, I often find that the subs are a bit uncontrollable and suck some of my midrange when put through a PA. The 4 band parametric eq is useful, but limited. I'm interested to know if the MT will tighten up my bottom somewhat and give me a little more controllable definition, and minimise the variables, since all PAs are different, as are the people operating them, and my FoH sound needs to be more predictable. [/quote] I don’t know much about the POD X3 and I prefer not to speculate about something I know so little about. Strictly from the electronics viewpoint, I don’t see any compatibility problem but I cannot give you an absolute guaranty about the effectiveness of the micro-Thumpinator with the POD X3. Regarding the use of the micro-Thumpinator with PAs, in my personal experience it works well. Some of my customers reported positively about it as well. I used it in this gig: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGF_kol0LSI[/media] The pedalboard was:[list] [*][sfx] micro-Thumpinator [*][sfx] micro-Comp (a [sfx] compressor that should be available soon) [*][sfx] m:D2 [/list] The PA was powerful and the micro-Thumpinator did his job pretty well. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328535497' post='1528577'] And now I am wondering what the difference is btween the micro and it's bigger brother, other than size.[/quote] The only difference are the in/out. Balanced vs unbalanced. I recommend the micro-Thumpinator unless it is used with balanced lines. The Thumpinator does a conversion balanced-unbalanced and unbalanced-balanced that unless is necessary it is better avoid. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328535497' post='1528577'] Do they ship with a PSU? [/quote] All [sfx] units are shipped without PSU. On the other side they all work at 9V-DC, Boss-type connector/polarity.
  15. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1328479150' post='1527901'] Just to chuck my two penneth in, I played my first gig last night using the Micro Thumpinator recently purchased from a BC'er, the difference to my sound was immediate - much tighter bottom end and definitely worth every penny. (...) [/quote] Hi Thor, Thanks for your feedback! I glad to hear that you are happy with the [sfx] micro-Thumpinator. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1328479150' post='1527901']Incidentally, I tend to run mine at the very front of my signal path - which I agree does seem illogical to me but it definitely works.[/quote] I use it as the first pedal of my pedalboard as well.
  16. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328477510' post='1527870'] Cheers Max, the ongoing discussion is interesting and useful, for me at least. (...) I do find your 'suggestion' a bit unhelpful (...) [/quote] Sorry to hear that you feel this way LawrenceH. Although I would really like to start an in-depth discussion about the technical details of the micro-Thumpinator I am afraid I can't. There are 2 main reasons: - I simply don’t have the time. I already spent far more time than I should have to answer all the questions in this thread. I work very long hours often working instead of spending time with my family. I am sorry but I have to draw a line somewhere. - It is a very interesting subject for a technical forum but BC might not be the best place to discuss filter topologies. From what you said so far, it sounds like you are not convinced by the [sfx] micro-Thumpinator. It is understandable. It is an innovative product and, as far as I know, there isn’t anything similar on the marker. Some of my customers are a little bit risk-adverse and prefer to not take the risk (albeit limited). I understand their viewpoint. If you are not convinced by the [sfx] micro-Thumpinator, I would recommend you don’t buy it. I probably sound I am a little bit blunt but I prefer to sell a pedal less instead of having a customer not entirely happy about his/her purchase. I wound say the same thing to any of my customers - there is nothing personal LawrenceH. From what you write, it sounds like you know analogue filtering. If you need a bandwidth optimizer, the best options for you might be building your own version. In this way you can have a processor that is fine-tuned with your gear. Please accept my apologies if I sound, in any way, rude or impolite - it isn’t my intention. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328477510' post='1527870'] So, a 'typical' HPF to me would be Buttterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, Chebyshev topologies for example. [/quote] Sorry LawrenceH, I wasn’t clear in my question. I meant an off-the-shelf product not a circuit topology/design.
  17. [quote name='Gwilym' timestamp='1328368880' post='1526103'] hi Max, These Thumpinators sound very interesting - are they completely transparent?[/quote] Hi G, It depends what do you mean by “completely transparent”. Even cables are not, strictly speaking, “completely transparent”. Having said that none of my customer complained about the lack of transparency. You may want to read [url="http://www.talkbass.com/reviews/showproduct.php/product/1568/title/-5bsfx-5d-thumpinator/cat/26"]this independent review[/url] about it. [quote name='Gwilym' timestamp='1328368880' post='1526103']Do they have any effect tightening up the low-end at "home practice" volumes?[/quote] It depends on the gear and how it is used. If it is used to limit cone movements and improve the power amp efficiency, the micro-Thumpinator is more effective at higher volumes. Some of my customers reported improvements in the sound in their headphones. I used it effectively in recording where I could limit the initial spike of the signal. [quote name='Gwilym' timestamp='1328368880' post='1526103'](...) is the Thumpinator going to clash with that 31HZ tuning in any way?[/quote] Interesting question. In theory the opposite is true: the Thumpinator filtering would remove the frequencies the cab cannot reproduce.
  18. I've always wanted one of these! Unfortunately, I don't have the cash (free bump)
  19. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1328289448' post='1525105'] Do you have any Thumpinators in stock at the moment Max? [/quote] I run out of micro-Thumpinators but a new batch should be ready in around a week.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1328287972' post='1525076'] If it doesn't walk like a duck, and it doesn't quack like a duck, then it's not a duck. [/quote]
  21. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328286121' post='1525032'] (...) However, I don't understand where you have explained the difference between your product and a HPF on a typical crossover, perhaps I have missed this post but all I can see is one where you state that they are different without saying why. That is the point I'm not getting.[/quote] I'll tell you everything I can: - Crossovers use a certain type of circuit tuned in a certain way. The Thumpinator is designed with different target parameters. - If a crossover had the same characteristic of a Thumpinator it would be considered a bad crossover. If a Thumpinator had the characteristic of a crossover it wouldn't perform as it does. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328286121' post='1525032'] That is why I asked about brand! A very thin gold coating wears almost immediately unless alloyed, that's just an engineering fact, and better quality plugs are important for several reasons. Neutrik are excellent, of course, and are the answer I was hoping for.[/quote] I entirely take your point and you are of course right. When you asked the question I knew you were hoping for Neutrik. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328286121' post='1525032'] It is fair that you are not willing to state the full filter topology but the steepness of slope is a critical bit of info, are you willing to disclose this? If not, if I already have a 24dB/oct LR or BW-type filter I would like to know how your product matches or outperforms it. It can't be seen from the photo on your page because there is no scale on the y axis.[/quote] It outperforms it. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328286121' post='1525032'] Regarding my point that you don't get, it is that without knowing what it is that differentiates the product from a typical HPF other than a smaller box, it is hard to assess it's value.[/quote] You can of course evaluate pieces of gear as you like but I suggest you base your assessment on how the unit actually sounds and what other people you respect say about it. Just for my personal curiosity, could you give an example of typical HPF you are referring to? [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328286121' post='1525032'] Thanks again for taking the time to answer questions. [/quote] It's a pleasure.
  22. Leaving the micro-Thumpinator out of the discussion for a moment, there is another element, more general, about the cost of the pieces of gear we all own. Behringer ULTRA METAL UM300 £16 Boss MZ-2 £75 They perform the same function (I wouldn’t be surprised if they use the same circuit) and they are the same size. How come that one costs more than 4 times the other? I have nothing against either pedal. They both perform well for their price (i.e. I would be ready to pay the money asked for either of them). The real difference is who want to buy them and what they expect. Some people (A) don’t really care about the quality, they have a low budget and they play in their bedroom. Behringer works great for them. Others (B) appreciate the higher quality, they can spend more and they play for other people as well. Boss covers their needs. Let’s try see things as if we were (A). Boss for them is too expensive. Or, as I prefer to say, it is outside their budget. There is no reason for them to buy Boss. Compared to Behringer, Boss doesn’t offer them anything more of what they need. If we see things from (B) viewpoint, Boss is the right price and Behringer is something what would be happy to live without. If the UM300 and the MZ-2 were exactly the same, (A) and ( B) could both say that the MZ-2 is an expensive unit. It wound be a fact substantiated by solid data. As UM300 and the MZ-2 are different, both viewpoints are valid. But they are opinions not facts. Back to [sfx], I am in the business of building audio tools for professional users. I am not interested in building cheap units. I have nothing against that people that do it but it is not something I want to do. The vast majority of my customers share my view of what an audio unit should do and how it should perform. If one cannot appreciate or hear the quality of [sfx] products I think s/he shouldn’t buy [sfx]. There are units that can cover their needs better. All professional musicians, recording engineers and producers that use [sfx] products gave me very positive feedbacks with a lot of them purchasing more units. This is what I do – high quality gear for people interested in buying it. As an example, all the tracks of [url="http://andysalvanos.bandcamp.com"]this digital album[/url] were recorded using the [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=sp2"][sfx] SP2[/url]. You can listen to the entire CD for free but if you like it please buy it. The price is “name your price”.
  23. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328275705' post='1524779'] (...) On the face of it, the micro thumpinator looks expensive for a high-pass filter. (...)[/quote] Exactly like a Ferrari looks expensive for a car or a Fodera looks expensive for a bass. What you say may be true but, until I see a product that performs the same functions with the same performance and the same size, I remain unconvinced. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328275705' post='1524779'] (...) There are various PA crossovers with steep HPFs, though obviously input impedance would not be appropriate for passive instruments so they'd need to run in an FX loop. (...)[/quote] In a previous post I explained the difference in PA crossover and the Thumpinator filtering and why they cannot be compared. Let’s assume that, for argument sake, they can be interchanged (which they can’t). All [sfx] customers that purchased a micro-Thumpinator made a mistake? They would have been better off buying a crossover? They could have saved money buying a crossover instead? I am really struggling to understand your point. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328275705' post='1524779'] Rather than just saying that the thumpinator is 'professional' I would be very interested in what you think it offers in terms of electronics, ie filter topology, max clean output voltage/dynamic range, input impedance and any other design features. I have wondered about buying one in the past because it is a well-conceived device but without professional specifications it is too expensive/too much of an unknown in my signal chain.[/quote] You have a point. I used the word “professional” because I didn’t want to write a super-long post but I’ll be happy to give more information (I’ll avoid technical terms as much as I can): - double side circuit board with ground plane and double thickness copper tracks - Neutrik jack connectors - audio grade semiconductors - low noise resistors - high quality capacitors - 18V peak-to-peak dynamic (in/out) - electrostatic input protection - hand made - circuit board attached to the enclosure with stainless steels screws - 1M ohm input impedance (other values available on request) Filter topology is not an information I am ready to make public. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1328275705' post='1524779'] ps Gold-plated jacks per se don't matter (as I'm sure you know), it has to be a thick coating of gold not to wear out at the contact points with only a few uses. (...)[/quote] I would be surprised if Neutrik sold jack sockets with the gold coating that wears out after a few uses.
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